It's time for a change, so this is the last episode of Simply Syndicated Movie News.
Published 07/29/18
We have actual movie news for you this week, even though it's still the summer and I just want to do summer specials and eat ice cream.
Published 07/23/18
It's another summer special. This time we're talking about bad summer movies.
Published 07/09/18
Full shownotes can be found at http://www.simplysyndicated.com/shows/movienews
Published 07/01/18
Full shownotes can be found at http://www.simplysyndicated.com/shows/movienews
Published 06/26/18
Full shownotes can be found at http://www.simplysyndicated.com/shows/movienews
Published 06/24/18
Full shownotes can be found at http://www.simplysyndicated.com/shows/movienews
Published 05/29/18
Full shownotes can be found at http://www.simplysyndicated.com/shows/movienews
Published 05/21/18
I have nothing to say about this episode. I can't remember a single thing about it. I know I was there, but that's about it. Just go see Avengers again.
Published 05/17/18
Full shownotes and links to all the articles we discuss can be found at http://www.simplysyndicated.com/shows/movienews
Published 05/06/18
It seems all anyone is doing this week is Avengers.
Published 05/01/18
We also talk about toys.
Published 04/24/18
This is where the movie news is.
Published 04/17/18
Here's where I write text about the podcast. The hope is that I'll explain something to you that isn't included in the title of the show. Get ready to abandon hope.
Published 04/03/18
We had a couple of weeks off because reasons. Make your own up. Rick was abducted by Aliens, Jen found out that she is an alien, and Rich began investigating the whole thing for the FBI. Turns out it was Boz and Sean all along. Whatever, here's a new episode of our award winning* podcast. *Not a real award
Published 03/25/18
These text entries aren't getting any better, or more useful.
Published 02/26/18
Movie news is here again!
Published 02/19/18
This week we've got Conan, Magnum PI, Rich, Boz, and Rick. Oh, and there's a review of The Cloverfield Paradox.
Published 02/11/18
We've got all sorts of stuff this week. It's all movie news. There's Mr Rogers, SciFi TV, clever people liking bad movies, and lots of other news.
Published 02/04/18
Clue, Crocodile Dundee NOT, Equal pay for doctors, Murphy Brown, Vampires, Shining, Captain Marvel, and Casey Affleck. I was paying attention this week. Find more of our shows at http://www.simplysyndicated.com and find us on Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/simplysyndicated
Published 01/28/18
We talk movie news and all the things you might associate with movie news.
Published 01/22/18
This really is all the latest movie news. To be honest there isn't a lot of it, but we more than make up for it with things we've seen and rambling.
Published 01/15/18
This episode will bring you right up to date on all the movie news you need to know, and our opinions on it. That's what we're here for, opinions.
Published 01/12/18
This is our end of year show for 2017. You're getting it in 2018 because I thought I'd released it, but it turned out I hadn't. What a great start to the year. It's actually a prety good show.
Published 01/08/18
I think we were all very tired. That's probably the best explanation for it. Sorry.
Published 12/24/17