【Yanaka】 她是一个来自阿姆斯特丹的酷女孩。 她有一头金色(有时候更加炫彩)的短发和一只有心理创伤的狗。 在伦敦和迪拜工作多年后, 她现在在布达佩斯学习成为一名兽医。 她觉得自己的生活一直涣散又混乱, 遍地是意外和循环出现的未知。 她依旧对有一天能理解生命和爱充满无限好奇。 She is a cool girl from Amsterdam. She has short blond/sometimes more colorful hair and a traumatized dog. After working in London and Dubai for years, she is now a vet student in Budapest. She calls her life distracted and chaotic, full of unexpected events and going into recurring uncertainty. She remains utterly curious about understanding love and...
Published 08/28/21
Published 08/28/21
【Micaela】 她来自乌拉圭蒙得维的亚刚搬到厄瓜多尔海岸小镇Ayampe。 逃离喧杂的城市拥抱自然。 她做瑜伽,去徒步,学习冲浪, 和几个小伙伴一起工作的间隙。 她赞叹一片叶子追逐罕见的最小蜂鸟。 作为一名生化工作者,她曾去南极探索藻类有机太阳能, 现在她期待合理利用身边的丰富植物创造奇迹。  She is from Montevideo Uruguay and recently moved to Ayampe in Ecuador, escaping the chaos of the city and embracing the nature. She does yoga, goes trekking and learns to surf, while hanging and working with a group of friends. She marvels at a leaf and chases the smallest hummingbird. As a biochemist, she went to the Antarctica for algae solar...
Published 08/14/21
【Désirée】 她在奥地利西部的因斯布鲁克出生长大。 她时常需要解释自己的印度血统。 她是一个无畏的年轻女孩, 唯一的惧怕是重蹈覆辙。 她期待投身于建设一个更美好更有意义的世界。 她看起来小小的, 但她那极具感染力的笑声足以传播积极的魔力。 She was born and raised in Innsbruck in western Austria, where she is used to explaining her Indian origins. She is a fearless young girl who is only afraid to repeat her own mistakes. She aspires to work towards a better and more meaningful world, She may look small, but she is loud enough to spread positivity and make wonders with her laughter. 【音乐】 "Me & My...
Published 08/01/21
【Pélagie】 她来自喀麦隆现居德国西部。 她在大企业就职20多年后开启创业之旅。 她41岁的时候学会骑自行车。 她天性乐观总是敞开双臂拥抱未知。 她预见一个女性领导的未来, 也坚信自我成长和他人引导的力量。 She is from Cameroon and currently lives in western Germany. She is embarking on an entrepreneurial journey after 20+ years of corporate life. She learned to ride a bicycle at the age of 41. She is a natural optimist and embraces the unpredictable with open arms, Not only does she foresee a future with female leadership, but she is also a firm believer in personal growth and role model...
Published 07/22/21
【Malgorzata】 她住在近波罗的海的波兰北部。 她喜欢在授课间隙在附近森林遛狗。 她积极参与社区活动帮助困难人士。 她环勃朗峰徒步攀登乞力马扎罗山来挑战自我。 在她平静的面纱下, 她一直在努力揭开更多生命的真相。 She lives in Northern Poland not far from the Baltic Sea. She enjoys a walk with her dog in the forest between her classes. She engages herself in solidarity actions for people in difficulty. She challenges herself with the likes of Mont Blanc and Kilimanjaro, Under a veil of tranquility, she is in constant search to unveil more truth about life. 【音乐】  "People Are Strange" by The...
Published 07/12/21
【Eliana】 她来自一个葡萄牙小镇现居于波尔图。 作为一名生化领域的前学生,现工作者, 她得以体验各个国家的不同系统与文化。 她积极拥护全民免费医疗和教育。 她坚信女性声音的力量。 她被居里夫人和美国女议员亚历山德里娅所鼓舞。 而她对政治的信仰同样鼓舞人心。 She comes from a small city and currently lives in Porto in Portugal. First a student and now a professional in biochemistry, She has travelled and experienced different systems and cultures. She believes in free education and healthcare for every citizen. And she believes in women’s voices. She is inspired by Marie Curie and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. She is...
Published 07/03/21
【Fairouz】 她生在约旦长在突尼斯现居拉姆安拉。 她是一位巴勒斯坦诗人和作家。 她去过不同国家看过外面的世界。 她不惧打破常规为信仰发声。 在越来越封锁禁锢的当下, 她憧憬着一个和平和有看海自由的世界。 She was born in Jordan, raised in Tunisia and currently lives in Ramallah. She is a Palestinian poet and writer. She has travelled and she has seen. She is not afraid of raising voices or breaking rules. In the uncertain times of growing boundaries, she is dreaming of a world where peace and sea is a normality. 【音乐】 "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen 【图片】 本期封面图片由Fairouz本人提供,版权所有。 【文字】 原创内容,版权所有。
Published 06/19/21
【Cécile】 她是土生土长的巴黎人。 她擅长社交也是靠谱的友人。 她享受葡萄酒,奶酪,音乐和假期,像每一个真正的法国人那样。 她自学了塔罗牌占卜。 当她随着探戈的乐曲挪动身姿时, 她也正朝着自己生命中的平和和真爱靠近。 She was born and raised in Paris. She is a sociable soul and a reliable friend. She enjoys wine, cheese, music and vacations to the fullest as a real French does. She taught herself to do tarot reading. As she walks with the music in her Tango dancing, she is also moving towards her peace and love in life. 【音乐】 "Papillon de Nuit" by France...
Published 06/13/21
Published 06/05/21
【Reem】 她生活在黎巴嫩南部城市Saida。 她是两个孩子的母亲。 她是一名老师也是一个自由笔译者。 她做饭,开车,祈祷,把一切照料周全。 但自从她变成一个女超人后, 她几乎没有个人时间看书。 她超越了一名女性。 She is a mom of two living in Saida in the south of Lebanon. She is a multilingual teacher and freelance translator. She cooks, she drives, she prays, she looks after her family. She does not have enough time for herself to read. Since she became a superwoman. She is more than a woman. 【音乐】 "More Than A Woman" by Bee Gees 【图片】 本期封面图片由Reem本人提供,版权所有。 【文字】 原创内容,版权所有。
Published 06/05/21
Published 06/04/21
【Fatemeh】 她是一个年轻的伊朗女孩。 来自距离里海30公里的北部城市 Gorgan。 她爱听波斯古典音乐也追逐中韩当红偶像。 她读美国诗人Sylvia Plath也看波伏娃的小说。 她几乎足不出户,有时候觉得世界如此遥不可及。 但不知不觉间, 她已经用自己的方式远行许久… She is a young girl living in Gorgan in the north of Iran, some 30km away from the Caspian Sea. She listens to classic Persian music as well as K-pop idols. She reads Sylvia Plath and Simone Beauvoir. She says somehow the world seems so far and unreachable. Yet without realizing it, she has already travelled a long way. 【音乐】 "I Wish I Knew How It Would...
Published 06/04/21