The Bible lays out for us how we are supposed to live our lives, modeling for others what it looks like to serve God and showing them what He’s done in and through us. When we have a model home, both our family life and our personal life, that becomes attractive to others and they are drawn to God. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/14/24
The Bible teaches that the world is headed on an easy, wide path to destruction, but that as followers of Christ we are called to take a narrow path. While our path may be difficult, it is worth it for the eternal reward we have in Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/13/24
The worry that we often feel is a result of our lack of trust in God. When we live our lives choosing to trust Him, rejoicing in whatever circumstances, His peace that is supernatural guards us from anxiety. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/12/24
Often times the biggest hurdle for us to overcome when it comes to sin is ourselves. We can learn from the consequences we’ve experienced in the past and look at the path the our current struggles are taking us down. If we choose to learn from our consequences we will not be deceived and we will choose the path that leads to life. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/10/24
The world tells us that leaving God’s ways to follow the ways of the world is what is fun and fulfilling for our lives. However, all of that is temptation from the devil to steal, kill and destroy us. The only way we can have an abundant and fulfilled life is by submitting to God and hating all forms of evil. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/09/24
There are things in our lives that can come between us and God such as sin struggles, distractions, or even other pleasurable things. We need to examine our lives and see what things we need to tear down so that it no longer stands in the way of God working in and through us. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/08/24
There are situations that we get in when God is asking us to obey Him in something and our neck stiffens because we do not want to obey. In those situations we need to allow ourselves to be softened and adhere to what He’s calling us to do because He has a purpose, and it could be for the benefit of others that you’ll never know. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/07/24
The Christian life is meant to be lived out communally so that we can have examples in those who are ahead of us for how they’re living a godly life. As they follow Christ and we imitate them, there can be others behind us who can follow us, ultimately everyone being led to Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/06/24
When we realize how much we’ve sinned, we can then realize how great God’s forgiveness is that He extends to us. Because of Christ’s death on the cross that paid the price for all of our sin, we have the opportunity to accept the pardon that is offered to us. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/05/24
Religious people say that we have to follow all of the extra rules to earn God’s love for us, but the Bible says that we already have His love. Salvation is a free gift, and once we accept it as such we can respond to His love by letting Him live in us and through us. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/03/24
God tells us in Scripture to persistently pray to Him, and even if He doesn’t answer the way we want Him to He will change our hearts in the process. No matter the words that we use, big or small, our prayers need to be from the heart and we must not quit asking. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/02/24
God created the vast universe, expanding so far beyond what we have even yet to discover. To think we could impress Him on our own is ridiculous. He sent His Son to cover our sin so that the only way our lives can bring Him glory and pleasure is through submitting to Him and living in Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 05/01/24
The Christian life was never meant to be lived out alone. When you become a follower of Christ, you become part of the family of God. While it is so important for the family of God to meet together, it is also important that all the members love each other and continue to make it be a safe place for everyone to come just as they are. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/30/24
We often try to take control of our lives when in reality we have no control. What we need to do instead is trust that God is in control and that no matter what happens He loves us and will provide for all of our needs. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/29/24
God created things to work in a certain order, and when it comes to men and women, men were created to lead and women were created to follow the man. Women are wonderful creations of God, as are men, and when things work in the order that God has laid out for men and women, it brings immense glory to Him. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/28/24
When we partake in gossip or slander we are allowing our tongue to destroy not only the person we are talking about but also ourselves. Rather than speaking harm against others, may we speak life into them and gently address what needs to be addressed. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/26/24
God intended for us, as His followers, to multiply by witnessing everywhere we go. In order to do that we must be growing in Him and bearing fruit by staying connected in the Word and walking with the Spirit. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/25/24
Whatever sin we are hiding will be exposed at some point and we can choose to expose it ourselves or wait until someone else finds out. If we’re looking for the truth, it is the person Jesus Christ. He will cover our sin, but we must confess it to Him. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/24/24
In a society that tends to speed things up to accomplish goals at the cost of relationships, we need to focus on spending time with others. Most importantly, we need to be spending time with Jesus and letting the relationship we have with Him be familiar and life-changing so that when others see us they know we’ve been with Him. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/23/24
There are stories of people in the Bible who used excuses to try and get out of God using them in miraculous ways, yet God still used them once they were willing. God has the power to do what anyone would think is impossible, and all we have to do is get rid of our excuses and be willing in His hands to be used for His great and mighty work. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/22/24
When we choose to follow Christ we are also choosing to suffer as He suffered. Many times that comes in the way of temptation. When we are tempted in an area that we know we struggle in, we must choose to suffer in doing the right thing and we will be rewarded because righteousness is addictive. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/21/24
We cannot run away from the sin and struggles of this world but we can go in and not be affected because what we have to offer is better than anything else in the world. We must be filled with God first before we can overflow Him with others. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/19/24
The Bible is full of God’s promises to us to always be with us, strengthen us and uphold us through all the trials and tribulations of this world. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, He renews the Spirit within us to face any challenge and overcome all the attacks of the enemy. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/18/24
The story of Daniel in the lion’s den is just one example of a man’s obedience to God even when it potentially cost him his life. God may not always rescue you like He did Daniel, but your obedience to Him will be rewarded in eternity. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/640/29
Published 04/17/24