In the Bible, there are times when Yeshua is referred to as Son; there are times when Yeshua is looked at as Elohim. In this passage of John Chapter 5,  Yeshua mentions Father ten times.  Yeshua makes it clear that the work He is doing is not independent of His and our Father YeHoVaH.    There are people today who see the work of Yeshua/Jesus as independent of the work of Father.  In fact, there are those who declare, that as a New Testament believer, they only have to keep the Commandments...
Published 06/07/23
The Name of God is a very controversial subject for many in the Messianic, Messianic Jewish, and Hebrew Roots communities. While some insist we don't know the Name or His Name should not be used, others insist on not only saying the Name of God, but also demand His Name should be pronounced a certain way. The pronunciation and use of God's Name is so contentious and divisive, it has caused much hate and disharmony among those who are supposed to be recognized for their "love for one another"....
Published 06/05/23
YeHoVaH’s Laws are given by YeHoVaH; His Laws are in the Bible.   Pharisee laws are contained in their writings, such as the Talmud.  There are also the laws of the Sadducees, that are contained in their writings.  When Yeshua said, “Beware of the leaven …”, He was speaking of the leaven of the teachings.  Yeshua also said, “Beware of the leaven of Herod.”  In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and throughout the Book of Acts, there were four different Herods.  Herod represented...
Published 05/31/23
As the adopted son of the Egyptian Pharaoh's daughter, Moses was nursed and raised by his Hebrew mother. After Moses was weaned, he was delivered to Pharaoh's daughter's house. Moses grew up knowing he was Hebrew, even though he had an Egyptian name, and was raised in an Egyptian household by an Egyptian woman. Moses' Hebrew brothers and sisters were slaves to the Egyptians and were under harsh bondage as foretold by YeHoVaH to Abraham, the patriarch. When Moses was grown, his Hebrew identity...
Published 05/29/23
Even though John reveals to us that the people were looking for Messiah, for Elijah, and for the Prophet; Yeshua testified that a prophet had no honor in his own country.  Mark Twain aptly said, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” This means when you have a lot of knowledge about a person, you tend to lose respect for that person especially when they move beyond your assigned role for them.  This could manifest when others expected something of you that you didn't want to live up to; they made...
Published 05/24/23
This week we will look at the chronology of Moses' birth in proximity to the Children of Israel's stay in Egypt. When we align Moses' birth with the prophecy given to Abraham, there are some interesting challenges to determining how long the Children of Israel were in Egypt when Moses was born. Additionally, we are presented with more questions than answers when we take into account what Scripture reveals concerning the parents of Moses.   Join us Thursday for Searching the Scriptures as we...
Published 05/22/23
The first revival recorded in the Bible happened in the land of Samaria. After receiving revelations from Yeshua, the woman went into the city and gave her testimony. She told the people to come see a man who told me about myself.    The people came to see Yeshua and besought Him that He would tarry with them. He had a two day Revival!  The people said we believe, not because of the woman’s saying, but we have heard Him ourselves and know that this is indeed the Messiah, the Savior of the...
Published 05/17/23
The writing of Moses known as Exodus, the second book of the Torah, a.k.a. the Law, a.k.a. the Commandments of God, opens by chronicling the Children of Israel who came into Egypt during the famine. Israel, the deceased father of the Children of Israel, has been carried back into the land of Canaan to be buried in the cave of Machpelah.   Before their sojourn in Egypt, YeHoVaH had sworn prophetically to Abraham to come to the aid of the Children of Israel and deliver them. Therefore, before...
Published 05/15/23
Today we are going to talk about True Worshippers. When Yeshua tells the Samaritan woman her life history, which she hasn’t shared with Him, she perceives that Yeshua is a Prophet and the conversation transitions from a natural to a religious conversation.  When the woman mentioned that the Samaritans did not worship in Jerusalem, the location of the Temple where the religious Jews worshipped, Yeshua explained that the emphasis was never to be on the place. The emphasis was always to be on...
Published 05/10/23
The writings of Moses, given to him by YeHoVaH, present a continual journey from creation, to the deliverance of the Children of Israel out of Egypt, and the giving of the Torah, a.k.a. the Law, a.k.a. the Commandments of God.   This week for Searching the Scriptures, we make the transition from the book of Moses known as Genesis into Exodus also known as Sh'mot in Hebrew. Join us on this continuous journey as we discover interesting facts and answer probing questions about Exodus in the...
Published 05/09/23
The Teaching today is about Jacob's Well and the Samaritans, with the subtopic, A Visitation with Yeshua.  During the time of Yeshua, there were three regional groups: Galilee, Samaria, and Judea; the people were identified by their region.     Samaria was located in the center of Israel and was the land given to Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph.  Joseph was the son of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel. The Samaritan woman identifies herself as a descendant of Jacob.     We will...
Published 05/03/23
Joseph’s character had been tested and proven by YeHoVaH through the many trials Joseph had gone through in preparation for making him a great man in the world. After the death and burial of Israel, his father, the brothers of Joseph became concerned that Joseph would remember their hatred, jealousy, and evil committed against him and pay them back for their wrongs.  Join Arthur as Joseph reassures his brothers and promises them he would take care of them and their children. Joseph...
Published 05/01/23
Mankind's existence in the midst of religious institutions has caused people to inadvertently question whether or not Messiah is actually coming back.  Some who say that they are Believers are certainly not living as if He is coming back today. The Bible tells us that we are to watch and pray.  We are to always be mindful of the coming return of Messiah.    This teaching takes an in-depth look into various aspects of Everlasting Life.    Is Everlasting Life and Eternal Life the same? How do I...
Published 04/26/23
After receiving the good news that his son Joseph is alive, Israel moves his family to Egypt.  Near the end of his life, Israel adopts and blesses Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh.  Israel prophesies their future to them, then prophesies the future of his other 12 sons who are identified as the 12 tribes of Israel.   Israel had spent the last 17 years of his life in Egypt. After prophesying to his sons, Israel’s last living request was that he be buried in the land of his forefathers....
Published 04/24/23
Chapter 3 Part 3 resumes the conversation between Yeshua and Nicodemus, the Pharisee and teacher of the Children of Israel.  Yeshua shares with Nicodemus indisputable knowledge that had already been written through the Prophets about being born again.  When we are born again, it is solely the work of the Almighty, but it is the work of the Word.  How you conduct yourself is going to demonstrate whether or not the Word is actually what you’ve been born into.  We should be coming into the light...
Published 04/19/23
This week we continue in Genesis 49 where Israel has called his sons together and is speaking to them about their future and their posterity.  Last week, we heard the pronouncements over Rueben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah.     Join Arthur as Israel continues to speak prophetically to his sons and reveals the future of their posterity beyond their stay, captivity, and deliverance from bondage in Egypt.   
Published 04/17/23
In this portion of Chapter 3, we continue with the conversation between Nicodemus and Yeshua.  Nicodemus says that no man can do the works and miracles that Yeshua did if YeHoVaH wasn't with Him.  Yeshua explains that you must be born again.  Nicodemus wants to know how can a man be born when he is old? Yeshua responds by saying, “You are a teacher, and you don't know these things?”    In order to Be Born Again, we must focus on who Yeshua Messiah is.  He is the Word, the truth, the way, and...
Published 04/12/23
In this portion of Torah, Genesis 49 opens with Israel calling his sons together to tell them what is going to happen in the future concerning them and their posterity. In the previous Chapter, he speaks to Joseph, adopts Joseph’s two sons, and speaks over their lives.  Those words that Israel spoke to Ephraim and Manasseh are still being used today.   Join Arthur in this portion of Torah, as Israel speaks prophetically to his sons and reveals their future in the message Israel Barak His Sons.
Published 04/10/23
Apostle John is the only one of the Disciples that mentions Nicodemus.  Apostle John is the only one of the Disciples that deals with the subject of being born again that Yeshua discussed with Nicodemus.  Being born again means to be born of Elohim or born from above.  Being born again is a supernatural occurrence that takes place.  There is an internal change that causes an external manifestation.  How do we know when a person is truly born again?  First and foremost, they receive Yeshua as...
Published 04/05/23
Israel approaches the end of his days, his sight fades, and he becomes ill.  Joseph gathers his sons and visits his father. It is during this bedside visit, thousands of years ago, that Israel establishes one of the most profound prophetic enactments that is still being carried out in the lives of Israelites to this day. Join Arthur as Israel recounts the blessings spoken to him by YeHoVaH and begins to pronounce blessings over the Children of Israel.
Published 04/04/23
This passage in John Chapter 2 picks up when the Passover is at hand and many are headed to Jerusalem to celebrate. At this particular time in history, Jerusalem was the place where YeHoVaH’s people gathered for the Feasts. Jerusalem was in the land of Judea.  During the time in Jerusalem, many believed in His name, when they saw the miracles Yeshua did.      There were miracles, signs, and wonders that followed the Disciples’ and Apostles’ Ministries.  As we went through the Acts of the...
Published 03/29/23
Join Arthur as he illustrates how Joseph, the Lord of Egypt, was a shrewd but wise businessman. Even though Joseph gathered all the money found in Egypt and Canaan, all the of the Egyptian’s livestock, land and reduced them to servitude, the Egyptian‘s acknowledged Joseph not only as the Lord of the land but as their Savior. Follow Arthur on this intriguing journey of how a dream given to a boy, created one of the greatest businessmen the world has never known. 
Published 03/27/23
At the time of John Chapter 2, Yeshua had five Disciples following Him that attended the wedding in Cana where Yeshua turned the water into wine.  Through this event, we can see clearly how Yeshua taught in two ways.  He taught by what He said, and by what He did.  John writes that this first miracle manifested Yeshua’s glory and His Disciples believed on Him.    There were disciples following Yeshua and when they saw the miracle, they believed on Him.  Did they not believe on Him before? ...
Published 03/22/23
After two years of famine, with five more years to go, Joseph convinces his brothers to bring Israel and all his family to Egypt.  Upon their arrival in Egypt, Joseph prepares his father, Israel, and several of his brothers to meet with Pharaoh.  Joseph meticulously instructs them how to answer Pharaoh’s questions. Their responses to Pharaoh are a part of Joseph’s devised plan to get all of the members of Israel’s family settled in the land of Goshen.  In Goshen is where the prophecy given to...
Published 03/20/23
In the context of this passage, when John the Baptist says, “Behold the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world”; John is speaking of Messiah as our atoning sacrifice.  Passover was not a sacrifice for sin; the sacrifice for sin was Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.  As our High Priest, after His crucifixion, Yeshua presented His own blood in the Tabernacle, not made with hands, and thereby atoned for the sins of the world.    Unlike the earthly Levitical High Priest, who atoned for the...
Published 03/15/23