"I have an odd feeling that I may be the only Czech", says mathematician about his focus - „Mám takovej blbej pocit, že jsem asi jedinej Čech, co se tomu věnuje,“ říká matematik Ferov
In interview for SBS Czech mathematician and academic Michal Ferov speaks about his research and path that lead him from Matfyz in Prague to PostDoc work at Australian University of Newcastle. You will also find out, what is the theory that Michal studies and why theoretical mathematic matters.
- Matematik Michal Ferov působí na University of Newcastle. Kudy vedla cesta z pražského Matfyzu na australskou univerzitu, co je Teorie Group, kterou jako asi jediný Čech studuje, a jaký je rozdíl mezi českou, britskou a australskou akademickou půdou si poslechněte v rozhovoru pro SBS Czech.
Australian Migration Agent Lazar Petkanchin clarifies some changes in Skilled Work Regional vizas
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