An Astrophysicist Walks Into a Bar...
Gary introduces you to the owners of McFleshman’s Brewing Co and hosts of the show, Bobby Fleshman and Allison McCoy-Fleshman! Bobby tells his beer origin story (with a little help from Allison).
From his first sip of beer on an Oklahoma farm after a game of quarters to brewing English ales in his PhD advisor's basement while working at NASA, learn how Bobby turned a love for science into the world's favorite beverage.
Got a question about beer? Send us a message on Instagram or Facebook and we'll probably answer it on the show!
Bobby Fleshman
Allison McCoy-Fleshman
Gary Ardnt
Music by Sarah Lynn Huss
Recorded & Produced by David Kalsow
Joel Hermensen is back to school Gary Arndt and Bobby Fleshman on the history of IPAs after they start to lose favor in England and gain it in America.
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Got a question about beer or just...
Published 11/11/24
Gary Arndt and Bobby Fleshman delve into the history and evolution of IPAs, exploring their origins and significance in the beer world. Joined by historian Joel Hermanson, the discussion covers the journey of IPAs from the 18th century to modern brewing techniques and their impact on today's...
Published 11/04/24