We're hosting a Willow screening! Come see the Lucasfilm classic at North Carolina Comicon November 9th.We're hosting a panel beforehand that'll give you a look behind the magic to make this special screening an Expanded Experience. The screening also features a limited edition Willow print by artist Tommy Lee Edwards. Join us for this live Willow Watch experience Friday, November 9th in Durham, NC. Panel at 6, screening at 7. North Carolina Comicon: http://nccomicon.com/bull-city/tickets/...
Published 10/19/18
In the Disney era of Star Wars, the movies might have the center stage, but when it comes to expanding the universe, the real action is happening in animation. Star Wars Rebels enhanced and bridged the history of the Original Trilogy and the Prequels in fascinating and validating ways, and even re-shaped and the nature of The Force itself. Rebels might've been a "kids show", but as the series matured, it carried itself with an all-ages candor that won over the hearts of even the staunchest...
Published 10/04/18
This episode of State of the Empire widens our lens to the rest of Lucasfilm and examines how the innovative production company shaped the world of film as we know it, even through now-forgotten features.1983, same year The Star Wars Saga ended, a very different kind of Lucasfilm hit select theaters. Twice Upon a Time, directed by John Korty and Charles Swenson, is an animated feature the likes of which you've never seen before. Using a unique rear-lit animation style called "lumage" and...
Published 09/10/18
Filming for Star Wars: Episode IX has begun and already the leaks are pouring in... but can they be trusted? Sure, there's some exciting and authentic on-set photos that have found their way onto the internet, but moreso there's more fan theories and uninformed conjecture posing as "journalism" than ever before. Here on State of the Empire, we celebrate "looking for news in Alderaan places", but our crackpot theories are always to be taken with a modicum of spice! Join us as we pick through...
Published 08/27/18
This may be a show about Willow, but we're starting to feel like Indiana Jones the way we're unearthing all these forgotten artifacts from the film's past. We've regaled you with tales from the Willow expanded universe, which we suspected were based on unused sequences from the film. We've discovered production notes hinting as drastically different scenes... and now we've found the tome that answers all our questions and pieces our crackpot theories together: a first draft, third revision...
Published 08/14/18
The filming of the final movie in the Skywalker Saga is upon us, and with it is the cast announcement of all the old faces returning and new editions to galaxy far, far away. The results are more revealing that we'd expect - including two confirmed rumors, a Force ghost, a loose plot thread we didn't think was gonna get tied up, and a surprise posthumous appearance of Carrie Fisher. Will any of our Episode IX theories come to pass, or will they just end up being a "story for another...
Published 07/30/18
Pop culture is a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. From the film scripts that never see the light of day, to the regrettable transmedia tie-ins that'd be better off staying buried; it'd take some kind of whip-cracking archeologist to uncover these forgotten relics... or perhaps some wise-cracking podcasters. In this episode we raid the Lucasfilm tombs and discover that Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is fantastic - compared to the ghost-hunting, rhino-riding, suicidal student-screwing...
Published 07/16/18
If there's a bright center to the Star Wars fandom, we're currently on the planet that it's farthest from. Fans are as polarized as an Old Republic throwdown and every news outlet is spreading enough confusing, condemning, and confounding headlines that we're beginning to sound like Saw Gerrera screaming about lies and deceptions. This world of space fantasy escapism is looking far too much like reality.Fortunately, State of the Empire is here to restore balance to the Force.We discuss the...
Published 07/02/18
If you think you've got the world and characters of Willow all figured out - it's time to forget all you know, or think you know.Lethal fishboys, deathbears, sorceress love triangles, and shocking backstories abound as we dig into the film's deleted scenes, the extra context of the novelization, and the universe-expanding sourcebook. We also look to Moebius' concept art for Willow, props and production notes revealing what might have been, the animated series that never happened, and the...
Published 06/18/18
After the deluge of shows that came out in the orbit of Solo, we're taking a little time off and will be right back with the latest rumblings from the galaxy far, far away and our ongoing Willow Watch specials. In the meantime, go see Solo!Also, check out this obscure Lucasfilm production we'll be discussing in a future episode: https://amzn.to/2Hkwkre
Published 06/04/18
For the highs and lows of Solo: A Star Wars Story's production, the chance of success was not unlike successfully navigating an asteroid field. But just like Han Solo himself, somehow this scappy film pulled through and surprised us all. The movie we didn't want, the story we were convinced didn't need telling, is top shelf Star Wars. We offer some spoiler-free thoughts before opening up the blast doors and letting these scruffy-looking nitpickers sort out the highs, lows, and our two cents...
Published 05/25/18
Welcome to Willow Watch! A podcast dedicated to the 1988 Lucasfilm fantasy epic Willow - In which breaking news comes in all sizes, and obsessive fandom is the greatest magic of all.Willow Watch has been a reoccurring feature since our Star Wars podcast, State of the the Empire, began in 2012 - when Disney bought Lucasfilm and we first asked: does... that mean there could be more Willow? Over the years we've learned that the answer is an emphatic "YES!" Not only do we want it, not only do the...
Published 05/24/18
We interrupt State of the Empire's regularly scheduled Star Wars news and updates for an event that's been years in the making: our first full-length installment of Willow Watch and an interview Willow screenwriter Bob Dolman! Yes, the bones have spoken. Our ongoing investigation into the 1988 Lucasfilm fantasy epic, Willow, has led us on an incredible journey. What began as a flight of fancy that we might someday see a Willow 2 from Disney has become a mad quest to track down the full story...
Published 05/24/18
The galaxy is a-buzz with news coming from the underground about Solo: A Star Wars Story, but that's far from all. The Star Wars universe is about to erupt - like a big bang bursting forth countless systems of new stories. In this episode we share proof that the long-awaited Obi-Wan film has entered production, details on when Jon Favreau's live action TV series will take place, and baffling early plot outlines for Episode IX including throwbacks from The Old Republic and an inexplicable love...
Published 05/16/18
Solo is almost here and we're placing bets on where this still very unpredictable story is going to take us. Don't sweat it, kid - we've locked the spoilers behind the blast doors - but we've analyzed all the new trailers, merch, and even consulted a Solo-branded Monopoly game to figure out what's coming next.We also discuss some new rumors coming out of Episode IX, dole out "I told you so"s about the new animated series Star Wars Resistance, dig into expanded universe deep cuts bleeding out...
Published 05/07/18
Did you know that, like the films, this podcast also has a prequel era? Before State of the Empire, before Lucasfilm was bought by Disney, Cap and co. did a number of interviews with Star Wars personalities. In this episode, we're dusting off the data cores and revisiting a long time ago, in a podcast far, far away.We speak with BOTH Boba Fetts: the original man behind the mask, Jeremy Bulloch, and young Boba, Daniel Logan - discussing Bulloch's favorite roles outside Star Wars and Logan's...
Published 04/23/18
There's a lot to #Solobrate right now. We've got a new Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer and in Denny's across America, galactic gourmands can treasure the taste of the the inner rim.But are these Co-Reactor Pancakes drizzled with as many shocking revelations about the forthcoming film as the juicy new tidbits from the trailer? What even is a "co-reactor"? Surely these edible tributes to the exploits of Han, Chewie, and Lando have some Star Wars secrets smuggled into them. We review Denny's...
Published 04/09/18
Sometimes things don't go according to plan. Just ask Lord & Miller.To celebrate 50 episodes of State of the Empire, Cap went out to L.A. to hang with Matt and storm Lucasfilm for Solo intel. And... well, though we didn't end up like the Bothan spies, at least they had something to show for themselves. It's 60 days until we're strapped in for the latest Star Wars and we're still flying without a targeting computer.But hey - you know when State of the Empire is in town there's always a...
Published 03/26/18
When it comes to Solo: A Star Wars Story intel, we're still scraping the bottom of the bantha bin. That's why, in typical State of the Empire fashion, we're putting our snouts where they don't belong and rounding up some unusual suspects: advertising partners. Will you quench your 5-0-Thirst in a Solo cup? Can Norton Antivirus commercials clue us into a slicing subplot?In considerably more important news, we discuss the surprising announcement that Jon Favreau is helming a new, live action...
Published 03/12/18
We've often heard that in the Lucasfilm archives nothing goes to waste.We knew that Solo's story samples from an abandoned plot thread from The Empire Strikes Back, we'd noticed similarities between early drafts and some events from The Last Jedi, but folks it turns out we don't know the half of it. In digging through an assortment of early scripts we've found many more instances where the new films have pulled from George Lucas' garbage chute and now... we might actually know how Episode 9...
Published 02/26/18
Rebels ushered in the Disney era of Star Wars and in four seasons has become one of the most beloved corners of the galaxy far, far away. This series has literally and figurative bridged the era of the prequels and the original trilogy, introduced incredible characters who've redefined the story of the Rebellion, and expanded the mythos in ways that the new saga could never hope to. Now, the series returns from its mid-season break and in just a few short weeks will end. Join Matt and Cap as...
Published 02/12/18
It's finally here! After months and months of waiting for a glimpse, a glimmer, a sliver of the hotly-debated Han Solo film: the Solo trailer has arrived! Oh wait, not just "trailer"... "trailers"! Lucasfilm has doubled-down on the under-promoted impending release and with these first looks there's a lot to unpack. Join Cap, Doug, and Matt as we weigh what we've seen against the rumors and leaks we've been excavating this past year. We attempt to piece together a timeline from the plot-light...
Published 02/05/18
The Last Jedi has opened a massive schism in the fandom. A rift, not between light and dark, but polarizing all the same. Whether you love the film or loathe it, civil discourse is few and far between and like The First Order dismissal and nihilism reign supreme. It's a discussion too big for us to ignore, and one that desperately needs to be had - even Cap, Matt, and Doug aren't of the same mind about this divisive movie. We share thoughts and insights from others and search own feelings for...
Published 01/29/18
The young Han Solo film allegedly comes out May 25th, but we haven't seen so much as a ship! Well... not officially anyway. Unofficially, the first of the leaks are here: LEGO playsets! We explore the new characters and potential plot points spinning out of Solo's storied past, one minifig at a time. There's a new look for the Falcon, a surprising, legendary Star Wars planet in the mix, races from Clone Wars, and myriad more intriguing nuances. Join Cap, Matt, and Doug as we discuss peculiar...
Published 01/14/18