Australian Migration Agent Lazar Petkanchin clarifies some changes in Skilled Work Regional vizas
Published 01/17/20
- test
Published 10/01/19
From 3rd August the Czech Language Program will be in temporary recess. We spoke to current and past producers what are their best memories of SBS Czech.
- Od 3. srpna bude český program pozastaven. S producenty, současnými i bývalými, jsme se ohlédli za jejich nejlepšími vzpomínkami na české vysílání rádia SBS.
Pro aktuální zprávy v angličtině a dalších jazycích si stáhněte aplikaci SBS Radio App, která je dostupná na iTunes App Store a na Google Play. Navštivte také webovou stránku SBS...
Published 08/02/19
Gabriela, former teacher in Czechia now works an exploration geologist in Australia. This is her dream come true - at the age of 46 years she decided to follow her passion and completely change her life. Gabriela chose Australia, as geology here is still very much about exploring and adventure. “In Europe it has all been already discovered”, says Gabriela. It was not an easy path, but it was all well worth it.
But Gabriela doesn´t like easy paths. She is also the first women to finish solo...
Published 08/02/19
To a Czech person the czech-sounding name of Australia´s rising music star can not get unnoticed. And it is true. Vendulka´s parents are Czech, and the young musician grew up listening to Nohavica and other Czech folk songs.
Vendulka now tours the world with her guitar, mesmerizing the audience, judges of various music competitions she enters (and often wins) as well as the world music stars, including John Bon Jovi. In the interview for SBS Czech she recalls her beginnings, talks about her...
Published 07/28/19
In the second part we are looking back at the life of Czech poet, translator, pedagogue and philanthopist Hana Gerzanicova. After the WW2 she escaped the communist Czechoslovakia and joined her beloved Vaclav. They got married and the young couple continued their journey to Australia to find happiness here. They had six children together and Hana manged to succeed in her carrer as well.
It didn´t all go as planned though…
Listen to the first part here.
- Ve druhém díle vyprávění se vracíme...
Published 07/28/19
Tanya Heaslip dreamt about Europe when she was growing up at a cattle farm in the center of Australia. She made her dream come true and in 1994 she went to teach English in post-communist Czech Republic. She fell in love with the country, the culture, the history and the people. Tanya´s book about her Czech experience, Alice to Prague, is out now.
- Tanya Heaslip vyrůstala na farmě v rudém centru Austrálie, ale snila o Evropě. Svůj sen si také splnila a v polovině devadesátých let se...
Published 07/27/19
„When I came to Australia, I couldn´t even understand how much to pay when I was buying groceries,“ recalls Czech teacher Vlasta Gunning her beginning. She came originally to learn English and ended up getting a university degree and settling down. Now she is a manager at English Language School for Migrants and Refugees. She says that a similar experience helps her in her work now.
What is her advice? Hard work, and not giving up. “And English, you really do need to speak the language,”...
Published 07/27/19
Children as young as 2 years old were caught on public transport with no valid ticket, some didn’ t return a book in time to a library. Their parents didn’ t pay the penalty. Years went past and at the age of 18, the formal adulthood, the teenagers were presented with up to thousand-dollar debts that they have to pay. In some extreme cases, the debts hit young people when leaving an orphanage, or children home. Now thousands of young people are paying back these debts.
“A law jungle,”...
Published 07/26/19
Online discussions can be a hostile place full of hate, fights and xenophobia. A group that fights online hate was first created in Sweden 3 years ago. Other countries followed and also Czech Republic has now a similar online group. „We are group of volunteers operating under the name #jsmetu. We target hateful online debates and try to turn them into a nonemotive, productive and hate free space for people to freely share their ideas and opinions,“ says coordinator of #jsmetu (we are here, in...
Published 07/20/19
When Jiřina Gina Duckers moved to Australia to follow her partner, she left behind a promising career in banking. It wasn´t easy, but in the end she succeeded also in Australia and found her way to banking. At the same time, she discovered and followed through a new passion: photography. After finnishing a course, winning several awards and whilst having her young family, Jiřina opened her own photo studio in Sydney.
- Jiřina Gina Duckers za sebou v Česku nechala slibně rozjetou kariéru i...
Published 07/20/19
A new toolkit has been developed to help attract more migrant workers to regional areas.
The kit produced by the Regional Australia Institute [[RAI]] aims to help regional towns fill skills shortages and make it easier for migrants to settle into regional life.
- Nástroje vypracované Regionálním institutem Austrálie [[RAI]] si kladou za cíl pomoct regionálním městům zaplnit nedostatek kvalifikovaných pracovníků a usnadnit přistěhovalcům zapojení se do života v regionech.
Published 07/20/19
A new toolkit has been developed to help attract more migrant workers to regional areas.
The kit produced by the Regional Australia Institute [[RAI]] aims to help regional towns fill skills shortages and make it easier for migrants to settle into regional life.
- Nástroje vypracované Regionálním institutem Austrálie [[RAI]] si kladou za cíl pomoct regionálním městům zaplnit nedostatek kvalifikovaných pracovníků a usnadnit přistěhovalcům zapojení se do života v regionech.
Published 07/20/19
The Czech government is in crisis. The senate wants to sue the President. The President, who is accused of bending the constitution keeps on refusing to accept the dismission the Minister of Culture. But yet it seems like the solution is far away. But why? Who benefits from it? In Czech commentary with Petr Honzejk we looked at the situation from different angles.
- V komentáři Petra Honzejka se podíváme na změny, které se (ne)udály v české politice za poslední týden a co za tím stojí....
Published 07/20/19
The current political situation in Czechia seems even more complicated than before. Our commentator Petr Honzejk sheds light on what is happening.
Why do the senators want to sue president Milos Zeman? What chances do they stand? Have the big protests affected the prime minister? Is actually Czech democracy at risk?
- Komentář Petra Honzejka o současné politické krizi v Česku. Proč chtějí senátoři žalovat prezidenta Zemana? Proč odmítá Miloš Zeman odvolat ministra kultury? Ovlivnila...
Published 07/15/19
Jitka Smith is a Director of Czech School in Perth, Chairman of the Czech and Slovak Association in Western Australia and Student Support at University of WA.
In interview for SBS Czech she speaks about her career, missing home, her voluntary service for the community and how important it is, not to give up on your dreams.
- Alespoň v Západní Austrálii asi není potřeba paní Jitku Smith v české komunitě představovat. Jitka Smith je totiž ředitelka české školy v Perthu, předsedkyně České a...
Published 07/13/19
International students are facing widespread exploitation in the housing market in major cities such as Sydney.
That's the finding of a new report, with the author calling on all levels of government and universities to do more to protect students.
- Mezinárodní studenti musí často čelit zneužívání na trhu s bydlením ve velkých městech, jako je Sydney. Přeplněné byty, scamy, smlouvy, které nejsou písemné...Studenti ale často neví, jak se bránit.
Published 07/13/19
There are several minor offences in Australia that could get you in trouble that you might not know
And the consequences can be severe.
- Mít psa, který není registrovaný, řídit na auto na zahraniční řidičský průkaz, nezamknout auto či kouřit v zastřešené části nádraží. To všechno jsou v Austrálii přestupky, kvůli kterým můžete mít oplétačky se zákonem.
Published 07/06/19
In interview for SBS Czech mathematician and academic Michal Ferov speaks about his research and path that lead him from Matfyz in Prague to PostDoc work at Australian University of Newcastle. You will also find out, what is the theory that Michal studies and why theoretical mathematic matters.
- Matematik Michal Ferov působí na University of Newcastle. Kudy vedla cesta z pražského Matfyzu na australskou univerzitu, co je Teorie Group, kterou jako asi jediný Čech studuje, a jaký je rozdíl...
Published 07/06/19
Labor has conceded defeat on the Coalition's tax-cut plan, vowing to review stage three of the 158 billion dollar-plan at the next election.
The bill has now passed through the Senate and will become law.
- Strana Práce připustila porážku v jednáních o koaličním plánu na snížení daní, slíbila ale, že prověří třetí etapu plánu v příštích volbách.
Published 07/06/19
Government has survived a no-confidence vote after facing massive protests over graft and conflict of interest accusations. The parliamentary debate for the vote lasted 17 hours.
President Milos Zeman will not appoint a new Minister of Culture and Exhajtman David Rath sentenced to 7 years in prison. More information with our regular stringer Ivan Hoffman.
- Vláda získala podporu sněmovny po dlouhých 17 hodinách jednání. Opozice nezískala potřebných 101 hlasů. Komunisté uvedli, že jejich...
Published 06/29/19
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival entered its 54th year and was officially declared open. About 150 movies will be presented to film fans from all over the globe. Our stringer Martina Vackova has more.
Published 06/29/19
Freediving as a form of underwater diving that relies on breath-holding. His passion are adrenalin sports. Underwater brings him peace from hectic life we are facing everyday. How long would Vladimir Meloun stay underwater?
- Volné potápění, hluboký nádech a dlouhá cesta do hlubin, kde vás čeká jen ohlušující ticho a nekonečný klid, a to vše bez dýchacích přístrojů. Fanoušek adrenalinových sportů Vladimír Meloun našel svůj mír pod vodou. Jaký je váš způsob meditace či únik od starostí...
Published 06/29/19
Hana Gerzanicová z poválečného Československa utíkala za láskou. Osud ji potom zavedl až do Austrálie, kde strávila většinu svého pracovního života. Začínala jako uklízečka, vypracovala se až na zástupkyni ředitelky školy, založila tady také rodinu.
V první části vyprávění svého poutavého životního příběhu se původem plzeňská básnířka, spisovatelka a mecenáška vrací k emigraci a prvním letům v Sydney.
Published 06/24/19