Small civil society and women’s rights organizations are uniquely positioned to prevent and address all forms of violence against women and girls, including those in hardest-to-reach and particularly marginalized communities. Their specific expertise, their resourcefulness and link to the communities are driving factors of transformative change. But how do they take care of themselves and of each other? How do they manage the stress of working in the field of violence against women and...
Published 09/14/23
Published 09/14/23
Did you know that 70% of women experience gender-based violence in crisis settings, compared with 35% of women worldwide? What does prevention of violence look like in the context of conflict and emergency? How do small women’s rights organizations react and adapt to emerging threats and aggravating factors of violence? How do they keep responding to women and girls’ needs, despite dire circumstances and limited resources? Find out in this episode!
Published 09/06/23
Small organizations are commonly initially founded to support underserved, marginalized communities, often by people having experienced the same discrimination, stigma and inequality. In this episode, founders of these small organizations will share their stories about how they were once service seekers and now have become service providers for women and girls. What changes have they made to ensure competent, non-judgmental services for survivors? How do they serve the hardest-to-reach...
Published 08/31/23
Myth: small grassroots organizations have a limited impact. Reality: despite scarce resources, small grassroots organizations lead transformative change in the lives of many women and girls. Navigating the funding ecosystem can be a daunting task for small and very small organizations. But that does not stop them from changing lives. Tune in to hear from UN Trust Fund grantee organizations sharing detailed stories of how they achieve positive change with limited resources, whether it is...
Published 07/14/23
Small women’s rights organizations run by and for women, many are also survivors of violence, are meeting the needs of particularly marginalized women at risk of violence. But who is meeting the needs of these small organizations? Embark on a journey to learn about their inspiring work to lead transformative change for women and girl survivors and those at risk of violence, despite limited resources and emerging challenges. Hear stories of change, resilience, resourcefulness and...
Published 07/12/23
Have you ever wondered what it is like inside a small women’s rights organization with a specific focus on ending violence against women and girls? Who are they? How do they work? What does a typical day look like? From running safe shelters, to providing legal aid or counseling, to leading powerful advocacy campaigns to change policies and laws to protect women’s rights, small civil society and women’s rights organizations are a critical lifeline to women and girl survivors or at risk of...
Published 07/12/23