Published 05/03/24
We’ve all seen people who say they follow Jesus. But when you look closely, their lives seem to be a reflection of their own gain, NOT God’s. So, Thursday on Summit Life, we’re rediscovering what it means to be focused on Jesus’s plan rather than our own. We’ll see you  Thursday for  Summit Life with J.D. Greear!
Published 05/02/24
Most people say they want peace and unity, but few people will do the work to obtain it.  Because it usually requires crossing cultural barriers to bridge the divide. Pastor J.D. continues our series titled “SENT,” sharing the story of one man who took that risk. J.D. is teaching from Acts, chapter 8.
Published 05/01/24
Many people are being called on right now to glorify God in their hour of trial or in a situation where it is costly to obey him. In this message, Pastor J.D. Greear helps you understand why the way you view Jesus affects the degree to which you will be able to endure suffering well and how others will be blessed because of your faithfulness to God in the midst of your pain. 
Published 04/30/24
One of the out workings of the gospel is that it will inevitably reorder your value system. This is exactly what we find in the book of Acts, in the life of an ordinary man name Stephen—he realized the value of the gospel and was willing to risk everything to preach it. It’s because of common people like Stephen—even more than the apostles—that the early church grew.
Published 04/29/24
As human beings, our natural tendency is to focus on ourselves, as we try to cover up our flaws. But outward appearances can be deceiving, resulting in some serious consequences. We’re continuing our series in the book of Acts, titled SENT. Pastor J.D. explains how God’s forgiveness is the only real covering!
Published 04/26/24
What characterizes a gospel-centered life? Praying? Going to church? Being kind to your neighbor? Pastor J.D. provides the answer as he continues our series titled, SENT. We’ve been discussing the birth and the multiplication of the early church, and our role in fulfilling the Great Commission today. We’re picking up in the book of Acts, Chapter 4.
Published 04/25/24
What does a hero look like? Does they wear a red cape?  Do they shoot across the sky like a bird or a plane? Get ready for a real look at heroism as Pastor J.D. continues our study in the book of Acts. It’s part of our series called SENT.
Published 04/24/24
When bad things happen, many of us focus so much on the problem that we lose sight of the solution. For a life-changing perspective, Pastor J.D. takes us back to the early church for a lesson from the book of Acts. We’re learning to put the focus on our faith, and not on our failures!
Published 04/23/24
Most of us have no problem telling others about our favorite movie or the latest TV show we’ve seen. So why is sharing the gospel so difficult? Pastor J.D. Greear is continuing our series called SENT. We’re learning from Acts, Chapter 4, how to speak boldly about Jesus—even in the most difficult situations. 
Published 04/22/24
Many still struggle with the question, “Is there more than one way to get to heaven?” And today Pastor J.D. points to the core problem with that question as he continues his series titled SENT. Pastor J.D. is teaching from the book of Acts, Chapter 4, in a message titled The Inclusive Exclusivity.
Published 04/19/24
The world today is full of suffering and pain. But is that how it's supposed to be? Wednesday on Summit Life, Pastor J.D. Greear explains that God has a better plan for us—both now and in the world to come. Even today our lives reflect something better, someone better. Learn more Wednesday on Summit Life with J.D. Greear!
Published 04/17/24
Is the Bible really the Word of God?  The apostles and the first-century believers certainly staked their lives on it!  That’s our subject Tuesday on Summit Life as Pastor J.D. Greear continues our study in the book of Acts. Discover the validity of the Bible today when you tune in Tuesday to Summit Life with J.D. Greear!
Published 04/16/24
Crime scene experts often confess that eyewitness testimony is subject to personal interpretation. But Pastor J.D. shows us that the testimony of the first-century disciples all points to the same rock-solid evidence. J.D. is continuing his study in the book of Acts with the series called SENT.
Published 04/15/24
The early church grew faster than any other religious movement in history. In fact, after the Apostle Peter’s first message, three thousand people got saved! What made this movement so powerful? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he continues our study in the book of Acts titled, SENT. It’s a special message that J.D. preached at the Durham Bulls Baseball field during an all-campus gathering of The Summit Church. We’re in Acts, Chapter 2, starting at verse 22.
Published 04/12/24
When we’re picking a movie theater for an evening out, we usually consider a few different factors, such as which one has more comfortable seats or better snacks. It’s all about what we can get out of the experience. And there’s nothing wrong with that when it comes to entertainment! But it can be a real problem when that attitude translates to how we think about church. That’s our subject as Pastor J.D. continues our study in the book of Acts, Chapter 2.
Published 04/11/24
As Pastor J.D. continues our study of Acts called, SENT, we’re looking at the book of Acts and learning what it means to be a follower of Christ. As we dive deeper into our series called, SENT, we’re discovering what it looks like  to be fully committed to God’s mission, and it just might involve some fireworks!
Published 04/10/24
If you’re like most people, you probably think that mission work is for someone else who’s more spiritual or more talented. But we’re gaining a whole new perspective and taking a fresh look at what it means to be on the mission field as Pastor J.D. continues our series called, SENT. 
Published 04/09/24
As he begins a study in the book of Acts called, SENT, Pastor J.D. is unpacking the birth and spread of the early church. But this isn’t just a history study! J.D. is challenging us to reframe how we think about the church today. It’s not just a place; it’s a movement! And we’re called to be an active part of the team. 
Published 04/08/24
Sometimes life feels like an Olympic event with a panel of judges scoring us on everything we do. We constantly feel the need to be better. In fact, that’s how a lot of people imagine God: as an angry judge who’s constantly disappointed. But Pastor J.D. reveals that God actually uses our failures to make us more dependent on him! It’s the conclusion of our series called, Can’t Believe, and Pastor J.D. is teaching from John 21.
Published 04/05/24
If we’re honest, we’ve all had days where we’ve messed up big time. Maybe we fell back into an old sin, or we did something we swore we’d never do. And in that moment, maybe you wondered if God could ever forgive you. Maybe you felt broken, or even felt like “damaged goods.” Well, we’ve got some good news! As he continues our series called, Can’t Believe, Pastor J.D. explains how God can redeem even our greatest failures. 
Published 04/04/24
Many people who reject the resurrection like to think that their issue is an intellectual one. They say the evidence isn’t convincing, or that they just can’t believe in some ancient myth. Well, Pastor J.D. presents an alternative explanation for their unbelief. He argues that unbelief doesn’t actually stem from a lack of evidence. As an example, he points to one of the most famous skeptics of all time: the Apostle Thomas, who earned the unfortunate nickname of Doubting Thomas. 
Published 04/03/24
How can we trust a God that we don’t fully understand? Today, Pastor J.D. tackles that question and more as we continue our series called, Can’t Believe. Discover the barriers that can hold us back from truly giving our lives to God. It’s a message on how we can overcome doubts and fully trust in God, even if we still have questions.
Published 04/02/24
Have you ever come home one day and realized that your yard has gotten completely out of control? Weeds are everywhere, the grass is knee-high, and you’re catching dirty looks from the neighbors. Nobody wants their yard to look that way, but sometimes it’s easier to just ignore it and put off mowing until later. Pastor J.D. explains that a lot of us have a similar attitude towards faith. We might not be actively rejecting God, but we aren’t willing to step out in faith and follow him, either....
Published 04/01/24
As Easter approaches, Pastor J.D. helps us answer two incredibly important questions by pointing us to two statements that Jesus made to people at his crucifixion and after he had risen. These statements, found in the gospel accounts of John and Luke, still have critical implications for us today, particularly when it comes to what we do with our doubts and questions. If we believe that Jesus rose from the dead, we can trust that all of our questions have answers—even if we have to wait to...
Published 03/29/24