In Rabeinu’s last conversation, he gives us very powerful advice on how to endure and flourish within the chaos and suffering of this world: from the pain we experience on a day to do basis, to the worries of earning a livelihood, etc…
Rabeinu is giving us this simple yet very profound advice on how to come out on top of the evil inclination and suppress those conversations/feelings of stress that stem from the side of evil.
Rabeinu teaches us the only way how to escape the suffering of the...
Published 12/29/23
In Rabeinu’s last conversation, he gives us very powerful advice on how to endure and flourish within the chaos and suffering of this world: from the pain we experience on a day to do basis, to the worries of earning a livelihood, etc…
Rabeinu is giving us this simple yet very profound advice on how to come out on top of the evil inclination and suppress those conversations/feelings of stress that stem from the side of evil.
Rabeinu teaches us the only way how to escape the suffering of the...
Published 12/28/23
In Rabeinu’s last conversation, he gives us very powerful advice on how to endure and flourish within the chaos and suffering of this world: from the pain we experience on a day to do basis, to the worries of earning a livelihood, etc…
Rabeinu is giving us this simple yet very profound advice on how to come out on top of the evil inclination and suppress those conversations/feelings of stress that stem from the side of evil.
Rabeinu teaches us the only way how to escape the suffering of the...
Published 12/27/23
In Rabeinu’s last conversation, he gives us very powerful advice on how to endure and flourish within the chaos and suffering of this world: from the pain we experience on a day to do basis, to the worries of earning a livelihood, etc…
Rabeinu is giving us this simple yet very profound advice on how to come out on top of the evil inclination and suppress those conversations/feelings of stress that stem from the side of evil.
Published 12/26/23
In Rabeinu’s last conversation, he gives us very powerful advice on how to endure and flourish within the chaos and suffering of this world: from the pain we experience on a day to do basis, to the worries of earning a livelihood, etc…
Rabeinu is giving us this simple yet very profound advice on how to come out on top of the evil inclination and suppress those conversations/feelings of stress that stem from the side of evil.
Published 12/25/23
Rabeinu introduces the last conversation of the book with the idea that G-d constantly governs the world with more and more beauty and kindness…
Published 12/24/23
305: “What’s there for us to do?!”
306: Rabeinu explains how a word can encompass all the forms and images that the word itself represents. For example, the word “Adam” includes all the different forms of each and every individual in history.
Published 12/22/23
302: The main thing is: “From the belly of hell I cried out” (Yona 2:3).
303-304: Rabeinu discusses how foolish the desire for lust is, explaining that even the simplest person can overcome this!
Published 12/21/23
299: Rebbe Nachman speaks with Rebbe Nathan about happiness…
300: Everything in the world is for the sake of free will…
301: The main service of a Jew is in the winter: to get up at chatzot!
Published 12/20/23
296: Rabeinu speaks about attaching our prayers to the true tzadikim of the generation, for only they know how to elevate the tefilla to its proper place.
297: Rabeinu advises us to take a lesson of his for 2-3 months and perform all one’s avodat HASHEM according to the advice mentioned in the lesson. One should do this moving from one lesson to the next all the days of one’s life.
298: From a story that took place just a few days before Rabeinu’s passing, we see that it’s important not to...
Published 12/19/23
293: Rabeinu explains how just like the voice awakens a person’s concentration, the opposite is true as well.
294: The extra time we spend praying and studying during the month of Elul creates great noise in the Heavens.
295: A person should receive great encouragement to pray specifically when he feels far from G-d. It is specifically the Jewish sinner that perfects the congregation’s prayers!
Published 12/18/23
289: Rabeinu explains how we can fulfill the commandment to love G-d with all our “might” through business!
290: The words of the true tzadik apply to each and every Jew at every single level.
291: Because every generation develops new heretical and atheistic ideas, new sicknesses arise…
292: A story between Rabeinu and one of his biggest followers R’ Yudel.
Published 12/17/23
284: Rabeinu continues on the subject of praying with emotion/passion. He also speaks about the evil inclination’s tricks.
285: Rabeinu speaks about the greatness of the Torah and its infinite secrets.
Published 12/15/23
281: “A person must guard his money like the eye in his head…”
282: Separating from the true Tzadikim is like doing idol worship. Rabeinu explains how this is so using the words Echad and acher.
283: A person must not be discouraged in his prayers just because he felt as if he hadn’t properly sanctified himself in marital relations. We have the obligation to pray with joy!
Published 12/15/23
277: Rabeinu never drank before tefilla, not even water! Rabeinu was very strict on not drinking coffee and other similar drinks before prayer.
278: Rabeinu explains the meaning of the words “Chaburah Kadma’ah/ First Edition, which comes across in sevreral places in the holy Zohar.
279: When things go bad, one must nullify themselves to G-d entirely. Rabeinu explains how…
280: The tzadikim wander around in order to rectify outcast souls.
Published 12/14/23
275: Rabeinu explains how a person can do hitbodedut in any place, for ex. Under one’s tallit, looking into a book, under one’s bedsheets etc…
276: Rabeinu reprimands his students, telling them that they have to yearn to serve G-d at a higher level, a level fitting for HASHEM’s greatness! “If G-d was as small as me, then your avoda would be sufficient. But…”
Published 12/13/23
273: Melody has a tremendous strength to draw a person’s heart close to G-d. Any person can play a melody to himself and revive his soul, even if he’s not gifted in the art of music.
Rabeinu connects this to the famous tale of the 7 beggars and specifically the story of the water castle…
274: A person should have a set room for himself to serve G-d, study Torah, and pray.
Published 12/12/23
271: Rabeinu gives us a very practical analogy, explaining why it’s important to perform many mitzvot, for these mitzvot come to our aid in times of need.
272: Rabeinu explains why it’s worse to have pride in foolish things than it is to have pride in Torah. Rabeinu brings proof to this from the famous story of Rebbe Akiva’s imprisonment in the Gemara Brachot 61b.
Published 12/11/23
268: One must recite the prayers and supplications of Tikkun chatzot with great emotion.
269: Just act and don’t be confused by your decisions, as long as the decision isn’t against the Torah or evil.
270: One should recite chapter 107 of Psalms and express himself to G-d with great awakening.
We must also be very joyous when saying the Kegavna prayer, especially when we get to the words…
Published 12/10/23
265: In the name of the Baal Shem Tov, Rabeinu warns us not to eat raw onions under any circumstances.
266: Sometimes, being such a master in Torah and the holy books can get in the way of creating Torah novelties. One must constrict their mind when it comes to creating Torah chiddushim.
267: One can use his intellect to create Torah innovations, as long as one doesn’t change / create any halacha.
Published 12/08/23
262: There’s a grace that helps a person know future events through dreams.
263: Rabeinu explains that it’s the work of the yetzer hara that’s causing young couples to fight and separate.
264: Rabeinu teaches us why it’s so important to give our wives the ultimate respect and honor.
Published 12/08/23
In a manuscript from one of Rabeinu’s students, we find a beautiful lesson Rabeinu gave, connecting faith with humility, Shabbat, and other fundamental ideas.
Rabeinu also delves into the significance of G-d’s Names, the sun and the moon, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Chanukkah, wisdom, etc…
Published 12/07/23
In a manuscript from one of Rabeinu’s students, we find a beautiful lesson Rabeinu gave, connecting faith with humility, Shabbat, and other fundamental ideas.
Rabeinu also delves into the significance of G-d’s Names, Chanukkah, wisdom, etc…
Published 12/06/23
257: Rabeinu could see a person’s past and all the sins he committed. G-d’s eyes are to the tzadikim
258: Rabeinu rebuked his students and emphasized the importance of doing acts of kindness, collecting charity, etc…
259-260: Rabeinu talks about the importance of yearning and longing for G-d/serving Him. This is the essential delight of the World to Come!
Published 12/05/23