A weekly show hosted by longtime friends Jordan, Damon, and Tony, explores the complexities of the Black and Queer experience. Through personal stories, dynamic guests, and curious conversations, this series offers a nuanced understanding of identity, race, and sexuality that goes beyond the surface level, with a touch of humor and a fearless willingness to challenge the norm.
Damon is curious – how do anti-LGBTQ+ laws impact the Black Queer community, and what’s being done to fight back?
In this final episode of our 3-part mini-series, Damon is joined by Dr. David Johns, CEO & Executive Director of the National Black Justice Coalition, Tabytha Gonzalez, Human...
Published 10/16/24
Jordan is curious – how is politics shaping the daily lives of young Queer Americans?
In this episode, we continue our 3-part mini-series with a focus on the youth vote and political engagement. Jordan is joined by Jay Jones, first Trans President of the Howard University Student Association,...
Published 10/09/24