Have you ever heard Gods voice? Sometimes we may not be listening, and He is trying to get out attention. Are you guilty? I am! 🙋🏻‍♀️ This story is about hearing His voice when I thought I knew everything.. Boy was I wrong!
Published 03/22/24
Who do you think is the most famous person in the world? Listen to the bizarre items the people bought from celebrities, and believe me, some are right down disgusting. Let's look at celebrites and how it correlates to the second commandment. #celebrity #celebritynews #Jesus
Published 03/08/24
Jesus gave many lessons but truly two great commandments.. “Love the Lord your God with all your soul, mind, and strength.” The first of the 10 commandments went along with this “You shall have no other Gods.” This story is of a woman who let another God get in the way, her phone. This story tells how she beat it and truly put God first.
Published 02/28/24
We’ve all had trials with in life, all of us! There are seasons of great times, seasons that may be boring, and then seasons you just can’t catch a break. I’m in that season of just not being able to catch a break. It’s a struggle but I tell you what “I HAVE JESUS!” It is hard but easier when you know He has your back. If you’re ready, listen to my own story of personal struggles!
Published 02/22/24
This is a true story that I experienced in 2023. Jesus gave me a dream I needed to tell a friend about Him. Little did I know, she had terminal cancer. Listen to what happens, how Satan himself fought for her soul before she died. This incredible story proves that Satan is alive and well but how Jesus brings an army to fight for us as well. *note- names have been changed to protect the unsaved.
Published 02/14/24
This true story is about a blind woman who prayed for a miracle! She prayed that God would restore her vision! Listen to this story of how God healed this woman of blindness! We truly serve a great and powerful God!
Published 02/07/24
We all struggle and go through hard times? Maybe you’ve lost a dear loved one, maybe you’ve lost your job, or maybe struggling even a terrible break up. Have you ever wondered why God allows these things to happen? I have included three stories of how God is working, and how giving it all to Him will give you freedom. It doesn’t mean it still doesn’t hurt, it means you’re letting Him lead.
Published 01/31/24
In 1979, a lady passes away a week after having a son and meets Jesus face-to-face. Even though she prefers staying in heaven, Jesus says her job on Earth isn’t done. It’s a story about wanting to be with Jesus in heaven, but also having a mission to finish here on Earth. #Jesus #truestory #faithstories #heaven #neardeathexperience #nde #ndestory #neardeathstory #signsfromabove #heavenstory #bible #biblestudy
Published 01/23/24
In 1993, Jon faced a dire prognosis, given mere hours to live due to kidney cancer. Miraculously, prayers and unwavering faith guided him to a full recovery. This remarkable journey showcases how Jesus’ healing power can extend our time on Earth, ensuring we fulfill our earthly purpose. #jesus #truestory #faithstory #storiesofhope #kidneycancer #bible #biblestudy #signsfromabove #positivestories #miracles #miraclestory #miraculousstories #cancerhealing
Published 01/16/24
Let’s talk about the military. Do you ever see a person in uniform and walk on by like it’s nothing? I know I do but God is teaching me how to acknowledge others, especially those who put their lives on the line for you and me. What about Jesus? Do we forget what He did for all of us as we continue our busy lives? Again, I am guilty of this at times. I’ve included two true stories of people that have families or seen first hand what these people do for us.
Published 01/09/24
Listen to a story of how God answers prayers. This story is about 4-year old Noah and how he drowned in the family pool after being there for 10 minutes. He was rescued and saw heaven. Another story that is proof that God is there and listens!
Published 01/03/24
How was your Christmas? What is the memory you will take away this year? This is a story about trying to do good works to please Jesus but in turn Jesus taught me a lesson.
Published 12/26/23
Christmas miracles, they obviously happened with the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. But does God still perform Christmas miracles? They sure do, listen to the story of what a woman got to witness at a homeless shelter.
Published 12/22/23
Have you ever had a health scare? Or maybe a loved one that had a health scare? It can be so very scary! But look.. look around.. God is there. We just have to look! He will rain blessings around you as you are dealing with this. He’s eager to show he is faithful to us and he ALWAYS keeps his promises!
Published 12/11/23
Many of us have lost a loved one. There is always the first without them. The first birthday, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas.. without them. It’s hard! We have to find our new normal without them and this is extremely painful. This is a story of one family that are going through their first holiday without their son. Lord, I pray for everyone listening and the struggles they are going through as they deal with the loss of their loved ones. Please be with them. Please feel their hearts with...
Published 12/05/23
Have you ever had an experience in your life that you can’t explain? Maybe you got out of an extremely scary situation. Maybe you came close to dying but supernaturally saved. There are multiple ways that God just shows up! Did you ever look up and say. “I know that was you God.?” As a Christian, I know we see situations like these and I believe it’s Him showering His blessings on us!
Published 11/28/23
It’s extremely difficult to have a loved one with addiction (and I’m not talking about caffeine). How can we help?
Published 11/15/23
How does western world faith compare to third world countries. I’ve experienced myself and this is what I’ve learned!
Published 11/10/23
Matthew Perry died at the age of 54, but did you know he had an encounter with God before his passing? Listen to this story!
Published 11/03/23
Have you ever felt like you were so far down and the punches wouldn’t stop coming? Did it get to the point where you were just angry at God? Here’s my story.
Published 10/25/23
A woman experiences a glimpse of heaven as she fought for her life with Covid. How this has helped her today.
Published 10/03/23
We all have struggles. Sometimes the best medicine is looking at what others are going through. We all are in the valleys preparing for the struggle to go up our next mountain. But we are not alone!
Published 09/27/23
Have you ever had a health care or a health scare of a loved one? This is a story of just that!
Published 09/22/23
Seriously.. have you seen the weather? There is literally worldwide flooding happening. I believe God is trying to get our attention!
Published 09/06/23