f the market’s not so hot, millionaire trader and mentor Roland Wolf puts trading on the back burner. But he’s no slacker. This is the hands-off approach that made him a millionaire (and kept him from losing money!). Wanna learn his secrets?  Today, Roland shares his unique approach to trading — including what he thinks of the current market, work-life balance, and why aggressive young traders sometimes give him FOMO... Follow Roland!  Want more? Check out Roland’s offerings and follow him...
Published 11/16/21
Published 11/16/21
Jack Schwarze started trading in high school. Now, he’s a multi-millionaire finishing up grad school. It’s incredible what a difference a few years can make... Today, trader Jack Schwarze shares his mind-blowing trading journey — including how he overcame $80K in losses and blew up multiple accounts before finding his stride as a short seller. Don’t miss this!  What kinds of hobbies did you have during your senior year of high school?  Lacrosse player Jack Schwarze decided to diversify by...
Published 11/09/21
You asked for more timely content … We listened! Today’s guest, Kyle Williams of StocksToTrade’s Breakouts & Breakdowns, weighs in on the state of the market right now. He discusses crypto, the OTC market, and how he’s adapted his strategy over the years. Plus, learn his $2 million+ short-selling secrets!  Listeners, we hear you!  We’ve received a ton of reader feedback that you’d love to hear more of-the-moment market updates.  The SteadyTrade Team and StocksToTrade universe boast a...
Published 11/02/21
Even cowboys get the blues … StocksToTrade and Small Cap Recap’s resident western-wear-loving trader Bryce Tuohey gets real. Need help to overcome red months and avoid the FOMO trap in trading? Don’t miss this! It’s a drawdown! Today’s guest is Bryce Tuohey. You may recognize him as the fun-loving co-host of StocksToTrade’s Small Cap Recaps and a member of the Small Cap Rockets team. Bryce has something in common with SteadyTrade podcast co-host Stephen Johnson… At the time of recording,...
Published 10/26/21
Trading offers a lot of freedom. Is that a blessing or a curse? That depends on YOU. Here’s how traders can make the most of their flexibility. Tune in to learn to avoid the ‘I should be trading’ trap! When you’re first starting as a trader, it might feel like you need to be chained to your computer at all times. There’s so much to learn, so much studying to do… But once you figure out what works for you, it’s really just a lot of ‘rinse and repeat.’  In fact, as you advance in your...
Published 10/19/21
Change is just about the only thing you can count on in the stock market. That doesn’t mean it isn’t painful at times. Tim and Stephen offer some real talk on how traders can deal with a market shift without sacrificing their sanity or accounts. Don’t miss this!  Hey, did you feel that?  No, it wasn’t an earthquake. It was the market shifting. If you’ve been frustrated by the unpredictable mood of the market as of late, you’re not alone. Plenty of traders are feeling thrown off and...
Published 10/12/21
Ready to make a trading game plan of your own? Using lessons learned from coaching football and playing poker, today’s guest Clutch has traded his way over the PDT. Listen and get inspired!  In today’s episode, SteadyTrade co-hosts Kim Ann Curtin and Stephen Johnson have an extra-special guest: an up-and-coming trader who goes by Clutch. Clutch has done what many traders dream of but few have achieved. He started with a small account and traded his way over the PDT.* In case you’re not...
Published 10/05/21
In this episode, co-hosts Kim Ann Curtin and Stephen Johnson close out a four-part series on the emotionally intelligent side of trading. Don’t miss the other episodes: Episode 214: What Really Works? Directionless Trading vs. Developing a Strategy Episode 215: Addicted to Trading: Identify Your Demons Before You Hit Rock-Bottom Ep 217: Serious As a Heart Attack: How to Focus for Next-Level Trading In today’s installment, Kim and Stephen explore an important topic: finding an edge in...
Published 09/28/21
Four times the pleasure — today’s episode is a series of mini-episodes focused on hot trading themes!  The challenge? Keep each topic to five minutes. What do you think … Can co-host Tim Bohen stick to just five minutes per subject without running over?  Stephen Johnson has his doubts, and Kim Ann Curtin isn’t around this week to keep things on topic. Don’t make a drinking game of it … The SteadyTrade Podcast is NOT responsible if you need your stomach pumped!  Don’t miss these four hot...
Published 09/21/21
There comes a time when every trader must put down their YOLO hat and ask themselves: am I ready for next-level trading?  This week hosts Kim Ann Curtin and Stephen Johnson are back with part three of their four-part series on common trading mistakes.  It’s great to have enthusiasm. If you’re not passionate about what you do, you won’t last very long. But there’s a difference between passion and recklessness.  Kim and Stephen journey through the challenges all traders face when they...
Published 09/14/21
Most newbie traders enter the game hoping to make a quick buck, but do they have what it takes to build trading longevity? This week, hosts Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson tackle a topic that’s hard for most people to accept — how much hard work it takes to succeed.  Some trading ‘gurus’ want to make trading look easy. So when you’re new and don’t know better, you might mistake quick gains for real skills. If you keep trading, you’ll learn the truth...  Successful long-term trading takes...
Published 09/07/21
There’s something many newbie and veteran traders have in common — they’re addicted to trading. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap. Hosts Kim Ann Curtin and Stephen Johnson continue with part two of their four-part series on common trading errors.  This episode gets into what happens when we lose discipline and fall into overtrading. Look, trading’s fun … It’s easy to get addicted to trading. But sometimes we regret it afterward. We can start the day with the best intentions, all the...
Published 08/31/21
Can you succeed as a trader without developing a strategy?  Hosts Kim Ann Curtin and Stephen Johnson start a four-part series to address common trading errors.  In this episode, it’s all about approach. Some newbie traders start out trigger-happy. They hope their instincts will be enough to succeed in trading right from the start. Stephen admits he was like that. Others are gun-shy … They study a lot and still don’t feel like they have enough knowledge. But if they don’t make trades, they...
Published 08/24/21
Some traders don’t realize how important paper trading is until it’s too late. Hosts Kim Ann Curtin, Stephen Johnson, and Tim Bohen want to make sure you’re not one of them.  They know your hard-earned money is precious. You trade to make more tendies, not to lose the ones you already have. And you hustle to squeeze trading time into your busy schedule and study up on top strategies.  But even after you put in the screen time, study time, and cold hard cash … success isn’t guaranteed. This...
Published 08/17/21
Do you have a strategic side hustle? Hosts Kim Ann Curtin, Stephen Johnson, and Tim Bohen tackle the importance of a great side hustle — or two. And how it can make you a better trader.  Many traders start out with the desire to trade full-time and quit their day jobs. But they don’t think about keeping a side hustle.   Stephen and Tim both swear by the side hustle lifestyle. They say it makes them more confident traders. When you don’t need a trade to succeed in order to feed yourself and...
Published 08/10/21
What does it take to be a great trader? That’s at the core of this week’s episode of the SteadyTrade with Kim Ann Curtin, Stephen Johnson, and Tim Bohen. Stephen and Tim take a different approach to greatness. And Kim lends her perspective as a Wall Street Coach extraordinaire.  Are great traders born … or can anyone become one? Bohen shares his theory on what makes humans want to be great.  Stephen thinks we all should do one hard thing every day. And he shares the story of a climber who...
Published 08/03/21
In this week’s episode of the SteadyTrade podcast, hosts Kim Ann Curtin, Stephen Johnson, and Tim Bohen share what it takes to be a great trader.  Stephen and Tim take a different approach to greatness. And Kim lends her perspective as a Wall Street Coach extraordinaire.  Are great traders born? Or can anyone become a great trader? Bohen shares his theory on what makes humans want to be great in the first place.  Stephen thinks we all should do one hard thing every day. And he shares the...
Published 07/27/21
In this week’s episode of the SteadyTrade podcast, can hosts Kim Ann Curtin, Stephen Johnson, and Tim Bohen put the long vs. short debate to rest once and for all? Stephen and Tim defend their sides with passion … Kim’s in the middle asking thoughtful questions. She gets the guys to share the most important things to consider when you trade long vs. short.  Does one strategy give traders better odds from the start? Stephen thinks so … and he shares some amazing statistics to back up his...
Published 07/20/21
In this week’s episode of the SteadyTrade podcast, hosts Kim Ann Curtin and Stephen Johnson welcome Brian Lee — a full-time trader making big waves!  Brian came to trading from the world of professional gaming. Today, he’s a full-time trader shorting small-cap stocks. But, like any trader, Brian didn’t have a smooth ride to the top ... He suffered a six-figure loss in 2017. That prompted him to change his risk management strategy and implement a system to keep bad habits in check.  Tune...
Published 07/13/21
This week, our rock star hosts Tim Bohen, Stephen Johnson, and Kim Ann Curtin are back — sharing their best tips on trading EQ. Kim has a special reveal in this episode ... She’s launching a new course called Trading EQ.  What’s trading EQ? It’s the emotional intelligence you need as a trader at every level.  Many traders start with big hopes and even bigger dreams. Excitement’s a great motivator. But it’s the setbacks and lessons along the way that can teach us how to keep going.  Kim...
Published 07/06/21
This week, hosts Tim Bohen and Kim Ann Curtin welcome special guest Peter Atwater.  He’s the president of Financial Insights and an adjunct professor at William & Mary and the University of Delaware. Peter Atwater’s also the author of the book "Moods and Markets: A New Way to Invest in Good Times and in Bad."  But he’s most passionate about socionomy. The word has Kim tongue-tied. Socionomy focuses on the interplay between social moods, cultural and political movements, and the...
Published 06/29/21