In this episode we welcome the beginning of fall with Peter Everwine’s beautiful and contemplative dawn song.
Published 10/01/21
Published 10/01/21
In this episode, we read the titular poem from Schultz's Pulitzer prize-winning Failure.
Published 08/29/21
In this extra-long episode, we take on this epic poem by Bob Dylan.
Published 05/19/21
In this episode, we explore one of Olivia Gatwood's odes.
Published 04/26/21
Let’s explore one of Pablo Neruda’s most famous love poems. In this episode, I am joined by guest reader Otto Martinez to take a look at the poem in both English and Spanish. This is the 17th poem in One Hundred Love Sonnets, a collection inspired by and dedicated to his wife Matilde.
Published 02/14/21
In the first episode of the new year, we will take a look at the Orphic myth and the mysterious connection between D. H Lawrence and his strangest of strange companions — H.D. This poem echos the idea that in order to be truly good something has to be just a little bit rotten.
Published 01/29/21
The best way out is always through.
Published 12/25/20
Let’s celebrate Halloween with one more poem from our prince of darkness, Edgar Allen Poe. In this episode we explore the beautiful ballad Annabel Lee and Poe’s poetic Principle.
Published 10/31/20
In this extra-special, lengthy episode we explore T.S. Elliot's famous poem from The Wasteland.
Published 10/19/20
Enjoy Poe's October themed poem about the loss of love.
Published 10/05/20
Take five minutes to enjoy one of the earliest Imagist poems by H.D and to learn about one of America's most avant-garde poets.
Published 09/04/20
“There’s a hell of a good universe next door, lets go.”
Published 06/16/20
Take five minutes to enjoy one of the most famous poems by Maya Angelou, and to learn a little about one of America's favorite poets.
Published 05/13/20
The poetic I of Song of Myself connects with readers across time and space, and asserts Whitman’s belief that through poetry we pass on humankind’s greatest wisdom.
Published 05/06/20
Poetry is priceless.... a way of keeping yourself feeling rich and civilized even when you're quite poor.
Published 04/30/20
For my part, I prefer my heart to be broken. It is so lovely, dawn-kaleidoscopic within the crack.
Published 04/21/20
In this episode, we will read A Perfect Mess by Mary Karr and speak briefly about who she is and why she's interesting.
Published 04/15/20
O love is the crooked thing, There is nobody wise enough To find out all that is in it.
Published 04/13/20
The greenhouse is my symbol for the whole of life, a womb, a heaven on earth.
Published 04/08/20
And you are quiet like the garden, And white like the alyssum flowers, And beautiful as the silent sparks of the fireflies.
Published 04/05/20