Being busy and productive are not the same thing, and they don't always translate into growth. In today's episode we explore 8 things that you might be busily doing in your business that don't actually move the needle or make you more productive. - The curse of perfectionism and how it's holding you back. - When over planning feels safe and comfortable, but not necessarily productive. - Why taking action steps leads to clarity and confidence (not the other way around). - How over...
Published 03/12/24
The businesses I've seen succeed, do so because they've got the basics down pat and do them *really* well. Where I've often seen businesses struggle is when they've tried to skip the basics because they feel they're too advanced (or impatient) to start at the beginning. In today's episode, I'm sharing these basic, but essential steps that are important for any business to succeed. - The common things that businesses tend to focus on first *before* they've got their basics covered. - Why...
Published 03/10/24
It's so tempting to keep creating more offers. But sometimes, when you want to grow, you need to take a step back to move forward and create space for something new (even if you don't know what that new thing is yet). In today's episode, I'm sharing the questions you can ask yourself to help you decide if you should retire an offer (or not). - Why giving more content does not mean you're offering more value (and how it can lead to overwhelm instead). - How letting go of an offer you have...
Published 03/07/24
There's a human behind every business—and sometimes it's fun to learn a little more about the people you listen to all day long. We all have experiences that make us who we are, which can affect how we show up and impact our audience and our clients. In today's episode, I'm sharing a few things about myself that you probably don't know and how they've impacted my business journey through the years. - How comparing yourself to others doesn't take into account your life experiences. - The...
Published 03/05/24
Most online business owners start out with a few simple offers—usually 1:1 because it's the easiest thing to sell when just starting out. These may serve you to a point, but eventually you'll probably want to make some changes, especially if you want to scale. In today's episode, I'm sharing 7 questions to ask to figure out if your offer suite is still the right one, or whether it needs to change. - How increasing your price point over time is essential for charging your worth and your...
Published 03/03/24
Using AI tools in your business (like Chat-GPT) can really help you to save time and deliver more value. But to do so, you need to understand them and how best to use them to avoid receiving generic output that anyone can Google. In today's episode, I'm sharing 6 different ways that I use AI in my business to save time and improve my offers. - The types of course bonuses that you can ask AI to create that can deliver value and save time (for you and your students/clients). - How using AI can...
Published 02/29/24
Traveling all over the world is a big part of what freedom means to me. I travel for business AND I travel for fun. And while my team keeps things running on the ground, there are still tasks I need to complete and calls I need to make for my business while I'm overseas. In today's episode, I'm sharing my whole swag of travel tips that I've learned over the years as an online business owner. - Why establishing a routine when travelling is so important when it comes to having boundaries...
Published 02/27/24
"Prior to Launch Magic, I thought you just had a little cart button on your website and people would just press "buy". I had no idea that you had to take them through a journey before they would be ready to buy". Sound familiar? This is soooo common! So, in today's episode, I'm sharing a live Q&A panel that I ran with some former Launch Magic students who are all in different businesses and at different stages. - How enrolling in Launch Magic helped students to clarify their programs and...
Published 02/25/24
You can spend forever trying to piece together everything you need to launch your program from the free information that's out there. But once you understand where people are coming from in terms of their marketing, you realise that you're not actually getting the solution until you buy, right? So you are always just going to be getting told more and more things about the problem that you have. In today's episode, I'm talking to previous Launch Magic students because sometimes the best way...
Published 02/22/24
This week, on my Instagram Stories, I asked my audience to send me their questions about everything launch-related. So many of you responded and so I decided to turn your answers into a podcast episode! So, in today's episode, I'm sharing how you can launch an offer before you've created it and so much more! - The *many* benefits of launching your offer before you've even created it. - Why live launching is a much more effective way to sell your offer, compared to parking it on your...
Published 02/20/24
While I'm a big believer in live launching your offers, there are some circumstances when I *wouldn't* live launch. In today's episode, I'm sharing 6 times when I wouldn't launch an offer live (and 3 times when I *absolutely* would). - Why live launching a low-ticket offer is not always necessary, especially when it's super specific and you have a lot of social proof. - How understanding the timing around specific problems your audience has can help you to decide their urgency and whether to...
Published 02/18/24
Have you launched any of your offers before? Especially if they're a course, program or membership? If so, there are a few mistakes that you can avoid along the way if you want to maximise sales in the future. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 mistakes that *will* cost you sales in a launch. - Why making mistakes is part of the process and how you can use these to change how you approach launching in the future. - The importance of reviewing your launch and making changes for the next one. -...
Published 02/15/24
When I talk about launching I'm usually referring to a live launch—which isn't something you just do the first time you launch a brand new offer out into the world. If you're only launching it once, then you're leaving money on the table. In today's episode, I'm sharing how you can review your launch to refine, rinse and repeat for more sales next time. - Why sending out a non-buyer survey while the launch is still fresh in your audience's mind is so important. - Why looking at the numbers...
Published 02/13/24
It's easy to think that if you just get your offer in front of more people then you'll sell more. Sometimes this will work IF you have all of the ingredients in place. But if you're struggling to get your current audience to convert, then getting more people won't help until you tweak things. In today's episode, I'm share my top essential must-knows to sell your online course, program or membership. - What launching your offer live actually means (and what it doesn't). - Why understanding...
Published 02/11/24
If you've created a course (or any other digital offer), put it on your website, but aren't making as many sales as you'd hoped, then this episode is for you! In today's episode, I'm sharing 3 must-haves to sell your offers and how you can tweak these for more sales. - The common reasons why your offer isn't selling and the 3 key ingredients you need to sell them. - How live launching your offer can help you to nail your sales strategy. - Why bridging the Magician's Gap is so important for...
Published 02/08/24
Your email list is a precious resource that *you* own—whereas you don't own your social platforms (and with social accounts being randomly hacked and/or shut down, your email list is even more important!). In today's episode, I'm sharing more about *why* your email list is an essential part of your launch and how you can grow it to prepare for the next one. - Why your email list isn't about the number of people, it's about the *type* of people who join that will help it to convert. - How...
Published 02/06/24
People often think that putting an offer on evergreen is easy. You can just add it to your website and let it be—hoping a few people will buy it each month. Well, it doesn't quite work that way. In today's episode, I'm sharing the common misconceptions about evergreen offers and what you need to know. - Why creating a sales process for evergreen offers is just as important as it is for live launches. - Why putting your offer on your website isn't enough to convert. - How bridging the...
Published 02/04/24
Things are constantly changing in the online business world, especially with the rise of AI. So, in today's episode, I'm having another Biz Bestie Chat with Anita Siek who's the founder of Wordfetti, a human-centred copy and brand house and template shop for brands that don't do "normal". This is our third episode over the last couple of weeks and we're openly sharing our business predictions for the year ahead. - Our insights and predictions on what we believe will be the major shifts in...
Published 02/01/24
Live launching is a limited-time sales campaign for one offer that's strategically designed to bridge the Magician's Gap. Live launching is *not* about creating hype and FOMO and using these to get people to buy. In today's episode, I'm sharing why live launching is so effective when it comes to selling your offers. - Why having a deadline is *not* about pushing people to buy, it's about encouraging them to make a decision. - How live launching gives you a lot of meaningful data on...
Published 01/30/24
One of *the* most important parts of a launch is the debrief afterwards. So, in today's episode, I'm joined by my biz bestie Anita Siek who's the founder of Wordfetti, a human-centred copy and brand house and template shop for brands that don't do "normal". We're openly sharing what worked and what didn't with our launches last year and how we're changing things up this year. - How challenging launches can affect you personally and professionally. - How understanding specific customer...
Published 01/28/24
Launching an offer for the first time can feel daunting and overwhelming. But the great thing about live launching is that it's a rinse-and-repeat process that you can make bigger and better each time you launch. So that first launch is more like an experiment, learning what works and what doesn't. In today's episode, I'm sharing 8 things you need to know before launching your brand new offer. - Why taking the pressure off yourself (and your launch) is so important. - How taking imperfect...
Published 01/25/24
My last episode with Liz Wilcox was the *most downloaded* episode of 2023! Liz is an email strategist who shows small businesses how to build online relationships and make real money with emails. Her incredible $9 membership has yielded multiple six figures all whilst maintaining her "simple is my superpower" ethos. In today's episode, we dive into how she made $1000 an hour while she was offline. - The importance of life-work balance, especially when managing your business during your time...
Published 01/23/24
Today I am coaching Taila, an online mentor for high school and university students. The challenge that Taila faces today is how to clarify her messaging when her clients are students but her buyers are usually their parents. In this episode, we talk about how to hone Taila's messaging when addressing two different audiences. - Why defining your ideal client will help guide your content marketing strategy to both the students (users of the service) and their parents (the buyers). - How...
Published 01/21/24
Anita Siek is back for a bonus episode! She's the founder of Wordfetti, a human-centred copy and brand house and template shop for brands that don't do "normal". Anita is also one of my dear friends, and today we're talking about the lessons that 2023 taught us—both personally and professionally. - The biggest lessons and challenges from 2023. - Why taking action can be so tricky, especially when procrastination and the fear of imperfection are hovering close by. - The importance of...
Published 01/19/24
I'm alllll about creating more freedom in your life—after all, isn't that (at least part of) why you started your business in the first place? But freedom needs to be intentionally created—it doesn't just magically happen. In today's episode, I'm sharing 7 ways that you can create more freedom in your business this year. - Why auditing every part your business is so important so that you can identify what's working (and not working so you can fix it) before you grow and scale. - Why...
Published 01/18/24