How Can the Sport and Activity Sector Create Safer Cultures? ACT and CPSU - Safeguarding Matters
Nicola chats with Denise Richards from The CPSU following an online conference focused on creating safer cultures in sport and activity.
The conference took place over two mornings on 19 and 20 January 2022.
From Learning Lessons to Taking Action, the conference challenged attendees to create a safer place for all children and adults in your organisation, whatever their role.
The conference explored:
How you ensure that your organisation is operating a safer culture for participants of all ages, abilities, race, cultures, sexuality, sex, and genderHow you protect and safeguard the well-being of those taking partHow you ensure that everyone feels able to share any concerns at an early stageHow you ensure that everyone feels confident to interrupt or question poor practice or behaviour that they feel is 'out of line'.This keynote presentations and workshops addressed:
The learning from recent reviews about safeguarding and welfare concerns in sport and other settingsThe new strategies from government and sports councilsInitiatives to embed best practice in safeguardingThe response to the voices of those with lived experience within sport and physical activityThe development of Safer CulturesIn this podcast, Nicola and Denise reflect on the conference's themes, and discuss some of the key messages from the presentations and workshops.