The sun is unleashing massive solar flares which have triggered extreme weather patterns - aurora borealis, tennis ball sized hail, tornadoes, and more - and you better believe it’s changing the electromagnetic frequency of the planet and having an effect on our bodies & consciousness.  Solar flares are like stem cells for the soul: they are upgrading us and most people are experiencing it in our physical bodies - via extreme fatigue, disrupted sleeping patterns, or challenged areas in...
Published 05/15/24
In our journey through life, we encounter various challenges related to boundaries. Whether it’s asserting our limits, protecting our energy, or navigating relationships, the concept of boundaries is ever-present. In this episode, Amanda delves into the fascinating world of the Root Chakra and its profound connection to our personal boundaries. The Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara Chakra, resides at the base of our spine. It serves as the foundation of our energetic system. When...
Published 05/08/24
Amanda shares what astrology and numerology has in store for us in May! This month is about getting clear on what you value, cleaning house, getting ready to make a change, and building community!    Simply over amplify this month! Organize your life to organize your mind: Put the laundry away Make your bed  Clean up your vanity  Wipe the toothpaste out the sink  Wash the dishes right after you use them Remove trash from your car  Clear out your closets   Don't play checkers with your...
Published 05/01/24
Amanda welcomes Megen Mundy, a seasoned herbalist, and proud owner of Austin’s oldest apothecary shop, The Herb Bar, to the show today! Megen shares her profound insights in the world of herbal medicine demystifying its ancient wisdom and empowering listeners to connect with their bodies on a deeper level. Megen shares her personal journey having explored various SSRI medications and anti-anxiety treatments and feeling disconnected to her body while living in a “fight or flight” state....
Published 04/24/24
Radio and TV Personality, Anne Hudson, joins the show today for a reading that encourages her to let go of productivity and start taking time to have fun!  Anne is someone that knows how to get things done - she’s a calendar maven who “bullies” herself into action and accomplishments. Her lesson for this year? Pause, exhale, and look around - it’s time to smell the roses and enjoy the moment!    Take the advice that resonates with you from Anne’s reading: If it's not fun, don’t do...
Published 04/17/24
The cosmic push-pull of April is a confusing and chaotic time, but try to find your peace this month. Everything is coming together so it’s time to quit applying pressure and enjoy a moment of stillness and ease.    Remember that Mercury Retrograde is a great time to reflect and re-organize your thoughts and the Eclipse provides transformational energy so let this be a new cycle of growth and change for you.    Don’t take action where it doesn’t feel natural - it’s ok to not know what the...
Published 04/10/24
This episode is one you don’t want to miss! How are fear and chaos working in your favor?  April is the punctuation month of 2024 that accelerates our path forward into greater sovereignty, agency and love over fear, if we choose to be warriors of our own light. This is the time to face your deepest fears, heal chaos and be in the eye of the storm.  This episode is jam-packed with Mercury Retrograde and Aries Total Solar Eclipse energy insights, astrology details, dates to be aware of and...
Published 04/07/24
Ally Fallon, coach, author, and host of the “Write Your Story” podcast joins the show today to talk about how writing can be a transformative tool to help connect to who you are and transform your life story.    After writing about her marriage falling apart, Ally learned that putting pen to paper helped her put her life back together while also finding her voice, meaning, and purpose. She now teaches others to do the same - helping them find clarity in their life stories and what the...
Published 04/03/24
Join us in Austin on May 7th! Get your tickets now at SoulPathology.com/Tickets    Promo codes are live: Use code “Soul88” for $99 off for groups of 8 Use code “Soul66” for $66 off for groups of 6 Use code “Soul44” for $44 off for groups of 4 Use code “Soul22” for $22 off for groups of 2   There are massive shifts in the cosmos happening on April 1st, including Mercury going retrograde! It is a powerful day to pause, get centered and grounded, and set intentions for the month. April 1st...
Published 03/27/24
As we enter eclipse season, the cosmic energies are intensifying, and the upcoming Libra Full Moon Eclipse on Monday, March 25th at 3 am ET will bring a powerful surge of transformation!    In this bonus episode, Amanda shares the astrological and numerological significance of this celestial event and how to better utilize this season for growth and healing.   Are you tired of living the story you’re ready to grow out of and move past? It is time to shadowbox your fears and confront the...
Published 03/24/24
Astrologist, Hannah Elsewhere joins the show today to talk about the astrology of 2024, how Jupiter will affect us in the upcoming months, Eclipse Season, the North and South Nodes of the Moon, and so much more!  This year feels revolutionary - we’re in a period of preparation for big cosmic shifts coming up over the next few years and a new energetic era is upon us! Consciousness is shifting and expanding, healing is happening faster & on a collective level, and our authenticity and...
Published 03/20/24
Our listener, Sarah, joins Amanda on today’s episode to talk about how numerology has created more synchronicity, magic, healing, and connection in her life!   Sarah Grendahl of Grendahl Design Company connected with Amanda on Instagram after she printed out a copy of Amanda’s 2024 Numerology Guidebook and shared how she is using numbers to find magic and support every day.    Sarah details the incredible experiences she’s had connecting to numbers with her health, family, and business....
Published 03/13/24
This month is jam packed with a lot of significant energy!! In this bonus episode, we’re talking about the powerful new moon on March 10th.    The new moon is a great time to manifest and set your intentions. The moon is about your inner life, your subconscious, your soul, your emotions, and your deepest, innermost essence and self! There is a big astrological transit happening tomorrow when Mars is squaring Uranus. It signals a breaking down of systems - but how can you think about that...
Published 03/08/24
On today’s episode, Amanda shares a reading with our listener Natalia who has been struggling with a challenging season of parenthood, the loss of her sister, and learning how to better harness her intuitive gifts:   Amanda explains that children being born today have gifts and abilities that we can’t always relate to and helps Natalia recognize intuitive ways of helping her children navigate difficult phases Natalia’s sister comes through in the reading to explain her passing from a drunk...
Published 03/06/24
Get ready to feel your feelings! This show is dedicated to Amanda’s mother, Lisa - on the one year anniversary of her passing.  On today’s episode, Amanda shares reflections and insights on March, a “2-Universal Month '', in an “8-Universal Year" -  which makes for an emotional combo. The energy is asking that we move through feeling, intuition, & compassion rather than logic. It is also a Master Month with the number 11 which represents the interconnection of the human experience and...
Published 02/28/24
We are delighted to have the legendary Stewart Pearce on today’s show! As a world-renowned Voice & Presence Coach over the last 40 years, Stewart has inspired monumental change, giving voice to visionary figures like Margaret Thatcher and Diana, Princess of Wales.  In 1987, Stewart experienced a life-changing encounter and received a Divine Transmission from 12 radiant orbs, revealing themselves as the Angels of Atlantis and has been spreading their loving grace and sacred teachings...
Published 02/21/24
Who are the people you feel most like yourself around? Who are the people you laugh your ass off with? Who brings out the parts of your personality that you love? Who can you be silly with? Feel safe with?    While most people focus on romantic love on Valentine’s Day, Amanda wants to know: Where do you have reciprocal love in your life? Friendships, family, Divine Love?    We think that we will finally find happiness when we find love, but as cliche as it is - we need to love ourselves...
Published 02/14/24
On today’s episode, Amanda does a reading for our listener, Jessica, who went through an unthinkable loss when her son passed tragically 5 years ago.  Jessica’s son, Hunter, helped divinely connect us after she asked him for a sign and 3 days later we reached out to her for this reading! Hunter comes through right away to give Jessica messages about his transition after passing, the unique connection he shares with his younger brother, healing guidance for his older sister, and validates an...
Published 02/07/24
It’s almost February which means…Happy New Year!?! If you’ve been waiting to start your resolutions and set your intentions, it’s finally time to take action on your dreams with the new energy setting in this month.  February is a 1 month in numerology and mixed with the 8 numerology of 2024, it’s time to get out of your own way and get off to the races! What path or journey are you embarking on? What is calling your soul that you want to manifest? Pick a theme song for the month that is...
Published 01/31/24
Pluto moves into Aquarius this week, a phenomenon that last occurred in 1778 and where Pluto will remain for the next 20 years (aside from a quick 2.5 month retrograde later this year).  This episode explores the revolutionary and evolutionary changes that come with Pluto’s transit into Aquarius, a period marked by questioning, challenging truths, and generational transformation. Amanda dives into the “Age of Aquarius,” a time of enhanced cognition, expanded consciousness, and a...
Published 01/24/24
We are super excited to meet one of our listeners, Elizabeth, who joins the show today for a spiritual reading as Amanda shares guidance about what’s ahead for Elizabeth’s career, relationships, and shares important messages for her healing journey.  Elizabeth is a stabilizer - she’s a wise, pragmatic person who works well under pressure, is great at taking care of others,  and has the gift of putting people at ease. And although she’s always wanted marriage and kids, Amanda re-affirms this...
Published 01/17/24
In this episode, we explore the profound vibrational shifts impacting our well-being and consciousness as we step into 2024! If you’ve been feeling unwell, foggy, or anxious, understand that these are signs of our transition to a new level of awareness. Witness the thinning veil and the synchronicities appearing in your life. Learn to navigate these changes with patience, love, and tolerance, not just for yourself but for those around you. Discover how empathy and understanding can be...
Published 01/10/24
In this bonus episode, Amanda shares the transformative power of conscious neuroplasticity! Use this technique to change your energetic frequencies when you’re feeling stuck, discomfort, or disease by building new neural networks that alter the way you think and perceive things.  This tool will enhance your cognition, mental alertness, clarity, intelligence, and ability to communicate. You’ll be able to gather and share information effectively, clearly, and with a sense of truth and...
Published 01/05/24
As we transition from 2023 to 2024 there is a massive energy shift and while the energy is settling it can feel a little unsettling so go easy on yourself. January is a 9 month in numerology which signals a month of completion, integrity and surrender.  On the 27th, all the planets will be stationed direct, so February may feel more like the start of the year to you! Don’t put any pressure on new goals & habits until it feels organic to you.  Continue to wrap up any unfinished business...
Published 01/03/24
It’s time to tackle your unfinished business and leave it behind in 2023! What has been limiting you from being happier, freer, and more joyful this year? Clear the debris in your energy field to enter 2024 with a clean slate!    Tie up loose ends and remove unconscious clutter from your life - what has been on your mental to-do list that is simple to tackle but you’ve been putting off? It will feel good to have off your plate for 2024 and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done.   It’s...
Published 12/27/23