Published 01/27/21
Here you'll find me interviewing writer Jane Boulden, one of the contributors to Ground Fiction.  Listen and enjoy! Jane talks about her writing process, what she aspires to, and reads from her story "Release," published in Ground Fiction 1:1. Hope you enjoy it! You can buy Ground here on Amazon. 
Published 01/27/21
"Just remember all caps when you spell the man's name..." We lost another great one at the end of 2020. I found out on New Year's Eve that legendary rapper MF DOOM passed away at the age of 49 on Oct. 31, 20.  Not only was he great, but he was also basically the human soundtrack to all my Jack Palms podcasts. In a year of many messed up things, this one shook me at the last chance, just as we were kicking 2020 out the door. But it had one trick left. Join me as I go down a bit of podcasting...
Published 01/06/21
This is the last episode, friends, chapters 29 to The End. It's Ch 29, Ch 30 and Epilogue. It concludes our story! Who'd have thought this whole thing would happen in 2020, the craziest year I've ever known? COVID-19 and all it has wrought... led in some way to this podcast. And I could not have done it without my friend Carlos Mendoza on the mic!! Thank you, Carlos!!! I talk here about the new SethHarwood.com website, my coaching business site at WriteWithSeth.com and Ground Fiction journal....
Published 12/14/20
Thanks again to Carlos for recording the audio this time! Hooray! We're here with more new content from AMPaaE. Rock on. This is for those of you who've been listening all along. I appreciate you! Lots of talk here in the before and after and hopefully some toons you'll enjoy. This episode brings you Chapters: 27: Kellog Starts Reading and 28: To the Trout Mobile! We've made it down to the desert in Southern California, Kellog has met Bainbridge McGee, who "checks out" Emily Plinko, and now...
Published 11/16/20
Here are ch's 25: "End of Falling People" and 26: "Meet in the Desert!" in which Bainbridge McGee finishes The Falling People, goes on a bender in Las Vegas, plays some golf; Billy Pilgrim survives September 11th, 2001, zips off to Tralfamadore to have sex; and Artemis Kellog camps in the desert and meets his idol. Tons of fun! What's more, I have episode 14 for you releasing in just three days! Stay tuned, eager beavers! I appreciate you!
Published 11/14/20
New theme music this time, more reflective of the world we're all facing in the fall of 2020. It's 5781 on the Hebrew calendar and lawd bless us all. Next year? In Jerusalem, is what we always say at the end of a Passover seder in my family. Well, what do you think about next year? Where would you like to be? This episode boasts over 45 minutes of content over chapters 22-24. I hope you enjoy. What else is new? Ground fiction is here!  I'm thrilled to present the work of 16 new authors I've...
Published 09/21/20
Carlos and I are back with more! Today you can enjoy Ch. 19-21. Rock and roll with me! You can find more about my latest project, Ground, right here: groundfiction.com 
Published 09/07/20
Here are chapters 17 and 18. This episode is LONG! I won't take up any more of your time. Enjoy the listen!  Let me hear from you. Drop a comment here, on my facebook or at sethharwood.com Thanks!
Published 08/17/20
Here are chapters 15-16 of the novel. Again, we're in the world of 9/11 with Billy Pilgrim. This is the content I thought of when I originally chose to podcast this book.  As with my story "Tuesday," I was feeling a connection between 9/11 and COVID-19. Well, we've blown that entirely out of the water now. Stick around to hear why I think so. 2020? By far the worst! Here's that freestyle from Black Thought. LOVE it! Also, have you seen this video? Heard "Lockdown" by Anderson Paak? Love it....
Published 08/05/20
I'm back with a little help from my friend Carlos Mendoza! He narrates Ch. 13 and 14 this time around, and he'll back back for more as we go forward. Listen to hear what happens with Artemis, Emily, Bainbridge McGee, and more about how I've been doing and why I left you for so long.  Pandemic! Protests! It's the long, hard spring and summer of 2020. This is the craziest of years. Enjoy the episode. If you'd like to hear more of Carlos's audio stylings, you can find him here: Fade to Black by...
Published 07/18/20
I'm still here! The story marches on, the world turns, we all keep doing some of the things. Listen: it's crazy times right now. Crazier than before! I'm losing my mind and (in some cases) any time to do work or record fiction. But, this week I'm here, giving you episode 7! (Ch 12 and part of 13)  20+ good minutes! Enjoy!
Published 06/15/20
I've made another episode! I did! I did! This episode contains chapters 10-11 of the book. And yes, the world seems to be burning itself down all around us. At least in the US.  And we have no Portuguese Sweet Bread today. But Willa joins me for a few good minutes.
Published 06/02/20
Happy Mother's Day! Here's episode 5 for your ears, Chapters 8-9. Enjoy! Background features some talk about Michael Jordan, ESPN's new documentary, and all the very best wishes for you, the mothers in your life, and for all the mothers and grandmothers in my life! Coming soon: a full episode on the new revelations about Michael Jordan from "The Last Dance" and how it connects to The Maltese Jordans.
Published 05/11/20
Good day! Week 7 of the 2020 Quarantine Podcasts experiment is here. Hard to believe, right? Are you enjoying the podcast? If you would you be so kind as to let me know, I would very much appreciate that. I love hearing from you.  This is chapters 6-7 with some of 8 because I got excited about Match.com. We were baking bread in the house yesterday during recording. If you're looking for a good place to add me to your favorite podcatcher, here's the link:...
Published 04/27/20
Welcome to episode 3 of As Much Protein as an Egg. I hope you'll enjoy. Feel free to start HERE if you missed the first episodes. It'll get you all caught up.  This week I give you ch. 3-4 and some shout outs to old friends, one of whom is Gomyo the Hoodie Monk. Check out this track off his latest CD. He brings the rhymes and paint from Japan by way of the US Midwest originally. Gomyo has been a listener since Jack Wakes Up.  Props, man! His other recent video "Light Up" comes here. Well...
Published 04/13/20
is this thing on? This episode presents ch. 2-3 of the unedited version of the novel, the director's cut -- now with more ethnic humor! Hooray! Enjoy! Kindly let me know how you've been.
Published 04/07/20
On the whereabouts of Philboyd Studge III and your friendly podcaster Seth Harwood
Published 03/30/20
Philboyd Studge III grabs the mic this week to begin his major novel, As Much Protein as an Egg. This is the long-hidden Director's Cut that fewer than 5 people on Earth have ever read before now. I'm making all the content here on Patreon free and also distributing it here via Shoutengine: I don't know how to have folks subscribe to Patreon's FREE stream here, so if you figure this out, please tell me. You can also subscribe FREE via iTunes here. How cool is that!?!?! Where else do you get...
Published 03/24/20
My short story "Tuesday." Happy to hear from you at sethharwood.com, [email protected] or on Patreon.
Published 03/16/20
Are you out there listening? Let me know: patreon.com/sethharwood
Published 08/27/19
This episode features two chapters from a reading at Stockbridge Coffee & Tea (and Bookstore) on July 11, 2019.  I read with my good ole buddy Dan Pope, author of In the Cherry Tree and Housebreaking. Dan's a wonderful author and worth your immediate reading interest.  The sections I read are from The Maltese Jordans, which you can buy here or get in full audiobook here.  
Published 07/30/19
The Lineup!  Poems on Crime. Thanks to Gerald So
Published 07/13/19
Here's the full reading event (with Q&A) from my night at White Square Books here in Easthampton, MA on 4/26/19. Had some great questions -- focusing on sneakers mostly -- and I read the part where Mody, tied to a chair, first tells Jack his story of the Maltese Jordans. A good time was had by all! Join us, enjoy, have a listen... You can get the book at getbook.at/themaltesejordans
Published 05/03/19
The guys from Booked. -- Robb and Liv -- have me on to see who can swear the most, have more non-sequitors and... drop the call best. Enjoy!
Published 03/20/19