Conclusion by Alberto Alemanno, HEC Paris & Amandine Garde, Durham University.
Published 09/21/12
Further discussion with Benn McGrady, Georgetown University followed by a Q&A session.
Published 09/21/12
Reaction to the previous presentation and intervention by Benn McGrady, Georgetown University.
Published 09/21/12
Videoconference with Stephen Sugarman, Berkeley Law School (via Skype), 'Using performance-based regulation to reduce the negative social consequences of alcohol, tobacco and unhealthy Diets'.
Published 09/21/12
1. What does behavioural research have to offer to health and, more specifically, lifestyle policymaking?2. How may behavioural research be turned into lifestyle policymaking?
Published 09/21/12
'Internet Explorer Ballot Box', Emanuele Ciriolo. Discussants: Emanuele Ciriolo, European Commission; Paul Crawshaw, Teesside University; Fernando Dias Simoes, University of Macau.
Published 09/21/12
Discussants: Emanuele Ciriolo, European Commission; Paul Crawshaw, Teesside University; Fernando Dias Simoes, University of Macau.
Published 09/21/12
Slides of 'EU competition law and private health initiatives: Can the industry play a role in lifestyle risk regulation' by Adam Burgess.
Published 09/21/12
'Lifestyle risk and the shift to nudge', Adam Burgess, Kent University.
Published 09/21/12
Slides of 'Behavioural research and lifestyle regulation: "nudges" and other innovative proposals' by Alberto Alemanno and Adam Burgess.
Published 09/21/12
Introduction to Panel V, Alberto Alemanno, HEC Paris & Adam Burgess, Kent University.
Published 09/21/12
Session of questions & answers closing panel IV.
Published 09/21/12
Answer to previous comments by participants, Oliver Bartlett & Mislav Mataija.
Published 09/21/12
Discussion following the two presentations of panel IV.
Published 09/21/12
Slides of 'EU competition law and private health initiatives: Can the industry play a role in lifestyle risk regulation' by Mislav Mataija.
Published 09/21/12
'EU competition law and private health initiatives: Can the industry play a role in lifestyle risk regulation', Mislav Mataija, European University Institute.
Published 09/21/12
Slides of 'The EU's failure to regulate the marketing of alcoholic beverages', Oliver Bartlett, Durham University.
Published 09/21/12
'The EU's failure to regulate the marketing of alcoholic beverages', Oliver Bartlett, Durham University.
Published 09/21/12
'Taking stock of the self-regulation experiment: The past, present and future of the platform on diet, physical activity and the EU Alcohol and Health Forum', Isabel de la Mata & Amandine Garde.
Published 09/21/12
'Taking stock of the self-regulation experiment: the past, present and future of the platform on diet, physical activity and the EU-alcohol and health forum', Isabel de la Mata, European Commission - DG SANCO & Amandine Garde, Durham University. Round table discussion: Florence Berteletti, Smoke Free Partnership, Brussels; Antoine de Brosses, Keller Heckman LLP, Brussels; Gary Fooks, Bath University; Anne Hoel, European Public Health Alliance; Jo Jewell, World Cancer Research Fund...
Published 09/21/12
Slides of 'Fat taxes in Europe - A legal and policy analysis under EU and WTO law', Alberto Alemanno, HEC Paris.
Published 09/20/12
'Fat taxes in Europe - A legal and policy analysis under EU and WTO law', Alberto Alemanno, HEC Paris. Conclusions of day one.
Published 09/20/12
Slides of 'Alcohol, tobacco and gambling: Towards a European health policy on addiction?', Simon Planzer, University of St. Gallen.
Published 09/20/12
'Alcohol, tobacco and gambling: Towards a European health policy on addiction?', Simon Planzer, St. Gallen University.
Published 09/20/12
Slides of 'The effect of the principle of conferral on the regulation of lifestyle risks', Frederic Geber, Saarbrücken University.
Published 09/20/12