Season Four, Episode Eight: I am a Merrie Man. All the details are at strangetextures.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 08/06/24
Published 08/06/24
Season Four, Episode Seven: Under a Waterfall. All the details are at strangetextures.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 07/30/24
Season Four, Episode Six: This is My Garden. All the details are at strangetextures.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 07/23/24
Season Four, Episode Five. All the details are at strangetextures.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 07/16/24
Season Four, Episode Four: I Am a Bench. All the details are at strangetextures.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 07/09/24
Season Four, Episode Three: Mystery Books. All the details are at strangetextures.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 07/02/24
Season Four, Episode Two: Where's the Rest of My Garden? All teh details are at strangetextures.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 06/25/24
Season Four, Episode One: This Train Is. All the details are at strangetextures.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 06/18/24
Season Four is nearly here: this is not so much a trailer as a warning. Or more likely, an explanation. This year hasn't gone as expected, this isn't the Season Four I'd planned to do. But not long ago I got an idea to try a season that was improvised, but more edited together as a real 'show' was. I also couldn't travel to record, which was the plan originally, but I could do some field recording and I had ideas for spoken word elements that would add to that 'programme' feel whilst...
Published 06/13/24
A poignant reflection on the ephemeral nature of existence. Like a delicate brushstroke on a canvas, life's moments blend and dissolve, creating a serene and melancholic beauty. Against the backdrop of a tranquil blue horizon, emotions mingle and melt, intertwining joy and sorrow. It is within these ethereal landscapes that we navigate the complexities of love, loss, and self-discovery, our spirits shimmering like reflections upon the soft waves of the soul's journey. Hosted on Acast. See...
Published 12/19/23
Ethereal ripples that traverse the vastness of the universe. The celestial symphonies that carry whispers of distant stars, cosmic echoes of energy and matter. Space waves dance through the cosmic fabric, shaping the landscape of galaxies and influencing the destiny of celestial bodies. They hold the secrets of the cosmos, vibrating with the pulse of the universe itself. Some believe that they carry messages from civilizations beyond our own, while others see them as the celestial heartbeat,...
Published 12/12/23
A forgotten key, a broken teacup, a fleeting glance—each becomes a portal to the marvellous. In the tapestry of existence, these seemingly insignificant fragments reveal profound secrets, challenging conventional notions of meaning and inviting us to explore the boundless depths of the imagination. A poetic gaze unveils the hidden treasures in the mundane, reminding us that within the smallest moments lie vast worlds waiting to be discovered. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more...
Published 12/05/23
Dive into the profound abyss where whimsy and wisdom entangle. As chaos dances and glitches twinkle, embrace the enigmatic journey. Surrender to the currents of the surreal, where realities blur and illusions shimmer. In this mystical realm, discover hidden truths and paradoxical revelations. Allow the whimsical tango of uncertainty to guide your steps. For within the dance of chaos and glitches lies the seed of transcendence, inviting you to glimpse the universe's enigmatic depths. Hosted...
Published 11/28/23
A humble nun who, in her quiet devotion, stumbled upon a flask imbued with divine momentum. Word of this miraculous vessel spread, drawing seekers from far and wide. Some, driven by greed, sought to possess it for personal gain. Others, with pure hearts, yearned to harness its power for the greater good. The nun, wise in her simplicity, cautioned against the folly of possession, teaching that true momentum lies not in the object itself, but in the faith and righteousness that guide its use....
Published 11/21/23
A clandestine brotherhood guards the mystical artifact, an emerald of unearthly power. A web of treachery and seduction ensnares unsuspecting souls. Dark forces conspire to possess otherworldly energy, capable of granting unimaginable dominion. Amidst the tangled web of ambition and desire, a lone hero emerges, thrust into a perilous quest to protect the world from impending doom. A tale of peril and intrigue, where the clash between light and darkness hangs in delicate balance. Hosted on...
Published 11/14/23
Reality shatters into kaleidoscopic fragments, revealing the hidden corridors of perception. A cosmic prankster's delight, the mind tumbles through a carnival of paradox and uncertainty. Absurdity becomes the norm, as laughter echoes through the multiverse. Boundaries dissolve, unveiling the interplay of synchronicity and chaos. In this swirling maelstrom of possibilities, we dance upon the precipice of truth, where the absurd and profound converge. Embrace the popping spirals, dear voyagers,...
Published 11/07/23
Deep within the hidden chambers of power, intelligence agencies scramble to decipher the enigmatic code. A rogue agent, haunted by a troubled past, embarks on a perilous quest to uncover the truth concealed within the cryptic phrase. Amidst the web of deceit, treachery, and political intrigue, alliances are tested, loyalties shattered, and the fate of nations hangs in the balance. A vivid portrait of a world where every move could be the difference between salvation and catastrophe. Hosted...
Published 10/31/23
A mystical artifact infused with cosmic wisdom. Originating from an ancient and advanced civilization, this otherworldly instrument channels the rhythmic beats of the cosmos, merging past, present, and future. With its resonant melodies, it summons ancestral spirits and propels seekers on a transcendent journey of self-discovery. As the music box unlocks the secrets of the universe, it becomes a conduit for liberation, a testament to the power of rhythm, and a catalyst for the vision of a...
Published 10/24/23
Amidst the elegant ballrooms and opulent estates, the celestial allure of the moon intertwined with the intricate dance of courtship. Casting its enchanting glow upon the hearts and fortunes of gentlewomen and gallant gentlemen. Secrets were whispered beneath its luminous gaze, passions ignited, and fates entwined. From the splendour of moonlit walks to clandestine meetings, its influence wove a tapestry of love, longing, and unforeseen consequences in our delicate lives. Hosted on Acast....
Published 10/17/23
Eerie heralds of oppression. Their resplendent plumage conceals a sinister secret, their squawks echoing with encoded messages of resistance. Amidst the decaying metropolis, these avian sentinels survey with piercing eyes, perched upon rusted balconies and cracked power lines. As the ruling regime tightens its grip, the pool parrots become beacons of hope, their defiance an audacious challenge to the machinations of control. The struggle for freedom takes wing in this bleak, avian theatre of...
Published 10/10/23
In the kaleidoscopic vortex of shifting perspectives, the crystal bicycles of ownership emerge as enigmatic catalysts of liberation and bondage. They traverse the sprawling landscapes of consciousness, their iridescent frames reflecting the multifaceted nature of human desires. Riding upon these spectral steeds, we navigate the labyrinthine corridors of power and autonomy. Yet, amidst the shimmering allure, we are confronted with the paradox: Do we possess the bicycles, or do they possess us?...
Published 10/03/23
Feathers imbued with a mysterious darkness, creating a unique tactile sensation. As you run your fingers across these feathers, a softness akin to velvet embraces your touch, while an elusive darkness shrouds them, hinting at hidden depths and secrets. Each feather, with its velvety texture, exudes a sense of luxurious comfort, inviting you to explore its captivating allure. The juxtaposition of darkness and texture evokes a blend of fascination and intrigue. The feathers become symbolic...
Published 09/26/23
Imagine a circus act where tightropes are crafted from sticky strands of peanut butter, stretching across a mysterious abyss. The air is thick with a sense of unease as performers delicately balance on these unusual lines, teetering between light-hearted amusement and the weight of ominous premonitions. The dark forebodings cast an enigmatic shadow, lending an aura of mystery and tension, traversing not only physical tightropes but also navigating the complexities of their own fears and...
Published 09/19/23
Playful ladybugs donning tiny top hats scamper through fields of strawberry-tinted daisies, their polka-dotted wings fluttering with joy. Cherry blossom trees rain delicate petals, painting the ground in a vibrant crimson carpet. Delightful miniature dragons, their scales gleaming ruby, breathe gentle puffs of warmth, igniting sparks of childlike wonder. Raspberry-coloured bubbles drift lazily in the air, carrying whispered secrets and sweet melodies. It is a realm where the smallest of...
Published 09/12/23