Expository Sermon series from Florida Baptist Church South Africa. 
Published 01/09/23
Published 01/09/23
An Expository sermon preached at the REAP Conference 2022 There are many who start so well in their walk of faith but yet they do not finish so well.  
Published 01/05/23
A New Year sermon series from Florida Baptist Church
Published 01/03/23
As we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is easier to become so dull and indifferent and even be  caught up with a worldly notion of what this season is about.  We can as well fall into the trap of misunderstanding the essence of it.  Take time and listen as Pastor Frank Expounds from the Word of God looking at Mary's Magnificat and the timeless  truths entrenched in this song and how its implications must birth in us a Joyful and Jubilant response..   
Published 12/14/22
In the midst of false teaching, trials and tribulations of this world, what will make us stand firm?  Listen to this sermon preached on the 4th December 2022
Published 12/14/22
Paul gives a charge to Parents in this passage (Ephesians 6:1-4) and there are two commands one in negative then another in positive. First the negative command and then the positive. The negative was necessary because in the ancient culture of both Gentile and Jewish households, the father often ruled the family in a rigid and domineering manner, with little concern for the desires and welfare of the wife and children. The gospel changed these Gentile fathers, and Paul reminds them of...
Published 11/14/22
The third in the Ephesians 5 Sermon Series on the Marks of a Spirit Filled Husband.  God is the author of Human relationships. He has established laws in relationships that have not changed with the passing of time. To violet God-ordained relationship principles in the family is to invite disaster. Jesus is the Lord of all believers whether they are at Church or at work. The Kingdom of God is, in fact, the rule of God in every area of life, including the church, the home, workplace, and...
Published 10/19/22
The Spirit Filled Husband has one divine duty - to Love His Wife...
Published 10/05/22
Ephesians 5 Expository sermon series by Gideon Macgovern Mpeni, senior Pastor of Florida Baptist Church in Roodepoort, Johannesburg South Africa
Published 09/25/22
Coming to the end of the Ephesians 5:22-24 sermon series we come to affirm as it is stated in the Danvers statement that distinctions in masculine and feminine roles are ordained by God as part of the created order, and should find an echo in every human heart (Gen 2:18, 21-24; 1 Cor 11:7-9; 1Tim 2:12-14). We there echo as a body of believers that; 1. Both Adam and Eve were created in God's image, equal before God as persons and distinct in their manhood and womanhood (Gen 1:26-27,...
Published 09/13/22
The Need for a Spirit filled Marriage is crucial and essential before the watching World. And if any marriage is to survive and stand against the wisdom, the schemes and the tactics of Satan, it must be a union that finds its strength, sanity, dignity, delight and devotion in God, the Father, Son and the Spirit – who designed this union - discharged its duties and declared it – “It is very Good!” But let us sit back – Look at the tapestry – the once beautiful picture frame Moments...
Published 08/25/22
An Expository sermon from the Gospel of Matthew 
Published 08/21/22
A helpful way to understand this important topic is to ponder on the questions that the teacher took to ask the audience in her introduction.  What is fellowship? Communion, intimate relationship with someone else. With others, with God. Say you’re going out to coffee with your best friend…what does that look like? Do you get dressed up? Maybe wear the earrings she gave you for your last birthday? (Preparation) Do you try to get there on time, or do you completely forget about it? Do...
Published 08/10/22
In a day that is marked by evil, and the evil we see is escalating and has infiltrated every aspect of our Society, what manner of life ought we to live? What kind of people must we be? In this Ephesians series we were blessed to hear God's Word preached faithfully and we were Challenged to live a life not as fools but as those who fear the Lord, the wise. Take time and listen to this Expository Sermon by Kevin Khosa.  LISTEN & SHARE
Published 07/24/22
"Walking in Love: Following the foot-steps of our Elder brother, Jesus Christ" The reality is that we do not lack love. We miss out on the object of our affections. Ever since the fall our hearts have been enslaved by the grip of trivial worldly attraction. We have love but our love is directed on anything else other than God, His people, His Word or His will. The people of Ephesus were shepherded by Timothy and the Apostle Paul took time to warn him that time is coming when people will...
Published 07/13/22
WHY TRUE LOVE MATTERS TODAY? As we live in the 21st Century Africa, a post-modern era where truth is relative. Everyone is fighting for their personal rights – personal space – personal privileges and a lack thereof such that when it comes to commitments and relationships, they are all entered with one chief goal – what can I get Out of this? If things aren’t done my way then this isn’t good for me! You soon begin to realize that this mindset has crept into the Church too! Many who...
Published 07/07/22
A teaching to the young adults and youth
Published 06/20/22
Joseph takes us into the Biblical view of Sexualities' and the implication of the redemptive work of Christ in this area. A teaching to young adults and youth during the Reconciled 2022 Conference.
Published 06/20/22
An OT narrative preaching
Published 06/20/22
An Expository sermon series
Published 06/05/22
A continuation of Ephesians 4 Expository sermon series.
Published 05/18/22
In this Expository preaching by Pastor Gideon Mpeni from Florida Baptist Church we look at Ephesians 4 A. The Godhead has worked a Complete Redemption (Eph.4:17-24) 1.  This Brings New life (v.17-21) i) To a people once in a Sinful Condition(v.17-19) (a) Their Intellect Darkened (v.17-18) (b) Their Inclinations Depraved (v.19) ii). By the Power of the Holy Spirit; Now a Saint Converted (v.20-21) (a) The Change (v.20) (b) The Challenge (v.21) 2. This makes a New Look possible...
Published 04/03/22