So I know I’m ALWAYS speaking to the Law of Attraction and Manifestation when it comes to connecting with your Soulmate. But how do you actually go about BEING the Vibration of Love? Lots of people ask me this question, so I figured this would be a great place to answer them! How exactly DO you vibrate at the frequency of Love in order to attract your Divine Lover? Listen in as Erika and I share some of our TOP manifestation tips for getting into the vibration of LOVE! Follow me on IG...
Published 03/09/23
We all get busy. But it can certainly be a slippery slope when it comes to days adding up to years. Before you know it, you’re living life for your children and the two of you have become roommates. It happens to more people than you think! Join Erika and I as we chat about some ways to keep the embers burning and how to rekindle the connection if it seems to have fizzled out. It takes both of you making a conscious effort if you want to salvage your partnership don’t miss this convo! If you...
Published 03/03/23
Sexuality has always been a hot topic in religions throughout history. So much has been labeled as taboo, ‘bad’, shameful etc. But the energy exchange between two consenting souls during the act of intimacy is potent and powerful. Join us as we talk about sacred sexuality.
Published 02/23/23
I LOVE online dating!! (Said no one ever) LOL listen I get the whole “let me sum up my awesome qualities all in one bio paragraph so someone finds me interesting enough to ask out” is pretty frustrating. However, online dating doesn’t have to be as awful as you think. I choose to see it as a great tool to meet tons of people. However in the swipe left swipe right culture of dating life today, how is a savvy spiritual chick like yourself supposed to save time and energy and NOT end up going on...
Published 02/11/23
Today’s guest is a dear friend and former mentor of mine, the lovely Sarah Sparks. Sarah is a highly sought after spiritual business advisor teaching others to lead with their soul while listening to their divine guidance. In this episode we will be chatting about the incredible story of how Sarah was literally “shown” her husband to be and how synchronicities in her life, through following her divine guidance, brought them together. Hope you enjoy! If you would like to reach Sarah you can...
Published 01/31/23
Happy 1/11 day! So what’s the big deal with angel numbers and these ‘portal days’ anyway? In numerology all numbers have a specific vibration and energy to them (as do ALL things in the Universe!) and portal days such as the 1/11 are just a little added oomph to your manifesting energy. Why? Because the ‘1’ is the number of new beginnings! Come give this episode a listen as we discuss he magic of manifesting with the 1/11 portal!
Published 01/11/23
So we’ve all heard the “love yourself more” mantra. But what does that really look like? How do you truly EMBODY real love and acceptance for not only yourself but for your body at ALL stages of life? There is real power in radical self acceptance! And that power is a game changer when it comes to not only learning to love your life, but in your relationships as well. Join me as I have this very potent conversation with body reclamation activator and expander Melissa Mejia. You can find...
Published 01/05/23
So we all start out in a relationship base on physical attraction. “He’s sooo HOT!” So of course when dating we all want to look our best. But if you’re obsessively wrapped up in physical looks, I promise you’re not going to have long lasting OR fulfilling relationships! So where do you draw the line between looking your best and being superficial? Tune in and listen as we chat about this very important topic in todays world of ‘curated’ Instagram/Reality TV beauty standards.
Published 11/22/22
Are you a people pleaser? I know I was!and as a matter of fact I’m still working through completely releasing this pattern! People pleasing is super harmful, ESPECIALLY in our romantic relationships. WHY? Because it’s the main reason why people loose themselves in their partnerships. You do so much to keep the other person happy at the expense of your own needs, wants, and feelings that you literally loose sight of your identity outside of that person. So why do we do this and how do we...
Published 10/05/22
So your EX hit you up. . .and it just so happens to be Mercury Retrograde in Libra. . .SHOCKER! OK not really though. this is a pretty common thing as Mercury (being all about communication) tends to create the energy of EX relationships coming back around again to be revisited. So is that something you should take as a sign to jump back in? Hmmmm you may want to pause and give this episode a listen first! I’ll be chatting about what to do and what NOT to do when it comes to re-investing in...
Published 09/22/22
Who’s caught themselves saying things like, “ughh I’m so fat”, “I’m not pretty enough”, “Everyone’s looking at me, I must look too fat in these jeans”. I know for myself as well as today’s guest, we have both been down this road of being overly fixated on our bodies and physical appearance. As women, I believe this tends to be a pervasive issue perpetuated by not only social media, but our families, culture, and society in general. We obsess about our our butt being too big, or not being big...
Published 08/18/22
The twin flame relationship is not for the faint of heart. It’s CHALLENGING! This relationship is like the mirror effect (on steroids) to all your inner wounds, fears, insecurities and traumas. But there is always a purpose behind the pain! Although these partnerships are typically always tumultuous, the purpose is to push you to step into massive spiritual growth in order to understand who you are and what you need to heal within. I have the pleasure of chatting with Colleen Lindberg...
Published 08/11/22
Toxicity in childhood isn’t always as clear cut as physical or emotional abuse. Essentially, it can be as simple as one single event, or take place over many years. As children we learn from our caregivers how to form bonds with other people. (Reference Attachment Styles) Although we may have the greatest caregivers in the world, as children we are self-centric, so every situation we observe automatically is internalized to be ‘about us’. So when you have a parent who isn’t consistent with...
Published 08/04/22
Britney Spears summed it up perfectly with her lyric “I’m addicted to you , don’t you know that you’re toxic”. So what makes a relationship truly toxic? (Hate to tell ya, but toxicity is no where near as sexy as her video makes it out to be!) And if you find yourself in that situation, what do you do about it? Join me for this powerful conversation with coach and energy healer Joe Petroski. Joe is the creator of Profound Power. He is a master healer who discovered his psychic gifts after...
Published 07/28/22
Join me as I chat with the AMAZING Monica Bermudez. Co-author of “Creating Your Legacy”, Monica serves as a heart-healing catalyst. She uniquely integrates science, art, philosophy, and mysticism into powerful Love Wisdom for modern light workers. Todays episode explores healing relationships by connecting to the Sacred Heart. Hope you enjoy! Make sure to follow me on social media IG @iam_tonyaalberti to check out all my latest offerings and additional content. Register for my upcoming...
Published 07/21/22
Let’s talk about HONESTY! How authentic is YOUR online dating profile? Are you guilty of maybe a little too much photoshopping or excessive filter use? Or perhaps you’ve attracted people into your online dating inbox who are a little bit disingenuous. If this sounds like you then listen up! Today’s episode is all about the importance of integrity in your dating profile. Most people who go a bit overboard with how they present themselves do it from a space of insecurity. They typically aren’t...
Published 07/13/22
o what’s the best way to meet that great guy or girl that you immediately have an amazing connection with?? DATE MULTIPLE PEOPLE! But playing the field comes with some unique challenges in today’s age. RU casual, looking for more, just looking for a hook up, just making friends. . . . The list goes on. Join me as I discuss how to effectively ‘play the field’ without sacrificing your integrity (or your heart)! (10 Do’s and Don’t of Dating Multiple People by Tessah Schoenrock)
Published 07/06/22
It’s all about energy! We’ve all heard about vibes (so why should you care?) The vibration you you are emitting is your point of attraction. So how do you elevate your vibe? What holds you back from keeping a high vibration? And how does this all play into attracting the perfect soulmate love? Tune in to this episode and find out! Not following me on Insta? I would love to connect with you there @iam_tonyaalberti. Looking for more spiritual relationship content? Check out the resources and...
Published 06/29/22
So what does feeling ‘stuck’ really mean? Do you feel like you can’t let go of something? Do you feel like you just can’t seem to move forward in your life or relationship? Or perhaps you’ve been doing ‘all the things’ and you have yet to attract your soulmate. This episode is all about ENERGY. We will be discussing things such as shifting timelines, vibration, transmuting emotions, as well as how the Law of Attraction plays into this feeling of ‘stuckness’. Good news! You CAN shift this for...
Published 06/22/22
So obviously attraction is super important (I mean HELLOOOO). . .but is it MORE important that anything else? Some people seem to think so. And where does compatibility come into play? And how exactly do you KNOW that you’re compatible? Check out this episode as we discuss those very things!
Published 06/15/22
We ALL hold both the divine Masculine as well as the Divine Feminine within us energetically. But when it comes to relationships, there needs to be polarity in order for that relationship to thrive. That means he Masculine and Feminine need to be balanced in the relationship. When these energies are OUT of balance, typically that spells disaster. So how does this all work? Give this episode a listen and find out! Give me a follow on IG @iam_tonyaalberti. That’s where you can stay up to date...
Published 06/09/22
Are you the kind of person who is constantly seeking validation from your significant other? Always needing compliments? Or perhaps you’re just a little bit obsessive with worry over the fact that you think they are going to cheat on you. Or maybe you just can’t bring yourself to believe them when they say “I Love You”. If any of that sounds even remotely familiar, you’ve got insecurity issues my friend! Listen in as we discuss how insecurity shows up in your partnerships, why it causes so...
Published 06/02/22
How often have you been scrolling through your IG feed and secretly envied all the perfect beautiful faces and bodies? Perhaps you’ve got an online dating profile set up and as you’re scrolling through your matches you feel intimidated by all the gorgeous faces? Well Social Media, although a great way to meet people, isn’t typically real life. So if you’re struggling to look picture perfect (or perhaps LOOKING for Mr/Miss picture perfect) you’ll want to give this episode a listen! Interested...
Published 05/25/22
So what happens if you’re the woke one and every other person you date isn’t on your spiritual wavelength? Can you still find your true love if they aren’t on the same page? Or perhaps you’ve searched all the spiritual online dating sites and can’t find anyone who is in the same place on their spiritual journey as you and now you’re super discouraged. Listen in to this episode as we chat about what to do in this situation and how you can still find your Soulmate.
Published 05/17/22
Most of us at one time or another have been on the receiving end of rejection. It sucks. But how do you move through those emotions and come out on the other side ready for your next dating adventure? This episode talks about how to do just that! If you are interested in learning more about the upcoming “How to Rely on Spirit” 6 month journey, reach out to me to schedule an interview at https:www.calendly.com/tonya-alberti-coach
Published 04/21/22