254: Rabeinu gives us a parable comparing Shabbat and a wedding. 255: Happy is one who merits to give himself the proper advice and direction in life! 256: Rabeinu speaks about the greatness of the piyut/song known as “akdamut” that we sing on Shavuot!
Published 12/04/23
250: Rabeinu explains why there’s no need to worry about parnasa! 251: Rabeinu advises us to recite all the 24 books of Tanach and other holy books from the month of Elul until Hoshana Raba. 252: We taste Gan Eden in drawing close to the true tzadik. 253: A beautiful story between Rabeinu and one of his students who couldn’t have children…
Published 12/03/23
Rebbe Nathan tells us amazing story that occurred between Rabeinu and a certain Kabbalist from a nearby villagez
Published 12/01/23
247: Rabeinu explains why the more honor or wealth a person has, the further away it is from this person. We must place our efforts in the right place- to run after the Torah, Mitzvot, and Maasim Tovim/good actions. 248: We should designate for ourselves a secluded place where we can pray, study, and serve G-d truthfully…
Published 12/01/23
245: Rabeinu teaches us that the revelation of original Torah ideas is a proof to G-d’s existence for we can literally see something which never previously existed be brought into existence and reality. 246: Rabeinu teaches us how to break the desire for eating by chewing solely with the teeth and not with the palate.
Published 11/30/23
243: Rabeinu delves into the spiritual significance of the concept of the evil eye and how to protect oneself from this. 244: Rabeinu advises one of his followers who had a sick relative to wake up before daylight and recite the entirety of the Song of Songs! 245: Rabeinu encourages one of his holy followers, telling him that some people are shown their spiritual accomplishments only after their passing!
Published 11/29/23
Rabeinu explains why it’s better to avoid being a school teacher…
Published 11/28/23
238: Rabeinu speaks about praying to G-d with Kavana, especially when it comes to asking Him to remedy us with good counsel before Him. Rabeinu also how he starts his day by relying on G-d… 239: G-d is not like a human being. For G-d, things become more precious to him the “older” they get…
Published 11/27/23
236: Rabeinu teaches one of his students going through extreme health problems and excruciating pain that one single burn in Gehinam is worse than all the pain he’s felt for years… 237: We must be careful with the words we utter, and we must make sure that our words aren’t wicked, even if we’re joking…
Published 11/26/23
Rabeinu discusses how as a child, he made the mistake of confusing himself with unnecessary stringencies in performing mitzvot. Rabeinu emphasizes that the main way to serve G-d is in simplicity and wholesomeness, without any unnecessary restrictions and stringencies whatsoever!
Published 11/24/23
233: Rabeinu shocks Rebbe Nathan with a piece of advice: one must pray for everything, in spiritual and material, even for the smallest things, from the food you eat to the button on your jacket! 234: Rabeinu encourages us never to give up on the practice of hitbodedut. Even if we feel as if our words aren’t doing anything, we must believe and know that our words are making a great impression, just like consecutive drops of water on stone…
Published 11/24/23
Speech/Prayer is the key to winning the war against the evil inclination. We must not be discouraged by the obstacles that present themselves before this holy task and we must reinforce ourselves with holy boldness to speak to G-d and the true Tzadikim as much as possible!
Published 11/23/23
230: The heart of a Jew should be longing for G-d with awesome emotion in every single heartbeat! 231: Rabeinu describes the feeling of having a broken heart, which is extremely precious in G-d’s eyes.
Published 11/22/23
227: It is best to do hitbodedut outside of the city in the field/forest. 228: There might be upright people that don’t have hitbodedut, but they are confused and confounded. When the Mashiach comes… 229: Rabeinu encourages a young man with the practice of hitbodedut, telling him that this is the essence of prayer!
Published 11/21/23
225: Rabeinu teaches us about the greatness of the wisdom of the Kabbalah and its infinite depth, as opposed to the wisdom of philosophy which ends with the knowledge of the physical universe and even then is mistaken. 226: If a dead soul were to appear before a group of philosophers, it would be the end to all their teachings.
Published 11/20/23
223: The students of Rabeinu have a discussion, describing the greatness of Rashi! 224: Rabeinu explains the saying of the sages that one must not investigate into that which is above, below, before, and after… (Chagiga 11b).
Published 11/19/23
221: Rabeinu explains why we must solely put our trust in G-d and not in those who claim to know things which are constantly changing, like the weather, based on the word of G-d. 222: Rabeinu encouraged someone who was being tested in his faith saying that faith is the ultimate reason why G-d created the world.
Published 11/17/23
Rabeinu teaches us that the great test of the final generations before the coming of the Mashiach will be the spread of atheism.
Published 11/17/23
218: Rabeinu mocks the philosophers who say that there’s life on the moon. 219: Rabeinu’s focus during the last 2 years of his life was the subject of emunah, which is the foundation of the entire Torah and Mitzvot.
Published 11/16/23
Rabeinu rejects the idea that one must know G-d through philosophy and explains why true knowledge of G-d starts with faith/emunah!
Published 11/15/23
Rabeinu rejects the idea that one must know G-d through philosophy and explains why true knowledge of G-d starts with faith/emunah!
Published 11/14/23
In this new section of Sichot Haran, we take a look at a several conversations Rabeinu had that emphasize the importance of distancing oneself from philosophical works!
Published 11/13/23
Rabeinu emphasized Rosh Hashana more than any other holiday. He said: “my entire very essence is Rosh Hashana.” We look at what Rabeinu said regarding the day of Judgement and the extent a person must go to in order to be with him for Rosh Hashana.
Published 11/12/23
Rabeinu delves into the subject of strife and opposition!
Published 11/10/23
Rabeinu gives multiple reasons why the claim from the mitnagdim that Rabeinu’s teachings are actually his grandfather’s is totally false.
Published 11/10/23