An Expository sermon series from Florida Baptist Church. 
Published 03/27/22
In this Expository sermon from 2Tim.4:1-8 by Pastor Gideon Macgoern Mpeni pointing out, The Five Cardinal marching Orders that should propel your heart to pass the baton of the Gospel to the next generation. 1. Execute the Divine Charge (v.1-2) 2. Expect the Deadening Challenges (v.3-4) a) The Maladies prophecied - middle ear infection (v.3) b) The Myths are  pursued (v.4) 3. Exemplify the Divine Character (v.5) a) As the Distinct son – “as for you” b) Compete as a Disciplined...
Published 03/27/22
An Expository Sermon through Philippians 2:1-11
Published 03/11/22
Prayer, simply put, is talking to God. It is irreducibly relational. It’s personal—he is the Absolute Person, and we are derivative persons, fashioned in his image. In a sense, prayer is as basic as persons relating to each other, conversing, interacting, but with this significant caveat: in this relationship, we don’t chat as peers. He is Creator, and we are creatures. He is the great Lord, and we are his happy servants. Prayer, for the Christian, is not merely talking to God, but...
Published 02/11/22
In this episode Gideon takes questions from Chizu, who used to be agnostic but now by the Grace of God has been saved and desires to understand the Christian faith.  These were the Questions that he wrestled with before Coming to faith. 
Published 02/05/22
Notre thème de méditation, El Shaddai signifie littéralement le Dieu tout-suffisant. Cela signifie tout simplement que Dieu se suffit à lui-même ou Dieu tout-puissant. Un auteur, Andrew Jukes a expliqué que l`idée exprimée dans le nom Shaddai décrit le ‘‘pouvoir’’, cela ne sous entant pas le pouvoir de faire la violence mais c`est le pouvoir de la générosité. Donc le nom de Dieu sous examen ne signifie rien d`autre que le Dieu tout-puissant. Dans la bible, Dieu s`est identifié à Abraham...
Published 02/02/22
"With Jesus in the School of Prayer" (Luke 11:1-13) In this Expository preaching by Pastor Gideon MacGovern Mpeni he  challenges all believers to consider the profound truths that this passage brings to the fore, from the very first verse, that he focuses on in this sermon. In order for every Christian to enjoy a joyful prayer life these truths will sustain such joy and prevent the Christian to fall into boredom and duty instead of devotion and sweet fellowship with God. He proposes that...
Published 02/02/22
The truth is we have started the New year, can you believe that we are in the second month already?  What are some of your plans for this year?  Are you desiring to know and serve the Lord than last year? Why or why not?  Are you finding prayer so boring and mechanical? -  The take time and listen to this sermon and feel free to share. Let us pray that the Lord will revive us again and grant us grace to seek His face.
Published 02/01/22
"SEEKING FIRST THE KINGDOM: GOD'S ANTIDOTE FOR WORRY" The first sermon into the year 2022, an expository preaching by Pastor Gideon MacGovern Mpeni from the book of Matthew 6:24-34. In this Sermon we are exhorted to heed Christ's call on our daily lives so as to be distinct from the world around us, 1. Don’t Fall into the Trap of Concerns of Men (v.25-26) 2. Consider His Goodness (v.26,28)  “Look and Consider” 3. Be Awakens by/Hear His Confrontation (v.30c,32) “O ye of little faith” 4....
Published 01/03/22
An Expository Sermon preached at William James McLellan 
Published 01/03/22
Glyn WIlliams, a faithful Expository preacher from Africa and passionate on seeing sound Bible teaching in the churches in Africa. He serves as a Full-Time Lecturer and Distance Program Manager at Mukhanyo Theological College in Johannesburg South Africa.  He has authored articles on Joy magazine such as the one entitled "Theology: Why Do We Need It?" which can be read on  https://www.joydigitalmag.com/everyday-life/theology-why-do-we-need-it/. This Expository Sermon was preached at Florida...
Published 12/22/21
In this Episode we focus on answering the Questions that brother Chizu, who once held Athiest and Gnostic views to life and faith now a born again Christian asked. And the answers given from the Word of God by Siyabulela Gilz Pantshwa who serves as an elder/Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church and a Church planter planting in the squatter camp of Remising in Roodepoort, Johannesburg, South Africa  and Gideon. In this Episode we answer the Question:  Can I trust the Bible? Such a historic...
Published 12/15/21
This is an eye opening discussion on what are some practical issues that every leader must focus on. 
Published 12/13/21
An Expositiory Sermon series from the book of Ephesians by Pastor Gideon Mpeni who serves as a lead Pastor of Florida Baptist church in Roodepoort, Johannesburg Republic of South Africa.
Published 11/07/21
An exposition sermon series from the book of Ephesians
Published 10/24/21
Nous continuions avec la série  «  Les noms de Dieu ». Aujourd’hui nous allons voir le 3ème nom : ‘‘El Roï, Le Dieu qui voit’’. Pour récapituler Dieu notre père a servit comme notre introduction puis nous avons parlé de Elohim, Dieu notre créateur, la fois dernière nous avons exploité le nom El Elyon, Dieu très-haut; dans cette dernière nous avons commenté sur la souveraineté de Dieu et qu’aucun plan de l’homme ou de l’ennemi et aucune circonstance ne l’emporte sur le plan de Dieu, c’est de...
Published 10/23/21
Examine yourself
Published 10/15/21
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work”. 2 Tim 3:16-17 NIV All Scripture is inspired by God[a] and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3:16-17 CSB This means God’s word is appropriate for any and every...
Published 09/19/21
The heading of this Psalm, and of Psalms 56:1-13; Psalms 57:1-11; Psalms 58:1-11; Psalms 59:1-17; Psalms 60:1-12, Michtam, may mean “Golden Psalm,” or “Sculpture Psalm,” this latter term indicating a Psalm of strong incisive thought. The Psalm seems, “by its tone of fresh, joyous confidence, to belong to the early part of David’s career.” It may have been written when David was in the wilderness of Ziph (1 Samuel 26:19). In this Psalm David demonstrates his unwavering delight in God. And in...
Published 09/19/21
A timely word...
Published 09/12/21
Méditation sur ‘‘DIEU TRES-HAUT’’ Dans notre série intitulée les noms de Dieu, nous avons vu dans l’introduction que Dieu est avant tout notre père et nous l’appelons Abba ! Père !(Rom :8 :15), nous avons ensuite étudié le premier nom de Dieu, Elohim comme Dieu créateur ; aujourd’hui nous allons voir le 3ème nom qui est El Elyon qui signifie Dieu très-haut. Ce nom identifie Dieu comme le maitre de l’univers. Et c’est lui qui règne souverainement sur l’humanité. Il est celui dont la...
Published 09/12/21
A continuation of an Expository Preaching - From the Daniel sermon series.
Published 09/06/21