The energy this month is going to be highly impactful! It’s Libra season which is a beautiful balance between dynamic, passionate action and compassionate reflection.    Numerologically we are in a 9-month, in an 8-year which has tremendous potential to shift in vibrational frequency - it’s a time to level up through letting go.    Take your temperature gauge from September: Did you have breakthroughs? Did you feel peace, clear, easy, fluid? Did the bottom drop out from beneath you? Was...
Published 10/02/24
There is a new moon solar eclipse on October 2, 2024 at 2:49pm ET which will provide an opportunity for deep introspection and transformation, particularly in the realm of relationships. The new moon is about closure and new beginnings - notice any recurring themes or patterns that may be surfacing or coming to a head. These insights and learnings will be invaluable as you navigate the coming months. Eclipses are known as pivot points, marking significant shifts in our lives. This...
Published 10/01/24
Amanda’s cousin, Amy Brown, host of 4 Things with Amy Brown and co-host of The Bobby Bones Show joins us today!  Amy shares her inspiring story of how she decided to sell her home after receiving a significant sign from her mother. She discusses how Amanda's advice on changing her address numerology played a pivotal role in her journey, especially as she was navigating the challenges of a divorce.  Amanda and Amy discuss the power of manifestation and planting seeds in the universe. Amy...
Published 09/25/24
In this calming meditation, we’ll guide you through gentle stretches, deep breathing, and relaxation to release the day's tension. As your body sinks into restful sleep, connect with your higher self and explore the astral plane, opening yourself to healing, growth, and cosmic insights. Wake up rejuvenated, aligned, and ready to step into your highest potential. Key Points: - Full-body relaxation and breathing - Release thoughts, sink into deep rest - Connect with higher self and explore...
Published 09/20/24
Join Amanda as she dives deep into the untapped potential of your dream life. While we often focus on the importance of quality sleep for productivity and well-being, the real magic happens in the dream state. Get ready to explore how dreams serve as a gateway to higher dimensions, offering opportunities for profound healing, clarity, and transformation. Discover how to shift your focus to your sleep and dream life as a non-negotiable priority for growth. Your dream state is a time for...
Published 09/18/24
Join Amanda for a transformative meditation experience that harnesses the unique energy of an eclipse. Discover the incredible power of water to entrain your energy, clarify your mind, and amplify your intuition. In this bonus episode, you'll learn how to use a simple glass of water and a few crystals to create a powerful meditation practice. By focusing on the gentle flow of water and the energy of the eclipse, you'll be guided into a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. Key...
Published 09/13/24
A Pisces Full Moon Eclipse arrives on September 17th, which also happens to be a Super Moon! As the moon's gravitational pull intensifies, it can stir up deep-seated emotions and subconscious thoughts. This heightened sensitivity can bring to light hidden patterns and beliefs that may be hindering our progress.  September is often a time of clarity, detoxification, and leveling up. As we navigate this eclipse season, we're experiencing accelerated growth and facing challenges with a sense of...
Published 09/11/24
September is the Capstone Month in numerology which means it is the month when the numerology for your Personal Year and Personal Month coincide, providing powerful energy and profound potential. This month is a culmination, a crescendo, a critical point, and a doubling down of the energy numerologically. September is an 8-universal month, in an 8-universal year which means the energy is amplified this month with the 88 code. It is a time for getting clear, taking practical action, embracing...
Published 09/04/24
As Mercury turns direct today, we are experiencing a surge of energy and potential. September is the capstone month in numerology - there is a 88 code with September being a 8-month in our 8-universal year. This month, dive deep into bringing clarity and balance in your life. What is out of whack or what needs fine tuning? Where can you take new action or shift your perspective? Focus on self-discovery, empowerment, and harnessing your inner magic. The number eight, associated with abundance...
Published 08/28/24
In this episode, Amanda dives deep into Soul Urge Numerology, a powerful tool for self-discovery and empowerment. Learn how to calculate your Soul Urge number and unlock the secrets of your heart's true desires. We'll explore how your Soul Urge interacts with your Life Path and Attitude numbers, creating a unique blueprint for your life. Plus, discover the vibrational frequencies associated with each number and how they can guide you towards fulfillment. Get ready to uncover your hidden...
Published 08/21/24
The current energy feels chaotic, like weathering a storm. In this turbulence, we have an opportunity to dig deeper, find stillness, and focus on what truly matters. Let’s explore how to navigate this intense period and discover clarity amidst the chaos. Prioritize What Truly Matters: Life is moving at warp speed, and it’s essential to identify priorities. What aspects of your life are critical and non-negotiable? Trim unnecessary tasks and revise your commitments. Reflect on your passions....
Published 08/14/24
The Lion’s Gate Portal is a cosmic event that takes place each year between July 26th and August 12th.  It is an ancient and mystical event where the Earth, Sun, Star Sirius, and Orion Constellation create a portal and alignment- a galactic bridge between the human and the divine. The Lion’s Gate Portal creates a powerful time for empowerment, abundance and spiritual evolution.  Because we’re in an 8-Year in numerology, this year’s event is extra potent, dynamic and powerful. The Lion’s Gate...
Published 08/07/24
August is a particularly potent month for growth and transformation. We're in the midst of the Lion's Gate Portal (7/26-8/12), a powerful time for manifestation and abundance. It’s a great time to get focused on where you’ve evolved so you can pinpoint where you’re going!  Mercury retrograde on August 5th will bring about changes and challenges. Embrace these opportunities for growth - it is a chance to rewire, upgrade, and bring out the glitches that need to be worked through to LEVEL UP!  ...
Published 07/31/24
On today’s episode, Amanda answers listener questions about numerology:  - 2024 numerology vs. personal year number: Does 8 overrule yours? - Calculate car numerology: Can you change a car's numerology? - Numerology name meaning: How to find your numerology name number? - Repeating numbers meaning: What do seeing repeating numbers signify? How to use numerology codes? - Connecting with deceased loved ones: Signs from beyond in numerology? - Numerology signs not working: What if my sign...
Published 07/24/24
On today’s episode, Amanda dives into the energy for the second half of July and talks about the upcoming Capricorn Full Moon on July 21st!  The recurrence of the Capricorn Full Moon this month emphasizes the importance of deep reflection and learning. Capricorn is about taking responsibility, determination, strength, and reclaiming personal sovereignty and agency. Listen back to Summer Solstice, Capricorn Full Moon, and Facing Your Fears and reflect on what you have achieved the past month....
Published 07/17/24
Last week, Amanda shared her guide to working with crystals and today we share Part Two of the conversation as Amanda answers your questions and dives into the best crystals to use in any situation:   - Protection or energetic fortification   -Balancing yin & yang -Enhance your psychic connection  -Aid a broken heart  -Babies, kids, & pets -Physical ailments or chronic disease  -Grief or soothing pain & suffering -Clear the energy in a room -Intuitive development,...
Published 07/10/24
Crystals serve as conduits to enhance our consciousness and our healing. They connect with us to help accelerate our growth, grounding us, and granting access to energies or talents that might otherwise elude us. It is important to recognize that we do not need crystals to recognize empowerment, clarity, or healing - the energy already resides within you.  Crystals are a mineral-rich living object that hold a certain structure and vibrate at a consistent frequency. When we attune to the...
Published 07/03/24
We're hurtling towards July, the year's halfway mark. It feels like a whirlwind – so much has happened, yet time seems to stand still. It's not about dwelling on the past or rushing into the future- it's about understanding where you are now and charting your course forward. Amanda’s 2024 Numerology Guidebook can guide you in reviewing the past six months. The number 6, associated with July in numerology, signifies nurturing and taking responsibility. It's also a reminder to let go of...
Published 06/26/24
The combination of the Summer Solstice on June 20th, a full moon in Capricorn, and Saturn and Neptune both standing still in Pisces, is creating a potent mix of energies for the next few weeks. We might feel disoriented, off-kilter, unsettled, delusional or divisive. Our emotions could cloud our judgment, making it hard to see things clearly. There is something being activated within us that is unresolved - deep, karmic challenges, fears, wounding, suffering, or disease that are bubbling up...
Published 06/19/24
During your personal growth journey, you’ll encounter moments of disconnection—times when you feel detached or out of body. These are akin to spiritual growth spurts, as your entire being realigns and recalibrates. Know that everything is interconnected, so when you feel a physical ailment, search for the meaning in it (a great resource to check out is The Encyclopedia of Ailments and Diseases by Jacques Martel).  Consider that disease might be your higher self’s way of getting your...
Published 06/12/24
Join Amanda as she explores the profound connection to your higher self—the constant companion that guides you along life’s path. Your higher self, an infinite and conscious part of you, serves as a direct link to the universe. It expands your perspective, illuminates your soul’s path, and invites you to pay attention. In this episode, Amanda answers key questions:  What is the higher self? How to connect with your higher self Examples of where you higher soul shows you you’re in the right...
Published 06/05/24
Are you seeking and craving a spiritual mentor? Ready to embark on a transformative journey towards inner peace, wisdom, and spiritual awakening? Looking for a deep spiritual dive and your soul tribe?  Amanda is kicking off a spiritual community mentorship program to activate your innate gifts, elevate your lifestyle and alchemize your mind, body, and spirit.  This is a dedicated 6-month intensive for the person who wants to understand their innate gifts and put them to practical use while...
Published 06/01/24
Buckle your seatbelts, June is going to shake up the energy field this month! The energy of the 5-month is going to be drastically different from the 4 in May. June is about flexibility, adaptability and a shift in perspective. There is a new moon in Gemini on June 6th which will provide “lightning strikes” type energy so get your intentions ready.  The numerology for June is a 5 (6 month + 8 year = 14, 1+4=5). The 5 is about variety, adventure, expansion, and freedom. The most challenging...
Published 05/29/24
Welcome to Gemini Season! As the energetic and communicative vibes of Gemini kick off, it’s time to embrace self-expression and connect with others. There are big shifts in consciousness and the energetic field happening right now: the energy is speeding up and the veil is thin, so strap in for an exciting (but potentially overwhelming) time.  Important dates: May 21-June 20th Gemini Season May 25th Jupiter enters Gemini May 26th Full Moon in Sagittarius    Gemini Energy: Gemini, ruled...
Published 05/22/24