English : Montreal • Centre of the A.I. World
Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s lips and is part of everyone’s life. We can find it in our phones, our cars, and even in our coffee machines.
Companies are investing massively in this technology and especially in its research. Canadian expertise has been recognized around the world for decades and many consider Montreal to be the centre of this industry.
But is this true? Can Montreal compete with giants like Boston or San Francisco? Is it conceivable to think that Quebec’s largest city could be considered the center of such a great technological revolution?
This is...
Some researchers, such as Yves Gingras, are quite skeptical about the place of Montreal in the global AI landscape.
In his study, Professor Gingras has revealed many interesting and sometimes disturbing aspects of the Montreal ecosystem.
We confronted his point of view with those of...
Published 02/20/21
AI ethics are a major part of Montreal's DNA.
The city has set important milestones in global advances in this field.
Many see Canadians as an example of ethics when it comes to AI.
But what exactly is this AI ethics? And why is it so important?
What has made Montreal so popular in...
Published 02/19/21