這幾天天氣變冷了,北部每天又下雨,這時候你又該注意些什麼?跑前的暖身、跑後的 cool down,這真的很重要,馬可提供一點小撇步,不妨試試!
We are not machines, and there're always ups and downs in mood. Sometime you cannot finish your running plan successfully due to some certain issues. But if you are discouraged or even give up due to the reason, is this really good? What kind of mentality should you have to run longer and further? Here I give you some simple tips, maybe you can try it!
It became cold in these days, and it rains every day in the Taipei and North Taiwan recently. What should you do before and after running in this season? Here are some useful warmup and cool down ideas, please feel free to try!
So long! it has been a while. What I am doing in 2021? Will keep my adventure? Or already found a new challenge, that's see!
久違了~各位朋友們!2021 年是個充滿艱辛與挑戰的一年,在 2021 年的最後一天,和各位分享一下馬可的 2021,也一起展望 2022,期待在新的一年,不論目標是什麼,我們都能更進步,變成更好的自己.Happy New Year, happy 2022!
Published 12/31/21
Hi! It's been a while, how's everything? Let's talk about 2020 Taipei Marathon. I would like to share some thoughts about the event, and how I recover in this week.
Published 12/25/20