“Brothers Milenko and Aleks Vujošević embark on a very silly, passionate, colorful adventure through actor/bodybuilder/former Governor of California...Arnold Schwarzenegger's filmography! Arnold, whom the brothers have affectionately nicknamed "Schwartzy" as they retread their favorite childhood hero/icon, is showcased film-by-film through their own panache and brotherly dynamic (which is very wonderful to listen to).
Milenko and Aleks paint incredibly colorful pictures, even with films you may not have seen (though you can appreciate the films so much more if you've seen them). Just from a filmography standpoint, they give so much appreciation into editing, writing, production, effects and music. I have a great time listening to this, my favorite Schwarzenegger series being "Terminator", but all of the other films surrounding Schwartzy's career give me a greater appreciation through their lens. If you love commentary; unfiltered, uncensored, engaging and hilarious..."Schwartzy The Podcast" is your show!
*Lord help them when they get to Batman and Robin, lol!*”Read full review »
Keith Atkinson via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·