To world peace.
Published 05/30/22
Welcome back all to another lovely season of me talking to myself! In this episode, topics that come up include but are not limited to: globular clusters, optical vortices, Dwarka, Alchemy, and revolution.
Published 04/11/22
They are called rights, after all....
Published 01/21/22
Lets clean up the garden.
Published 01/20/22
How does this information interact with your consciousness?
Published 01/20/22
Content too dense.
Published 01/19/22
Did I mention f**k the system?
Published 01/18/22
Let's talk about football. And whatever else of course.
Published 01/17/22
Free flow of energy what can I say pardon me.
Published 01/16/22
Not to most exciting of titles, but I wanted to pointedly reference ID.me in the title because this episode mostly discusses it.
I also started a new Etsy shop with merchandise if anyone would like to help support me with some items I am having a lot of fun creating:
Published 01/04/22
Hey all, back to the airwaves to discuss some things.
Tau Manifesto (mentioned): https://tauday.com/tau-manifesto
Published 11/09/21
Spent some time galavanting on the Clubhouse app.
Published 11/09/21
Just your typical freedom of speech exercising call-to-arms for revolution based in peaceful non-compliance and constitutionally protected rights that shall not be infringed upon. Since they are being infringed upon. So. 'Bout that time, eh?
Published 07/31/21
Might as well keep this train going. Some more thoughts pertaining to what will definitely be the overall theme of the entirety of this season: my messiah complex, or whatever it may be that is happening.
I found the theory of everything and it shows God *is* everything, including you and I. And so I find myself seeking to "save humanity" as shown by God, as guided by God. So. Here I am. Welcome to my world. Please stay for a while and enjoy the landscape.
Published 06/28/21
Off the rails time? F it.
Published 06/28/21
Back at it talking about my life and so on.
Published 06/21/21
Bit of news discussion and I share some recent emails I wrote regarding my research.
Published 12/05/20
Little bit of this, little bit of that. I talk about my concept for a new Declaration of Independence and a Constitution for the Kingdom of God.
Published 11/28/20
Earth, Chaos, Israel, same old.
Published 11/22/20
Sharing my raps. Enjoy...!
Published 11/07/20
Bit of talk about the Dipole Repeller and antimatter. Then some about Expanding Earth. Likely littered with curses and misrepresentations and misinterpretations.
Published 11/04/20
Mercury is the messenger god, Venus the goddess of love, and Mars the god of war. We start there and end up, well...somewhere.
Published 10/31/20
Welp. Let's talk about prophecies, shall we? And, erhm, some other stuff.
Published 10/28/20
Some physics and consciousness talk with a side of world events.
Published 10/26/20