Published 02/25/24
So you are in the process of manifesting your dreams....but you are playing the waiting game.  Maybe like my previous post said, you are having some road block or challenging issues, or maybe the timing of your manifestations aren't quite there yet. Regardless...you are waiting. The worst thing you can do is start having negative thoughts about either your dreams or the process of manifesting them.  Any spiritual healer- power of attraction guru will tell you that what you think becomes...
Published 08/26/21
Published 08/26/21
When it seems like you have been doing everything right: visualizing, meditating, frequency, vibration… But now there is a conflict- a road block- a challenge. From first hand experience, I can feed this problem. My dreams- visions- manifesting intent were going towards moving to a new state and enjoying a new adventure. When it came to my attention that no one else but me, wanted that vision. It was disheartening to say the least. So what happens when that happens? You have some choices,...
Published 08/26/21
Why are you not manifesting? The simple answer is because you haven’t fully made up your mind. Have you ever left a bad relationship, you finally had enough and left? This is similar to the mindset of manifesting. Prior to leaving- you probably gave that person chance after chance to respect or love you correctly. You might have had fear of living alone or even not being in a relationship (sometimes we feel like we have to have someone). Regardless, you stayed and tried to make it...
Published 08/22/21
After coming out of the spiritual closet last year, I found that my life now revolves around crystals, oils, tarot card, casting spells, and chakra healing.  This means that every moon (whether new or full) has my attention. The August Blue Moon, is no exception. Whether you are charging your crystals or prepared to do some full moon spells- Let's get to manifesting!!! Since the full moon is the brightest and boldest moment of the lunar cycle, so are your manifestations.  This is a time to...
Published 08/21/21
Today I want to help you realize that you have the confidence to build the life you deserve. First: the word confidence ultimately means happiness.  So to find your confidence you must find happiness.  The key to this is not to find it in someone else - but yourself!!! Are you one of those people who rely on your significant other to make you feel loved, needed, wanted....do you feel that you have to spend every waking minute together to me happy?  Then this blog is for you. Things to try:...
Published 08/21/21
This episode is also available as a blog post: http://spirituality-life.com/2021/07/23/julys-buck-full-moon/
Published 07/24/21