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Linda Riolo
Speak Italiano
Pensieri e Parole
A weekly podcast (in slow and easy Italian) to practice your Italian and immerse yourself in the fabulous sea of Italian literature, culture and language. Every week a story from the past, the present, or the future to give you the opportunity to discover Italian culture. Let's learn together!You can join the newsletter, buy transcripts and extra here:
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Ratings & Reviews
4.9 stars from 890 ratings
Con estilo claro, preciso y conciso , la autora del podcast no lleva a un recorrido interesante por la lengua italiana, para aquellos que ya hablan o están aprendiendo el idioma es una excelente alternativa si se desea una inmersión en ligera en el italiano.
Napolivasc via Apple Podcasts · Venezuela · 04/23/24
Excellent show
This is a perfect show for those learning Italian. The pace is proper, and even if you are an A2-B1 level, like me, you can still get the context of what is being said. Bravissimo lavoro, veramente.
Panos di Evia via Apple Podcasts · Greece · 01/07/24
Una voz que trasmite tranquilidad
Temas variados de cultura general
Litto90 via Apple Podcasts · Italy · 01/03/24
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