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Mark Bennett, a strength and conditioning coach with extensive experience in rugby and other sports, discusses his training philosophy and approach.
He emphasizes the importance of considering all aspects of training within the same plan, from maximal force output to endurance.
Bennett believes in using strength training as a tool to drive adaptations, such as increased neural drive and cross-sectional area of type 2 fibers.
He advocates for block periodization, focusing on one or two specific adaptations at a time, and using complex training or contrast training to maintain muscle mass while developing explosive strength.
00:00 Introduction and Background
04:09 Strength Training for Sports Performance
09:13 Determining Individual Training Needs
12:46 Balancing Maximum Force and Coordination
18:11 Maintaining Strength and Individualizing Training
22:20 Designing Training Programs for In-Season and Combat Sports
26:54 Training Other Muscle Groups and Prioritizing Adaptations
28:54 Prioritizing Specificity in Rugby Training
34:28 Monitoring Training through Counter Movement Jump
41:52 Working Across the Spectrum of Training
45:56 Balancing Acceleration, Maximal Speed, and Sport-Specific Training
49:20 Designing Conditioning Protocols for Rugby Players
53:30 Progressing Interval Lengths and Intensities
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Online Training Programs:
🥊 Strength Train Like A Professional Boxer:
👊 Underground Boxing Conditioning System:
💪 Dominate The Mats Strength Training For Grappling: