Stay Calm, Be Normal, You Have the Title Again Based on the teachings of Rav Avraham Tzvi Kluger, on Rosh Hashana
Published 09/14/23
Published 09/14/23
Based on the teachings of Rav Asher Weiss, we understand why there is a tremble on Rosh Hashana, but not a tremble that paralyzes us.
Published 09/13/23
Based on two sentences from the Piasetzner Rebbe, we learn of three essential layers of root work when it comes to getting to the core of Tshuvah.
Published 09/11/23
The Shofar of Rosh Hashana is very different from the Shofar of Elul. When acknowledging this difference, a brand new world opens for us, setting the stage for the most epic moment of our year to take place. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
Based on the teachings of R' Tzadok Hakohen of Lublin, wishing someone a shana tova umetuka means much much more than we generally think. Join us as Reb Tzadok brings a whole new world to this beautiful blessing. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
The attribute of Gevura/Pachad is generally associated with Yitzchak Avinu. However, in the shmone esre of the Yamim Nora'im, Pachad/Fear/Gevura falls under the bracha of Ya'akov Avinu. Reb Tzadok brings this all to light. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
Hashem is both a father and a king, but he is always a father first. beautiful piece of Torah, based on the teachings of Reb Asher Weiss shli'ta. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
A few practical ideas as to how one should approach with impure thoughts, as a prep for Rosh Hashana. Based on the teachings of Reb Ya'akov Meir Shechter. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
Taking advantage of the opportunity of the last few days of the year... what are we choosing to shlep into the new year with us? What are we willing (and even happy) to leave behind? To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
Some Post Rosh Hashana Thoughts, 5781 To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
the whole inyan of Rosh Hashanah is the ability to listen to the voice of the shofar.what stands in my way from fulfilling this mitzvah. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
Rav Kook's Rosh Hashana sermon at the Churva shul in the old city of Jerusalem, 1933 To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
A description of Rav Kook's appearance at the Churva shul in the old city of Jerusalem, Rosh Hashana, 1933 To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
The awesome gift which waits for every Jew who listens to the Shofar. A teaching from Rabbi Naftali Carlebach , father of Reb Shlomo Carlebach. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 09/09/23
The anxiety towards Rosh Hashana davening does not need to paralyze us. As long as we remember what the point of it all is. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/29/23