Student Pilot Journal Podcast #24
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SPJ Audio and Video Capturing: This podcast will answer 2 of the most frequently asked questions and that is how I capture audio and video for the podcast.  This video will also feature 2 products from a company called Foreflight- Foreflight Checklist and Foreflight Mobile.  Below is a direct link to the audio cable and camera mount that I will feature as well as links to Foreflight. Audio Cable: Camera Mount (Updated 2017): Mount is discontinued. There are several on the market and too many to list here as a recommendation.  Foreflight: Download the Podcast -Greg
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Multi-cam Madness!!! My friend Jamie and I strapped a bunch of GoPros to the 172 and flew a short trip....during the heat of the day (probably why some shut off).  It was a hot but fun experiment and yielded some overall great results.  Shoot me an email and let me know what you...
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Flying with club member Dave Merchberger Hello everyone! I am glad to get a flying episode out...finally.  My new camera performed exceptionally! Dave and I made a quick fueling trip from MLB to X59. Nothing too exciting but's flying so it's always exciting.  Don't forget my show sponsor...
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