Is it possible to control our compulsive—and reflexive—use of our digital tech so we can savour the space for rest, relaxation and restoration? We offer a start of the year check up, exploring tech overuse and how to restore some balance to our busy, digital lives.
Published 12/29/23
The feeling of belonging is a core, human drive. And feeling excluded is painful. But has our desire to belong—and how we try to achieve that—changed in digital culture?
Published 12/22/23
DNA-based technologies are increasingly used for real world, high impact purposes—from tracking biodiversity, to designing crops for climate change, to treating debilitating diseases. How do we democratize the availability while mitigating the risk?
Published 12/15/23
Since most things in our life now are electronic and increasingly rely on software, they're not as easy to repair or noodle around with as mechanical devices once were. And sometimes you can't repair them even if you know how, because you're just...not allowed to. So this week, we look at the right to repair movement: fixing yer stuff in a digital age.
Published 12/08/23
Thanks to fun apps and celebrity endorsements, the gamblification of sport has long been on the rise and continues to grow. And, there's a whole spate of fintech apps that are hot on the trend as well. So what are the advantages and downsides of gamified investment and sports betting?
Published 12/01/23
How long do you wait to text after a date? What did that emoji *really* mean? Is it healthy to feel emotionally attached to an AI chatbot or celebrity you follow on social media? Our tech nourishes intimacy, but it can also be a minefield.
Published 11/24/23
The most vulnerable users can offer designers insight into safety and security loopholes in their tech, which leads to better products for all.
Published 11/17/23
The technology that powers modern life is vulnerable to severe disruption. A look at what it will take to modernize and secure our aging electrical grid, as well as how to combat the growing ransomware industry.
Published 11/10/23
From knitter revolts to unionizing content moderators, online communities are rebelling against the constraints, labour abuse, and bad behaviour of tech platforms.
Published 11/03/23
Despite the growing digital dimension of our lives, death is still a largely analog experience. A look at the uses and limits of tech at the end of life and in the afterlife.
Published 10/27/23
Stacking up the social and ecological impacts of our tallest buildings and expansive road networks, and how roadway innovation, alongside building vertical cities, can combat urban sprawl and protect wildlife.
Published 10/20/23
As avatars and filters get more sophisticated, is that changing how we think of our real physical selves? We look at the v-tubers phenomenon, and the expression of gender, sexuality and identity online.
Published 10/13/23
There's a powerful connection between our built environment and our mental health, and architects are approaching the design of buildings and cities to better serve people.
Published 10/06/23
What does it mean to be human in this particular, technological moment? For the first episode of this series, Spark examines the ways that humans experience, interact with and confront creativity
Published 09/29/23
The promise of autonomous vehicles is they'll be safer, and reduce congestion. But designing them to anticipate rare events is a tough nut to crack. With robotaxis already on U.S. city streets, are self-driving cars ready to hit the road?
Published 09/22/23
Employers are laying down the 'back to the office' law, but with digital tools that make remote work possible, what does it take to build a hybrid workplace that really takes advantage of being together?
Published 09/15/23
As the EU brings in the Digital Services Act, we reflect on the role of algorithms in determining what we see, and imagine a future of self-curated content.
Published 09/08/23
From the phonograph to field recordings to the cultural impact of mixtapes — a look at how recorded sound gives us access to history, fantasy, joy, and moments of genuine awe from around the world.
Published 09/01/23
The impact of the camera — from its technical evolution, to the changed way we see ourselves and historic events.
Published 08/25/23
How the ability to create cold on demand changed our relationship with food forever.
Published 08/18/23
The enormous impact of the birth control pill on our culture, society, and human rights.
Published 08/11/23
The lasting influence of the compass and the evolution and future of navigation technology.
Published 08/04/23
How the 6,000-year-old invention has come to shape how we keep our valuables safe — physically and digitally.
Published 07/28/23
The surprisingly long history and bright future of the light-emitting diode, or LED.
Published 07/21/23
How the Sony Walkman paved the way for the iPod and streaming a million songs, TV shows and movies from our smartphones.
Published 07/14/23