Student Bodies (1981) is a horror-comedy that parodies the popular slasher films of the late '70s and early '80s. It follows a high school plagued by a mysterious killer known as "The Breather," who targets students in a series of absurdly over-the-top murders. The film pokes fun at horror tropes, including jump scares, suspicious characters, and the cliched behaviors of horror victims, making it a playful satire for fans of both horror and comedy. To hear our reviews before watching the...
Published 11/05/24
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2011) is a horror-comedy that flips the usual "backwoods killer" trope on its head. It follows two well-meaning but misunderstood hillbillies, Tucker and Dale, who just want to fix up their cabin in the woods. But when a group of college students mistakenly assume they're dangerous killers, a series of absurd and darkly funny misunderstandings ensues. The film blends humor and horror, using clever twists and character mix-ups to keep the laughs and thrills...
Published 10/28/24
Color Out of Space (2019) follows a family's descent into horror after a meteorite crashes on their rural farm, unleashing a strange and vibrant alien force. As the mysterious "color" begins to seep into their land, it warps the environment, disrupts their minds, and reveals eerie, otherworldly dangers. Based on a story by H.P. Lovecraft, this sci-fi horror explores how fragile reality can be when confronted with the unknown. To hear our ratings and reviews before watching the movie, jump to...
Published 10/28/24
"Dave Made a Maze" (2017) is a quirky adventure where Dave, an artist with a serious case of boredom, builds a cardboard maze in his living room that turns out to be way bigger—and deadlier—on the inside. When he gets lost inside, his girlfriend Annie and their friends enter to rescue him, only to find themselves in a bizarre labyrinth filled with booby traps, paper monsters, and all sorts of creative chaos. It’s like a DIY nightmare, proving that sometimes, your imagination is out to get...
Published 09/02/24
"Silver Bullet" is a 1985 horror film based on Stephen King's novella "Cycle of the Werewolf." The story is set in a small town terrorized by a werewolf. The main characters are a paraplegic boy named Marty, his sister Jane, and their alcoholic Uncle Red. Together, they try to uncover the werewolf's identity and stop the creature's killing spree. The film blends suspense, horror, and a bit of family drama, showcasing the town's struggle and the bravery of the young protagonist. To hear our...
Published 08/03/24
The 2019 "Into the Dark" episode "Culture Shock" is a horror-thriller that follows a young Mexican woman named Marisol as she crosses the border into the United States, hoping for a better life. However, she finds herself in a nightmarish, dystopian community that hides dark secrets. The episode blends social commentary with suspense, offering a chilling and thought-provoking look at the immigrant experience. Jump to 00:53:44 to hear what we think about this movie!
Published 07/29/24
"Uncle Sam" (1996) is a horror-comedy film about a vengeful soldier who rises from the dead on the Fourth of July. Dressed as Uncle Sam, he embarks on a patriotic killing spree, targeting those he deems un-American. The film combines dark humor with slasher thrills, turning a symbol of national pride into a terrifying and relentless force. To skip to our reviews before seeing the movie jump to 00:44:33
Published 07/15/24
"Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" (2012) is a historical horror film where President Abraham Lincoln must face a different kind of national threat: a zombie outbreak. Armed with his trusty axe, Lincoln leads a team of Secret Service agents to eradicate the undead menace and protect the future of the United States. It's a wild, campy adventure blending history with zombie apocalypse action. To hear our historically accurate ratings, before viewing the movie, jump to 00:34:34
Published 07/15/24
"Frailty" is a psychological horror thriller directed by and starring Bill Paxton. The film follows the story of a widowed father (Paxton) who believes he has been chosen by God to destroy demons disguised as humans. He involves his two young sons in his mission, claiming to receive divine visions identifying the supposed evildoers. As the boys grapple with their father's disturbing actions, one grows to accept the mission while the other becomes increasingly horrified. The story unfolds...
Published 06/24/24
"Trip," directed by Neil McCay and released in 2022, is a supernatural horror film exploring grief and loss. It centers on Ally, a mother shattered by her daughter's suicide. She meets an unconventional therapist who offers her a hallucinogenic drug to communicate with the dead. Seeking closure, Ally takes the drug and encounters terrifying supernatural events. The film explores the psychological impact of grief, blending slow-burn horror with emotional depth​.
Published 06/10/24
The Stepfather (1987) is a psychological thriller and horror film directed by Joseph Ruben. The story follows Jerry Blake, a seemingly charming and ideal family man who, in reality, is a disturbed serial killer. After murdering his previous family, he assumes a new identity and marries a widow with a teenage daughter. As his stepdaughter becomes increasingly suspicious of his behavior, she uncovers the dark and violent secrets he hides behind his façade of normalcy. The film delves into...
Published 06/03/24
"Evil Dead Rise" (2023), directed by Lee Cronin, is a supernatural horror film and the latest installment in the "Evil Dead" franchise. The story shifts from the traditional cabin-in-the-woods setting to a high-rise apartment building in a city. It follows two estranged sisters whose reunion is disrupted when they discover a mysterious book, the Necronomicon, that unleashes demonic forces. As these malevolent entities possess the building's residents, the sisters must confront a nightmarish...
Published 05/31/24
"The Dark and the Wicked" (2020), directed by Bryan Bertino, is a psychological horror film that centers on a brother and sister who return to their family farm to support their dying father. As they reunite with their mother, they begin to experience increasingly disturbing and supernatural occurrences. The film delves into themes of grief, fear, and the malevolent presence that seems to haunt their home, creating a tense and unsettling atmosphere. The siblings must confront the dark and...
Published 05/29/24
"Mother of Tears" (2007), directed by Dario Argento, is the final installment in his "Three Mothers" trilogy. The film follows Sarah Mandy, an American art student in Rome, who unwittingly unleashes the ancient and powerful witch Mater Lachrymarum. As chaos and violence spread throughout the city, Sarah must confront dark supernatural forces and uncover her hidden powers to stop the witch from bringing about the apocalypse. Known for its intense gore, supernatural horror, and occult themes,...
Published 05/27/24
"Hereditary" is a chilling and psychologically intense horror film that delves into the disturbing unraveling of a family's dark secrets. Following the death of her secretive and enigmatic grandmother, Annie Graham, played by Toni Collette, grapples with grief alongside her husband and two children. However, as eerie occurrences escalate and sinister truths begin to surface, the family finds themselves haunted by a malevolent force that seems to have sinister ties to their lineage. With...
Published 05/12/24
In the electrifying classic "Frankenstein" (1931), a mad scientist with a flair for the dramatic stitches together a patchwork man from stolen body parts and lightning. As bolts crackle and lab equipment hums, Dr. Frankenstein's monstrous creation is brought to life with a jolt, only to unleash chaos upon the unsuspecting villagers below. With iconic imagery, spine-tingling suspense, and a creature that's both tragic and terrifying, this timeless tale reminds us that sometimes, playing God...
Published 04/28/24
In "The Lazarus Effect" (2015), a group of scientists plays with the ultimate game of life and death, creating a serum that can revive the deceased. But as they dance on the thin line between scientific breakthrough and supernatural meddling, they accidentally unleash a chilling force that turns their laboratory into a haunted house of horrors. With heart-pounding suspense and eerie twists at every corner, they must outwit death itself before it claims them all. Our reviews rise @...
Published 04/28/24
In the shadows of a city consumed by darkness and corruption, a lone figure emerges from the depths of vengeance. "The Crow," a 1994 cult classic directed by Alex Proyas, is a haunting tale of love, loss, and redemption. As Eric Draven, portrayed by the enigmatic Brandon Lee, rises from the grave on the eve of his murder, he is imbued with supernatural powers to seek retribution against those who wronged him and his beloved. Set against the eerie backdrop of a dystopian urban landscape, this...
Published 04/13/24
"Resurrection," featuring Christopher Lambert, is a 1999 thriller that revolves around a detective who becomes entangled in a perplexing investigation involving a series of unexplained deaths. As he delves deeper into the case, he confronts enigmatic circumstances that challenge his perceptions of reality. The film navigates themes of mystery, suspense, and existential inquiry as the detective unravels the truth behind the puzzling occurrences. Our reviews arise at 00:48:44, jump there to...
Published 04/06/24
**Warning - This movie contains flashing lights that may affect people sensitive to light or be distracting** In the 1982 film "Halloween III: Season of the Witch," the Halloween season takes a chilling turn when a sinister plot is unveiled involving masks, mysterious occurrences, and a small town's descent into terror. As Halloween approaches, a doctor discovers a horrifying conspiracy tied to a toy company's popular masks, leading him on a desperate race against time to stop a nefarious...
Published 03/30/24
"Shrooms" - the cinematic rollercoaster that dares to ask, "What's scarier than a forest at night? Tripping in that forest on magic mushrooms!" In this hilarious yet spine-tingling flick, a group of adventurous friends embark on a psychedelic journey through the Irish countryside, armed with nothing but their wits and some questionable fungi. But when their hallucinations turn from groovy to gruesome, they realize they might be in over their heads. Just remember, kids, always check the...
Published 03/22/24
Leprechaun, a cinematic masterpiece of questionable choices, combines horror with hilarity in a way that only a malevolent Irish imp can. Imagine a tiny green menace wreaking havoc, not with terror, but with a mischievous charm that leaves audiences simultaneously laughing and cringing. With scenes more absurd than a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, this film is a rollercoaster of absurdity, reminding us all that sometimes the best way to face our fears is with a good belly laugh...and...
Published 03/15/24
"Grabbers: When an Irish island is besieged by tentacled aliens, the locals realize the best way to survive isn't with guns or bombs, but with pints and ploys to stay drunk. Cheers to a hilarious battle against extraterrestrial sobriety!" To hear our reviews of this movie, before you partake. Skip to 35:34 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/storiestodismember/message
Published 03/08/24
In the 2006 "Wicker Man" film, imagine a world where Nicolas Cage's facial expressions have more twists and turns than the convoluted plot itself. Picture Cage, clad in a bear costume and perpetually confused expression, stumbling through a remote island community where the locals seem to have a PhD in creepy rituals and questionable folk songs. As he investigates a missing girl, Cage's character finds himself tangled in a web of increasingly bizarre situations, culminating in a finale so...
Published 02/29/24