Stanford Symposium on Marriage Equality, October 2013. Hosted by the Stanford Law School and INSPIRE.
Published 11/11/13
Stanford Symposium on Marriage Equality, October 2013. Hosted by the Stanford Law School and INSPIRE.
Published 11/11/13
Hank Greely and Jacob Sherkow discuss the election of 2012, gene therapy, and DNA statutes. (November 11, 2012)
Published 12/12/12
Hank Greely discusses recent attempts to introduce FMRI-based lie detection as courtroom evidence; Jake Sherkow analyzes a recent appellate court decision about "pay to delay" settlements between name brand drug companies and generic manufacturers; and Matt Lamkin argues against proposals to expand regulatory oversight of "enhancement" technologies. (September 13, 2012)
Published 11/29/12
Hank Greely and Jacob Sherkow examine biotech discoveries in the context of the law, weighing their impact on society and the law’s role in shaping that impact. (October 18, 2012)
Published 11/29/12
Kyle Westaway discusses social entrepreneurship in the formation, management. taxation, and capitalization of various legal structures, comparing their purpose and profit. (April 9, 2012)
Published 07/23/12
Barbara Babcock talks about her experiences writing about Clara Foltz and the impact Clara Foltz had on California and its legal system. (November 30, 2011)
Published 04/03/12
Professor Barbara Van Schewick discusses the future of internet security and architecture and how it will affect the future of business, communication, and policy. (December 1, 2010)
Published 01/27/11
Deborah Rhode explores the social, biological, market, and media forces that have contributed to the emphasis that is placed on beauty and physical appearance. She describes the effects that it has in the work place and elsewhere. (October 22, 2010)
Published 01/27/11
Pearson details the effect that the recession has had on estate planning policy and where it all will head in the future. He focuses on legislation that the government has passed and may pass in the future. (October 22, 2010)
Published 01/27/11
Stanford Law School hosts a panel discussing the oil spill along the gulf coast. The panel consists of five graduates of the Stanford Law School, who specialize in environmental issues. (October 22, 2010)
Published 01/27/11
Charles T. Munger, the Vice-Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Corporation, discusses the current economic crisis with Professor Joseph A. Grundfest '78.
Published 01/26/10
Panelists discuss the unique legal challenges that widespread availability of sophisticated robots pose for the present, near future, and far future. (November 12, 2009)
Published 12/17/09
An overview of the Law School Clinics & Faculty Office Building project – a 59,000 square-foot, three story building located on the corner of Nathan Abbott and Lane A. Construction that started in June 2009. (September 9, 2009)
Published 09/09/09
Lawyers have always prided themselves on being professionals and not just businessmen.  Yet law firms are rapidly transforming into global business enterprises, with thousands of employees in offices around the world. (April 18, 2008)
Published 05/19/08
Talk with Lawrence Lessig on free culture, copyright and the future of ideas. (January 31, 2008)
Published 02/25/08
Join Dean Kramer as he moderates this provocative panel on judicial independence featuring renowned panelists including former Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Sandra Day O'Connor AB '50, LLB '52. (October 13, 2007)
Published 11/12/07
Join Dean Kramer as he moderates this provocative panel on judicial independence featuring renowned panelists including former Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Sandra Day O'Connor AB '50, LLB '52. (October 13, 2007)
Published 11/12/07
A panel discussion of the long-debated constitutional questions as to which branch of government has the power to start, conduct, and end wars. (October 12, 2007)
Published 11/07/07
A panel discussion of the long-debated constitutional questions as to which branch of government has the power to start, conduct, and end wars. (October 12, 2007)
Published 11/07/07