Published 05/25/24
Published 05/25/24
Published 05/25/24
Published 04/30/24
Published 04/30/24
Published 04/30/24
This episode, Magellan and Barbecue hit the road and discuss the 1997 tv-movie remake of 1972 underground classic Vanishing Point. The paranoia, seediness, grit and nihilism of the 70's gets a kitschy 90's makeover whilst still trying to access the same themes as the original and make sense of a wayward America. next ep: The Plumber 
Published 04/11/24
The FMB return to vampire territory and the  dirty 1970's for this iconic television film that doubled as the debut for Darren McGavin's iconic intrepid paranormal sleuth, Karl Kolchak.  next eo: Vanishing Point (the remake)
Published 04/11/24
Still refusing to leave the couch, the FMB channel surf so hard they wash up on the shores of Japan. Veritable cinema legend Kiyoshi Kurosawa (not that one) this time lends his subtle hand to the televisual cinematic experience and offers up something typically eerie, perplexing, and maybe even funny.  next episode - The Night Stalker
Published 03/29/24
The FMB decide to pop into the Six-Million Dollar Man series during its twilight years and try to piece together the previous 2 decades of tv-shows and spin-offs while reeling from a surprise, stellar early appearance from future King of Television, Bryan Cranston.
Published 03/22/24
Nick and Tobias stumble on a little gem with this tv-movie adaptation of 12 Angry Men; updated for the 90's and with a stacked cast including a precious Jack Lemmon and an absolutely rabid performance by George C Scott.  next episode: The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman
Published 03/05/24
Hunker down, start saving your water and hide your babes (Ruths, that is); our hosts relive the paranoia of the Cold War by revisiting the monumental televisual feature-length anti-nuclear PSA that was The Day After. If the sight of Steve Guttenberg losing his gorgeous locks won't make the powers that be hesitate before pushing the button then nothing will. 
Published 02/25/24
Our hosts still refuse to return to the cinema and remain content with televisual approximations of cinema. This week John Carpenter (with Tobe Hooper) willingly lays himself out on the mortuary table for the FMB to dive in and see if they can find that elusive funnybone in this failed attempt at resurrecting the horror anthology.  
Published 02/20/24
After a little hiatus, the FMB still refuse to leave the couch and continue their diet of canned cinema in the form of tv movies, this week it's medieval chivalric epic Ivanhoe; thankfully FMB favourites Sam Neill and James Mason are on hand to spackle over any budgetary setbacks. 
Published 02/05/24
Next up in the FMB's channel-surfing adventure into the world of TV-movies is 1990's adaptation of Treasure Island, a film stuffed to the gunwale with a criminal amount of talent including pod favourite Charlton Heston as the most piratical buccanner this side of the Spanish Main, Long John Silver himself. next week we flip to the channel showing 1982's Ivanhoe.
Published 01/23/24
Not content with John Woo's latest; the FMB return to the comforting glow of CRT television and check out his 1998 TV-movie/failed pilot, Blackjack, starring Dolph Lundgren. Much milk is spilt, but the only tears from our hosts are of joy as Woo delivers exactly what they are looking for (and more). next episode: Treasure Island (1990 Tv-movie) 
Published 01/12/24
Merry Christmas! Cinematic titan John Woo returns to American shores with his first U.S film in 20 years since Paycheck.  It doesn't take much for Woo to woo the FMB so they are first in line to digest this Christmas-wrapped gift - but is there coal within? No cookie talk but the FMB somehow manage to talk about their favourite milk scenes in movies so hopefully that rounds out the festive atmosphere. next ep: John Woo's Blackjack 
Published 12/29/23
Delving further into the TV-movie tangent, the FMB safely opt for another Stephen King adaptation. This time it's Tobe Hooper's iconic 1979 vampire yarn Salem's Lot. 
Published 12/23/23
This Stephen King TV miniseries has been frequently invoked in passing by the FMB since the early days of the podcast; so it's a good thing our hosts have finally gotten around to watching it because, as we now know, the Langoliers do not tolerate idleness.
Published 12/18/23
Two of our regular three hosts book some seats on the worlds most exclusive, dangerous, high-flying experience available to those in the know - the Money Plane. In the movie, the Rated-R Superstar, Edge contends with The Rumble, only this one isn't as Royal as what he might be used to. next episode- The Langoliers
Published 12/10/23
The FMB's insatiable appetite casts their gaze to Mexican cinema this week with Issa Lopez's 2017 contemporary dark fantasy film Tigers Are Not Afraid. It's Pan's Labyrinth meets City of God, but does the film succeed in making those disparate flavours gel? next week: They Call Me Mr Tibbs!
Published 11/23/23
Fincher's back with a little bit of calisthenics after doing some heavy lifting with 2020's Mank. The FMB are, of course, on the scene to have a little chinwag about the Netflix thriller. No Smiths were played during the recording of this episode.  next ep: Tigers are Not Afraid
Published 11/17/23
In the spirit of urban folklore, Tobias and Nick recount the events of the final Candyman film to an unenlightened and recently returned Maciej.  next episode: The Killer (the Fincher one)
Published 11/11/23
Join the FMB for Carnival or as they say in latin - farewell to the flesh! This week we deep dive into our 3rd Candyman experience with the chronological sequel. The boys have fun together discussing a somewhat dissapointing sequel, enjoying some terrible impressions and trying to battle some confunding movie logic   Next week the Candyman adventure concludes with Candyman Day of the Dead
Published 11/01/23
Looking for the second episode in the Candyman Halloween series, bitch? Well you found it - this week the FMB follow up Candyman (1992) with Candyman (2021) (being a direct sequel this made sense!) We discuss at length our ultimate dissapointment with the film and how it mostly lacks the thing to defines most horror movies Next week - Candyman: Farewell To The Flesh
Published 10/26/23