Someday, our progeny may live may travel to the Uranus system, settle its largest moons, and create a thriving economy based on resource extraction, exploration, tourism, and lots of diamonds!
Published 05/04/24
Published 05/04/24
Dr. Slava Turyshev is a NASA researcher and one of the leading advocates for creating a telescope that will use our Sun as a Solar Gravitational Lens (SGL).
Published 04/27/24
Famed science fiction author Frank Herbert is renowned for creating Dune, the SF novel that taught people to "take science fiction seriously."
Published 04/13/24
Since the 1990s, Hubble has gazed upon some of the earliest galaxies Universe. This has allowed astronomers to measure cosmic distance and the Hubble Constant - how fast the cosmos is expanding.
Published 04/06/24
Interstellar Objects have been a source of fascination since 'Oumuamua passed through our Solar System in 2017. The study of these objects could tell us a great deal about other star systems.
Published 04/03/24
Dr. Ryan Sprenger and colleagues have developed the Studying Torpor in Animals for Space-health in Humans (STASH) experiment to advance hibernation technology for space exploration.
Published 03/02/24
Marshall Eubanks and his team of researchers are working on a concept for sending thousands of probes to Proxima Centauri to explore the nearest exoplanet.
Published 02/24/24
Russian/Soviet Konstantin Tsiolkovsky is renowned as the "father of astronautics" and is one of four people credited with the emergence of rocketry as a science.
Published 02/17/24
Plans for sending crews to Mars date back to the Space Age. However, according to recent statements from NASA, these missions are not likely to happen for another 20 years.
Published 02/03/24
NASA scientist and astrobiologist Dr. Steve Vance tells us about the Europa Clipper mission, the spacecraft that will explore Jupiter's moon Europa in the next decade in search of life beyond Earth.
Published 01/27/24
Could it be that the reason we have found no evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence is that life is rarer than we think?
Published 01/15/24
What will it take for humans to live on Saturn's largest moons? With the right technology and commitment, Saturn and its system of moons could become the center of the new fusion economy!
Published 12/30/23
Space agencies have been contemplating a sample-return mission to Mars for decades. In the coming years, two of them - NASA and the China National Space Agency - will do just that!
Published 12/13/23
In the 1960s, scientists noticed that there is more mass in the Universe than what we can see. In the 1990s, they noticed the Universe was expanding faster and faster over time.
Published 12/02/23
Perhaps the reason we haven't heard from any extraterrestrial civilizations is because of the "Aurora Effect," named in honor of the 2015 novel Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson
Published 11/18/23
Since the 1970s, scientists have speculated that Jupiter's largest moons could harbor life. And with the right technology and know-how, humans could settle these icy satellites someday.
Published 11/11/23
Ruvimbo Samanga, a space policy analyst and advocate who has worked for many international organizations, is dedicated to promoting access to space for people and nations worldwide.
Published 10/28/23
Could Earth have been visited by an advanced species of aliens in the past, and could this "paleocontact" have played a role in the cultural (or biological) evolution of our species?
Published 10/21/23
Could humanity be the first intelligent civilization to emerge in our galaxy? Could that be why, when we look up at the night sky, we are confronted with a "Great Silence"?
Published 10/14/23
Dr. Rebecca Charbonneau is a science and SETI historian and a Karl Jansky Fellow at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
Published 09/23/23
In 1961, in preparation for the first SETI conference, famed astronomer Dr. Frank Drake formulated an equation for calculating the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way.
Published 09/17/23
Why go fast when you can go big? That's the basic idea of Generation Ships (Worldships, Interstellar Arks, Arkships, etc.), spacecraft large enough to support multiple generations.
Published 09/07/23
In Part II of this segment, we examine the years when Einstein fled Nazi Germany, played a vital role in the launch of the Manhattan Project, and attempted to resolve more cosmic mysteries.
Published 08/26/23
In the history of science, few figures have had the impact, influence, and enduring legacy of Albert Einstein.
Published 08/19/23