The Lord has cleansed the Temple and now is confronted by the Jewish leaders about the source of his authority to perform such an act. They attempt to trap him but he responds by revealing their hypocrisy and trapping them with the snares that they set for him.
Published 11/26/24
This story from the last week of Christ's life puzzles many people. Why would Jesus curse a tree? But Christ's actions have deep, symbolic, and prophetic meaning. The sometimes elusive Fr. Costas will join us to talk about the meaning of Christ's act.
Published 11/19/24
We say that Jesus "cleansed" the Temple, but how? What did his actions even mean? Why did he cause such a disturbance? Did he lose his temper or were his actions a symbolic commentary on the purpose, function, and attitude toward the Temple by his contemporaries?
Published 11/12/24
The Lord's cleansing of the Temple at Jerusalem is such an important event that it is described in all four gospels and was one of the events that led to his death. What was so significant about the Temple that the Jewish leaders resolved to have him killed?
Published 11/05/24
Palm Sunday is a day of celebration in the Church, which seems odd considering that Christ entered Jerusalem knowing he was headed for the cross. Why is it joyful, what do the titles mean, and why doesn't Christ tell them not to call him the Messiah as he had in the past?
Published 10/29/24
The blind men cry out to the Lord for healing as he passes by on the road, and they are rewarded. This simple story contains important lessons for us about faith, persistence in prayer and our response to the Lord when he approaches us and after we encounter him.
Published 10/22/24
The request of James and John to sit at the right and left of Jesus in his kingdom prompts the Lord to explain Christian leadership to the Twelve. How does Christian leadership differ from what we typically think of leadership in the secular world?
Published 10/15/24
As the Lord approaches Jerusalem, he attempts to prepare his disciples for the awful events to come, but they don't understand. James and John anticipate a worldly kingdom. Their mother attempts to help them secure a position. The Fathers have interesting comments on this!
Published 10/08/24
Is it ever too late to change your ways? Christ tells a parable, explaining that it never too late and the rewards for accepting him even at the very end are exactly the same as given to those who never hesitated. But isn't that unfair of God? The Fathers explain and answer!
Published 10/01/24
The rich young man was unwilling to part with his wealth to follow Jesus, but the disciples left everything for Christ. After Peter's statement, the Lord discusses the rewards that the disciples can expect. The Holy Fathers elaborate not only about those disciples but us as well.
Published 09/25/24
The Lord said this about attachment to wealth: "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." This strange comparison has been discussed endlessly for centuries. Why did Christ say it and what does it mean?
Published 09/17/24
Why is this the response when a rich young man asked Christ about inheriting eternal life? Are all of us expected to give up all our possessions? What prompted this advice and to whom does it apply?
Published 09/10/24
After Christ explained that marriage is God-given and then placed limits on divorce, the astonished disciples wondered whether it is better not to marry at all. We will discuss the Lord's response along with Orthodox teaching on divorce.
Published 08/27/24
The Pharisees challenged Jesus on the issue of divorce, asking him, "When is it allowed?" Christ's response is surprising and reveals his care and concern for women, especially compared to the prevailing laws and attitudes toward women in first-century Judaism.
Published 08/20/24
Dr. Jeannie continues Christ's teachings on forgiveness in response to a strong objection that some things are simply unforgivable and that Christ's teachings are not "black and white." Dr. Jeannie shares some remarkable stories of the transformative power of forgiveness.
Published 08/13/24
Continuing our study of the parable of the Unforgiving Debtor and the Lord's command that we forgive everyone who has harmed us, some ask how that is possible when we are still suffering from the harm done to us.
Published 08/06/24
This powerful parable may be the most important in the Bible for our salvation. Why do we hold on to grudges and are unwilling to forgive? Christ graphically describes what will happen to anyone who refuses to forgive another person "from his heart." Take heed!
Published 07/30/24
The Lord promised his presence even if only two or three are gathered in his name. This famous verse had practical purpose but was also misused to support divisions. St. Paisios explains the power of community prayer and also gave wonderful advice about effectual prayer.
Published 07/23/24
As we continue Matthew 18, the Lord highlights the importance of every person with the Parable of the Lost Sheep. He also addresses the inevitable disputes that arise in every community. How should conflicts be handled? Christ speaks, and the Fathers explain!
*audio quality/production elements may not be consistent.
Published 07/16/24
The Lord said "It is necessary that scandals come, but woe to the one who causes them." Does "necessary" mean scandals are predestined? Why does God allow them? What are the consequences to the Church and to people whose actions scandalize the faithful?
Published 07/09/24
Matthew 18 begins with this question. Although it seems proud, Chrysostom explains that there is something commendable about the argument. Chapter 18 is noteworthy because it contains the teachings of the Lord regarding relationships and conflicts within the Church.
Published 07/02/24
A distraught father brought his sick boy to Jesus' disciples while Jesus was on Mount Tabor. But they were unable to cure the boy. Two reasons given are lack of faith and the need for prayer and fasting. Envy also makes our gifts and talents ineffective, says St. Paisios.
Published 06/25/24
Have you ever wondered about this strange statement spoken by a desperate father to the Lord? How can we believe and yet still not believe? What does the Lord say to his disciples, and what lessons does this gospel passage hold about faith?
Published 06/18/24
The Transfiguration of the Lord is a very significant event, not only for Him but also for us.The light that enveloped Christ was nothing like ordinary light. According to the Fathers, that light teaches us about our salvation and the possibility of theosis in the future.
Published 06/11/24