The Rock Singing Success community is the premiere destination for modern rock and metal singers looking to refine their craft and grow their career!From improving your skills as a singer, performer, and songwriter, to building your music career, and everything in between, we're excited to be a part of your journey!
Even if you don’t plan on writing music, learning the ins and outs of songwriting is essential to becoming a better singer and performer. From simplifying your music to overcoming busy schedules and writer’s block, join me in exploring essential songwriting tips that are useful both as a singer...
Published 11/15/24
How do you distort high notes when nothing seems to work? What do you do when your voice is worn out but you have a show in two days? How do you prevent over-singing and sustain your voice long-term? From distorting high notes to sustaining and recovering your voice, join me in exploring...
Published 11/01/24