A very new topic here on Voices of the Sacred Feminine, today Erika Buena Flor, a practicing curandera for two decades, as well as a scholar  with a master's degree in religious studies with a focus on Mesoaerican shamanism is with us to discuss her newest book, Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon.  We'll talk about her scholarly and hands-on work as a curandera, how to and why it's important to tap into the energies of the sun and moon, deities of the sun and moon, and ancient Mesoamerican...
Published 10/07/20
Marguerite Rigoglioso, founding director of Seven Sisters Mystery School, scholar and practitioner of the ancient Mediterranean mystery traditions is with me today discussing her next book, The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception revealing what she's uncovered about Mary's role in divine conception.  Tune in and learn more about the "real " Mary rather than what patriarchal religion would have you believe because it is just not the whole story.  Learn about "the woman behind the...
Published 10/02/20
Rescheduled from August 19.....I'm glad to have Emmanuel Itier back on the show.  He's not been with me since we discussed, Femme:  Women Healing the World.  Today we'll discuss his Oneness Collection of films, five films he's made in the last ten years in an attempt to uplift and educate a humanity struggling to evolve.  His latest film, Guns, Bombs and War:  A Love Story will be the focus of our discussion, as well as what he's learned from visionaries and people of wisdom around the globe...
Published 09/27/20
Continuing my monthly offerings of insight and inspiration from my book, Goddess Calling; Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy, meaning Goddess values set us free, recommended by Selena Fox, Isidora Forrest, Barbara Walker, Z Budapest and Jean Houston - foremothers and wayshowers all, today's sharing is Chapter 18, titled Goddess Notices...detailing several real instances where Goddess manifested and showed She noticed what was being done in service...
Published 09/19/20
On Saturday Jo Carson is with me to discuss the history and relevance of the pagan tradition called Feraferia, about celebrating wildness, with magic, mirth and love.  Jo will tell us about Fred Adams, the founder of Feraferia, and his vision of Goddess.  We'll talk about the controversial Lady Svetlana, the Dancing with Gaia Film, the history of Feraferia as well as some of their work, such as their newsletter, films and work today.  
Published 09/12/20
Mystic, author and artist, Heather Mendel is with me today discussing her new book and deck, which is the fusion of Kaballah and Tarot....or the birth of the Parallax Oracle.  Discover more about this pathway to a practice of deepening our intuitive that connects us with the underlying Oneness of all life.  Heather introduces her book and deck to listeners that interweaves both ancient wisdom traditions with contemporary consciousness, as they dance in the embrace of the Sacred Feminine. ...
Published 09/02/20
Judith Shaw, author of the Celtic Goddess Oracle Cards and her next oracle deck, Animal Spirit Guides, is with me to discuss mythology, folktales and symbols of Goddess and why they are so important and still relevant today.  We'll delve into animals such as Snake, Butterfly, Bee, Reindeer, Dolphin, Bear and Owl.  Judith will tell us why mythology is important in the modern world and how that influences divination.  Animal spirit guides and their relationship to gods and goddesses - and us -...
Published 08/26/20
Continuing my monthly series of sharing insights from my book, Goddess Calling: Inspirational Messages & Meditation of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy, recommended by Jean Houston, Z Budapest, Barbara Walker, Isidora Forrest and Selena Fox....today's inspirational message is as relevant today as when it was written....Harmony from Chaos, followed by a meditation.  We do have a path forward and it's a state of mind, not necessarily one gender saving us from the other.  The state of...
Published 08/15/20
TO BE RESCHEDULED.....Watch this spot to see when we reschedule Marguerite Rigoglioso to speak about Uncloaking the Real Mother Mary.....INSTEAD.....HONORING ISIS on HER BIRTHDAY.   Tune in for the tribute to Isis on Her birthday.  There are no coincidences!  Isis, who passed on her attributes to Mary, the first and original Great Mother, we honor You this day! 
Published 08/12/20
Deanne Quarrie, Priestess of Goddess, author of 6 books, founder of Apple Branch is with me today to discuss Hekate in depth.  We'll delve into who She is, why she became so powerful after the Olympians ruled and how she represents liminality.  We'll discuss what liminality is and how it plays out in our lives and why it is so important.  We'll look at some of the many faces of Hekate and discuss her newest project, Hekate's Tribe, creating group-workings with Hekate holding Center. 
Published 08/05/20
Cindy Rasicot, retired Marriage Family Therapist moved to Bangkok, Thailand for three years where she met her spiritual teacher, Venerable Dhammananda Bhikkhuni, th fully ordained Theravada nun...an encounter that opened her heart and changed her  forever.  We'll hear about this extraordinary adventure which led to her writing her memoir, Finding Venerable Mother: A Daughter's Spiritual Quest to Thailand.
Published 07/29/20
RESCHEDULED....Never more relevant than today, with patriarchy run amok and white men destroying the planet and Black Lives Matter supporters protesting in the street....Award-winning author, Susan Griffin is with me today to discuss her important work, Woman and Nature.  Susan has authored over 20 books, esteemed both for her innovative thought and creative literary style.  She's a leading feminist and environmental thinker, who has addressed a wide range of social and political questions,...
Published 07/25/20
It is a great pleasure today to have with me Susan Griffin, such an accomplished women, author of over 20 books, who is esteemed for her innovative thought and creative literary stule.  A leading feminist and environmental thinker, she has addressed a wide range of social and political questions, including nuclear weapons, rape, , and democracy.  Her classic work, Woman and Nature, the focus today, is said to have inspired eco-feminism and today's conversation.  In her words...."Overall it...
Published 07/22/20
Goddess Calling, Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy, written by the hostess of the show, Karen Tate has received impressive reviews from leaders in the community.  Each month Karen brings one of the inspirational messages and a meditation to listeners, with July's message being Liberation of Surrender, followed by the Meditation to the Tree Goddess to Prune Your Divine Tree.  Each of the messages in Goddess Calling is designed help readers or...
Published 07/15/20
I normally don't often interview authors of fiction, however, I was intrigued by the themes explored in Janet Rebhan's novel, Rachael's Return, as well as the research she'd done for the book, including real documented cases of reincarnation and soul groups.  Besides discussing reincarnation, soul-mates and the Akashic Record, Janet will discuss her creative process of tapping into the spiritual realm as she writes and we'll learn more about her strong female characters that are depicted as...
Published 07/08/20
Matthew Fox, author, theologian and activist priest returns to Voices of the Sacred Feminine to discuss his new book, The Tao of Thomas Aquinas:  Fierce Wisdom for Hard Times, which delves into Aquinas as a feminist or proto-feminist.  Fox has also written 3 books on Hildegard of Bingen and has been named the one person who deserves credit for the great Hildegard renaissance in out time.  We'll learn more about both Aquinas and Hildegard from a true expert on the subject of both these...
Published 07/01/20
Founder of Divine Feminine Yoga, Laura Cornell has forged her own authentic path of healing through Yoga, but more specifically thru Moon Salutations.  Tune in today and discover what is the Moon Salutation and why it was created, how it supports the cycles of women's lives.  We'll learn how it helps with our physical and emotional well being and during life phases like menopause, miscarriage, infertility and still births.  Laura will help listeners discover how to practice the Moon...
Published 06/24/20
Jean Houston, Barbara Walker and Z Budapest, along with numerous other foremothers and wayshowers highly recommended my third book, Goddess Calling: Inspirational Messages and Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy.  Liberation thealogy is a term that means values that set us free and in this case, values of Goddess that help us throw off the shackles of patriarchy and the exploitation and oppression of capitalism.  Each month I'll be sharing a message and guided meditation from...
Published 06/18/20
Today I chat with Duann Kier, author of Fundamen-Talisman: Resurrecting the Fundamentals of Relationship from the Fundamentalism of Religion, considered a handbook for recovering Christian fundamentalists.  Today Duann is a psychic channeler, hypnotist, ordained minister, spiritual teacher and performer of sacred ceremonies --  after having obtained the Master of Religious Education degree from New Orleans Baptist Thealogical seminary, having worked for a Southern Baptist college, church and...
Published 06/17/20
Author, activist and social justice activist, Luke Eastwood, calls in from the U.K. today to discuss Finding Your Own Way - Taking a Gnostic Path.  Luke and I will delve into how we might be in control of our own destiny, how COVID-19 is both a trap and opportunity for humanity, how we can choose not to "go along with the programme" as he calls it.  We'll talk about choosing one's own spiritual path, and how creativity is a great tool to overcome fear and depression.  Luke will talk to...
Published 06/12/20
Trista Hendren, editor of the fabulous Girl God series and many other books and anthologies returns to VSF today to discuss Medusa, a much maligned heroine of herstory.  We'll delve into why we must re-vision and re-claim Medusa's authentic story and archetype.  Joan Marler has described Medusa as "the Great Awakener" so we'll explore what she meant by that.  We'll look at women's rage and why it's so frightening and so often shut down.  Trista will suggest ways we might re-program ourselves...
Published 06/07/20
Ellen Evert Hopman, teacher of Herbalism and Druidism for decades, is with me today discussing the Sacred Herbs of Spring, or more specifically the magical, healing and edible plants of Beltaine and the Fairy Folk.  We'll explore the significance of the May Day Festival and Beltaine, English May Day customs, how Beltain is observed outside the U.K. and how fairies fit into Beltain rituals.  We'll look at edible flowers of Spring, which are associated with Fairy lore, herbs of purification and...
Published 06/03/20
Cerridwen Fallingstar, experienced shaman devoted to synthesizing the best of the old ways with the new, teaches classes, offers counseling sessions utilizing tarot, hypnotherapy, soul retrieval, etc.  She's written a novel about Witchcraft set in the 16th century Scotland and her new book, Broth from the Cauldron, Magical Memoir from a Shamanic Witch will be out in mid-May, 2020.  We'll discuss, among many other things, how someone from a Conservative, agnostic Republican family can grow up...
Published 05/29/20
Author, Richard Grossinger, with a PhD in ecological anthropology discusses his newest book, Bottoming Out the Universe; Why There is Something Rather Than Nothing.  We'll delve into the relationship between an objective physical universe and our subjective experience of it.  Look closer at the Big Bang.  We'll explore how neuroscientists explain consciousness,  if artificial consciousness is actually consciousness and what are conscious and unconscious motives of debunkers.  We'll delve into...
Published 05/24/20