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Spiraling Consciousness
Is there an emerging global consciousness? What role do we play in the sacred story of the emergence of the cosmos, earth and humanity? Is the evolutionary impulse that gave birth to the Cosmos waking up as you? How are Unity teachings able to contribute to this evolution of spirituality? Join Rev. Kelly Isola as she explores the evolution of spirituality using Spiral Dynamics, Integral Theory and connecting with leaders in the field of conscious evolution, science and religion. Humanity is facing a moment of unprecedented challenge and unprecedented opportunity. As we awaken to the...
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Recent Episodes
Why use the Enneagram as a tool for transformational change? In this three-part series, Rev. Kelly, with special guest Leslie Hershberger, will help you understand your type and the way it has shaped your relationships and your story. You gain insight and learn tools to calm yourself when you...
Published 10/10/12
Why use the Enneagram as a tool for transformational change? In this three-part series, Rev. Kelly, with special guest Leslie Hershberger, will help you understand your type and the way it has shaped your relationships and your story. You gain insight and learn tools to calm yourself when you...
Published 10/10/12
Why use the Enneagram as a tool for transformational change? In this three-part series, Rev. Kelly with special guest Leslie Hershberger,, will help you understand your type and the way it has shaped your relationships and your story. You gain insight and learn tools to...
Published 09/26/12
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