On today’s bitesized episode of RAW, i’ll be talking about: what a victim role is and how it affects you.
Published 03/23/23
Published 03/23/23
In today's episode of RAW, our unfiltered and uncensored podcast about today's world, our society, addiction, dangers of social media, philosophy and more I'll be talking about: Modern day loneliness and how digitalisation has f****d up our world
Published 03/16/23
On today's episode of RAW, our unfiltered and uncensored podcast about today's world, our society, addiction, dangers of social media, philosophy and more I'll be talking about: Death and Nihilism, why we should always remember we are mortals, and what nihilism is.
Published 03/09/23
On today's episode of RAW, our unfiltered and uncensored podcast about today's world, our society, addiction, dangers of social media, philosophy and more I'll be talking about: The process behind getting good at things and why slip-ups aren't bad.
Published 03/02/23
On today's episode of RAW, our unfiltered and uncensored podcast about today's world, our society, addiction, dangers of social media, philosophy and more I'll be talking about: Prioritizing yourself, and why it isn't bad to be a bit selfish.
Published 02/23/23
On today's episode of RAW, our unfiltered and uncensored podcast about today's world, our society, addiction, dangers of social media, philosophy and more I'll be talking about: Dopamine, happy hormones and how we can easily get hooked on things due to our brains being unevolved to the same level as compared to technology. I'll also be talking about how big companies use dopamine to get us consuming their products.
Published 02/16/23
On today's episode of RAW, our unfiltered and uncensored podcast about today's world, our society, addiction, dangers of social media, philosophy and more I'll be talking about: Escapism, and the vicious cycle you can get sucked into when you get hooked on an escapism activity. I'll also talk about my personal experience with escapism and how I managed to escape the escapism.
Published 02/09/23
On today's episode of RAW, our unfiltered and uncensored podcast about today's world, our society, addiction, dangers of social media, philosophy and more I'll be talking about: Taking responsibility for what you do in your day to day life, and where you are as a human being. Understanding that you are entirely responsible for where you are.
Published 02/02/23
On today's episode of RAW, our unfiltered and uncensored podcast about today's world, our society, addiction, dangers of social media, philosophy and more I'll be talking about: Our most valuable asset; our attention, and how we are prone to wasting it on things that don't really matter. What is RAW RAW is a podcast created as a means to outlet the team’s thoughts, and get people thinking about things they normally wouldn’t have thought about. The main topics discusseed on our podcast are...
Published 01/26/23
On today's episode of RAW, our unfiltered and uncensored podcast about today's world, our society, addiction, dangers of social media, philosophy and more I'll be talking about: Why motivation does not work, why new year's resolutions are doomed to fail and why discipline will get you towards your goals.
Published 01/19/23
On today's episode of RAW, our unfiltered and uncensored podcast about today's world, our society, addiction, dangers of social media, philosophy and more I'll be talking about: Overstimulation and the role it plays in our lives. \\ WHAT IS RAW \\ RAW is a podcast I created to have an outlet for my thoughts, and to maybe get people thinking about things they normally wouldn't have thought about.  The main topics of the podcast are philosophy, mindset, addiction, dopamine, society, social...
Published 01/13/23