The biggest reason most hosts give up after Episode 6? They aren’t seeing an ROI on the time and effort they’re putting into their podcast.But the *real* reason they aren’t seeing an ROI isn’t because their show isn’t good enough or there’s too much competition — but because they don’t know how to stand out against it. Think of it like this: you’d never spend a year or more writing a book, only to tell no one, hit “publish” on Amazon, and hope it becomes a bestseller, would you? Of course not...
Published 05/31/24
Tired of asking for reviews in every episode and hearing nothing but crickets? I mean, it’s obvious from your analytics dashboard that people are listening to your show. People even tell you “omg I love your podcast” or “that episode was exactly what I needed to hear!”But STILL they won’t take 30 seconds and leave a review. #rudeThat’s because there’s two types of reviews (and two types of behavior that drives them), and in this episode I’ll unpack what they are and how to leverage them to yo...
Published 05/29/24
You know when you listen to a podcast episode and you’re like, “This is creepy. It’s like they made this just for me. How did they know I needed this?! Are they in my brain?! Woah. HOW DID THEY KNOW?!"(Well. It’s me, hi. I’m doing it again).Look, no one (and I mean absolutely no one) starts a podcast and says, "I want to put all this effort in and get zero return."You *want* to reach millions with your message.You *want* a bingeworthy show that people rave about with their friends.And it sure...
Published 05/24/24
If you want a podcast that thousands of people listen to, you first have to know how to get people to care about what you have to say.The problem? Most podcast hosts think “valuable content” is the key to growing an engaged podcast audience. So they teach as much as they can in every episode because they believe more information means more value.But it doesn’t work like that. (If it did, then your listeners wouldn’t lose interest and stop listening before finishing the episode).If you want to...
Published 05/22/24
Do you really need a podcast editor? Or can you get by with one of those AI editing tools and call it a day?This is a question I get asked all the time by people who value their time, and there's no shortage of opinions on this topic.But if you're a business owner who podcasts (or if you're wanting to turn your podcast into a business) there are some pros and cons you need to consider.I invited 2x bestselling author and award winning host Shawn Shewchuk to join me inside this episode, b...
Published 05/17/24
The biggest complaint I hear from experts who are using their podcast as a lead-gen tool is this:"No matter how much valuable content I give away for free in every episode, I still can't get listeners to convert to leads!"I get it, because I was once there too. You started your podcast to get more eyeballs on your business and your offers. And it's ridiculously frustrating to spend hours creating every episode only to have listeners tell you they love your show (but never ask how to work with...
Published 05/15/24
Ever wonder whether you should offer subscription-based bonus content on your podcast? Well, you're not alone.Sure, it has the potential to create a new income stream and provide even more value to your most engaged listeners — but it can sometimes be tough to tell if it's something your podcast will *actually* benefit from or if it's just another shiny object.In this episode of Listener Q +A, we're breaking down the pros and cons of subscription-based podcast content so you can decide if it'...
Published 05/10/24
Are you toying with the idea of starting a podcast, but worried people won't want to hear what you have to say? Or maybe you already started your show, but your throat still feels tight every time you hit the record button.If this is you, you're not alone. (Case in point: I *still* struggle with this sometimes.) The reality? That voice of self-doubt will be there at every new level you achieve.So it's not about getting rid of self-doubt... It's about learning how to quiet it so that it doesn'...
Published 05/08/24
Tell me if this sounds familiar...→ You publish at least one new podcast episode every week without fail... but you’re still getting less than 1000 downloads per episode (despite doing literally everything the experts say you need to do to grow your show)→ People tell you they love your podcast but no one has left a review on your show in the last 30 days→ You check your analytics dashboard every week but haven't seen a significant increase in downloads or listens in the last three months→ Ev...
Published 05/03/24
You've likely heard of content repurposing—taking your podcast episodes and converting them into bite-sized clips to share on short-form platforms.In theory, it's supposed to help you expand your reach and drive traffic back to your podcast.But in reality? You're spending hours scouring through endless AI-generated clips, adding flashy effects and captions, and maybe even splurging on expensive apps or video editing services... at the expense of all the other things you need to do in your bus...
Published 05/01/24
Most people think today’s top podcasters are successful because they have a massive audience, a professional audio setup, and this seemingly effortless ability to pump out high-quality content daily.Those things can help, but when you think of successful podcasts like "Serial" or "The Joe Rogan Experience”, it’s not ~just~ the audio quality or even the content itself that draws people in and keeps them coming back for more. (If that were true, then everyone with a $100+ mic who releases ...
Published 04/26/24
If watching other successful hosts and imitating what they do was the secret to a successful podcast, then everyone who's mirrored another successful host would have a Top 100 podcast… and we both know that's not the case.But how exactly *do* you steer clear of the Podcast Comparison Trap when it feels like other podcasts are the only benchmark for measuring your show's success?In this eye-opening episode of Listener Q + A, we’ll unpack why the Podcast Comparison Trap happens, the 5 telltale ...
Published 04/24/24
Want to increase listener engagement and create a loyal audience for your podcast? If you're like, “duh yes!”, then this is the episode for you. I've got top podcaster and author Matt Drinkhan here in the studio to show you three listener engagement strategies you need to incorporate to create a dynamic and engaging podcasting experience that hooks your listeners, keeps your listeners engaged, and makes them eager to come back for more.It’s no secret that podcasting is becoming increasin...
Published 04/19/24
There I was, crying over my analytics dashboard at 10:42 AM. I'd just released my 16th episode and I still hadn’t enrolled a single new client from my podcast. I came *this close* to throwing my mic in the garbage and giving up on this whole podcasting thing (and honestly? I have no clue what stopped me). But now looking back, I’m so glad I stuck with it.  I made three surprising mistakes that caused me to struggle more than I needed to during my first year of podcasting, and I’m breaking...
Published 04/17/24
I hear so many people say that starting a podcast is easy. (Sigh. If only.) Let’s be real  — if starting a successful podcast was based on finding time to record and hitting publish on a new episode once a week, you would've made it happen six months ago. The problem isn’t finding time to start your podcast. The problem is not wanting to waste your time starting something that isn't successful. And look, I know launching a podcast might SEEM like more than you have energy for, which is...
Published 04/12/24
Sending an email blast every time you release a new podcast episode might seem like the right move, but it could actually be stunting your podcast's growth. (And inside this episode, I'll reveal why your podcast isn't growing no matter how many "New Episode!" announcement emails you send.) When you finish listening, you'll know exactly how to share the type of podcast content your email list wants to read — giving *you* higher open rates and increased downloads. #winwin Ready to use your...
Published 04/10/24
With the rise of AI, listeners are becoming more skilled than ever at telling the difference between what’s real and what’s fake.  Which means that if AI is the sum total of all human wisdom and you’re copy/pasting content from the same tools that every other podcast host is using — you run the risk of sounding like everyone else.  And if you want to be seen as a real thought leader, the LAST thing you want is for your listeners to think you aren’t who you say you are. That’s why global tech...
Published 04/05/24
A human wrote this. (hey, it needed to be said). Look, in today's AI-driven world I KNOW it's tempting to use technology to streamline your processes. But to what extent should you be using AI for your podcast? And is AI actually harming your show’s ability to attract new listeners? Put it this way: there'll only ever be one true Picasso. And just like an art expert can spot what's real and what's fake, it's crucial to maintain your podcast's unique identity amid the flood of AI-generated...
Published 04/03/24
You don’t need me to tell you that picking a podcast category feels strangely similar to choosing your next Netflix show to watch — overwhelming and potentially regrettable. And let's be real, Google and YouTube aren't exactly serving up fresh insights when you search for “how to choose a podcast category” either — not to mention, the info that does exist? already out of date. But not to worry, because in this episode I’ll show you three immutable ways to pick the perfect podcast category for...
Published 03/29/24
Okay... what's up with these hosts who love to talk like they're determined to rival Tolstoy with their marathon episodes? (looking at you, Joe Rogan 👀) There's this trend going on right now where 39% of episodes are clocking in over 40 minutes. But that doesn't mean listeners are listening that long. So basing your episode length off some random google search for "how long should my episodes be" or copying other hosts and making your episodes as long as theirs might actually be causing you...
Published 03/27/24
Honestly… getting your show on the charts is not as hard as you think it is. ~she says, after spending the last 4 years figuring out how to do it well~ (so, okay, it's a little hard. But this episode will make it SO MUCH easier.) If you've ever wondered how top podcasters land their shows on the charts week over week, you're going to want to listen to this episode. again. (and again). But instead of giving you vague, general advice like: → "publish episodes every week" → “make sure you have...
Published 03/22/24
When people ask me, "How can I get more listeners to engage with my show?!?" My answer is always simple: know what makes your listeners ~want~ to engage in the first place. That's why I invited Adam Adams, one of the few experts I trust in the podcasting space, to join me in this episode to discuss the biggest reasons your listeners don't take action and show you the most effective ways to keep your audience hooked, both on and off the podcast platforms. If you're ready to stop feeling like...
Published 03/20/24
You already know that podcasting is KEY when it comes to growing your authority and thought leadership. But if every time you check your podcast analytics and want to chuck your mic garbage because only four people listened to your episode, you’re not alone. The thing is, when it comes to publishing high-quality podcast content, you’ve got it DOWN. You’re already giving your best stuff away for free. You publish an episode every week like the experts tell you. And people tell you all the time...
Published 03/13/24
You get a new review every month or two. People tell you they love listening to your show. But… you’re still getting nowhere NEAR the number of leads you thought you’d be getting by now from your podcast. (And for the ridiculous amount of time and energy podcasting takes, you want to be reaching thousands of people — not talking to yourself in an empty room!) ^^ If you don’t have a podcast yet? This is basically your worst nightmare.  The podcasting industry has changed a lot in the 4+ years...
Published 03/12/24