This podcast episode implores you to understand why you cannot make people happy... The bottom line is, you first have to be happy, things and other people do not make you happy.  Happiness is Choice!
Published 08/28/24
This podcast episode explores the notion as to whether or not the word Sorry can fix any wrongdoing or is sorry just not enough?
Published 08/13/24
This podcast episode explores the question as to whether or not the Ten Commandments should be displayed in schools. I say No to this in that based on the current state of affairs in the US, the Ten Commandments have had no appreciable value to improving our lives. Instead, we need to raise our self-esteem and improve our Emotional Intelligence to make the world a Better Place....
Published 06/26/24
This podcast episode explores the notion as to whether or not a married person can love two people? I say no to this, what say you?
Published 06/04/24
This podcast describes the dangers of Social Media rampant with Pedophiles and the easy access to our children, on social media, who have No idea what they are dealing with....
Published 04/23/24
This podcast episode explores the notion of when is it considered not to be disrespectful to your parents if you do not do what they tell you to do. I come from a family whereby the elders insist on bossing me around even though I have lived independently for 20 Plus... What about you?
Published 02/22/24
This podcast episode explores the notion that sometimes at work, at church, at school, and or any other social settings we are affected by people who do not like us, or at least it feels that way. When you do that, you allow your joy to be diminished, thereby giving your power to be happy to others...
Published 02/15/24
This podcast episode explores the idea that one of America's bedrock principles is that no man is above the law. Yet, former President Trump is currently trending well above the law in the face of some very serious criminal allegations, as you already know... This is no bashing, just a truth seeking podcast!
Published 01/09/24
This podcast episode discusses the fact that Crying is the key to Happiness. It explores the idea that the same valve that we experience pain from our life's tragic events is the same valve that we find Happiness and Joy. But first, you must cry and work through your emotions to come upon the joy that awaits you on the other side of your pain...
Published 12/05/23
This podcast episode explores the notion that there are No absolute Truths about the life we live. I heard two of my PhD program professors make that statement. In this podcast episode, I explore that idea as it relates to God, Heaven and Death. What do you believe about what is true about these topics?
Published 09/28/23
This podcast explores the importance of maintaining your identity to sustain your emotional well-being and not lose yourself to something or someone else, a sports team, a lover, a religion, and or a political leader, which can only lead you to a place of unhappiness in the End...
Published 09/24/23
This podcast episode explores the idea of being mentally strong to endure the ups downs and sudden tragic life experiences that can destroy your view of life if you allow that to happen. Therefore, we must learn to know that shit will happen, but what will you do when it does. The most tragic life experiences many times turn out to the inspiration to our best life experiences if you do not give up!
Published 08/22/23
This podcast topic explores the cryptic, inexplicable and tumultuous experience of fathers with child support, and how child support is not the issue, it is the experience with the Baby Mom, the Judges in the system and unfavorable decisions rendered to fathers when on paper they are winning, but in reality, it is a losing battle that feels like financial and emotional death...  
Published 07/25/23
This podcast episode discusses the paradox of the King James version of the Bible, and he was flamingly Gay. Yet, the Church adamantly Rebukes Gay People. How do we square that in our right minds?
Published 06/29/23
This podcast episode explores the idea of how we look for love everywhere and with every other body, but we do not look for love within ourselves, which is the Greatest Love of All -Whitney Houston... Where do you look for love?
Published 06/16/23
This podcast episode explores the topic as to whether or not an Alpha Male can be considered and Alpha Man if he is jealous and insecure. I think this term is thrown around too loosely, and No, if a man is jealous and insecure, he is not an Alpha Male. What say you?
Published 05/31/23
This podcast episode explores the myth of "What is a Real Man?" Does he cry, does he communicate his thoughts and feelings, must his woman be submissive, so he can be secure? What is a real man, that is the question discussed in this podcast episode. 
Published 04/27/23
This podcast episode discusses the feelings and emotions that go into making the decision to keep your parent alive even though he/she is not doing well physically versus making a decision to send them to hospice care to be made comfortable and not treated medically to heal their sicknesses. 
Published 03/29/23
This podcast episode discusses the pros and cons of being more of a thinker than a feeler and the quality of life you may or may not enjoy if you live your life based off of Emotional Responses to life's Challenges...
Published 03/09/23
This podcast episode discusses the real life experience of when your once healthy Mother or Father becomes your child as a totally dependent elderly parent and person, and you now have to make moves to take total care of them...
Published 03/01/23
This podcast episode explores the notion regarding the Wedding Vow, Until Death do we Part to consider whether or not that vow should be omitted from our traditional wedding vows. I say, its should be eradicated and eliminated...
Published 02/17/23
This podcast episode explores the idea that if you are thinking about suicide, perhaps your thoughts would work better for you than your feelings. When we make decisions based on our emotions, the outcomes are usually not good. As opposed to when we think more, we can find answers to our problems...
Published 02/01/23
 This podcast episode explores the notion that there is no Evil without Good. What do you think?
Published 01/26/23
This podcast episode explores the notion of Heaven, and is that where some of us go when we  die. But, how do we know that for sure?
Published 01/10/23