Keys to Healthy Accountability Is it possible to hold people accountable in a way that is healthy for relationships?  Why has accountability received such a bad rap?  Why is it such an unpopular subject? Many people have had bad experiences with unhealthy accountability that feels more like control, judgement, manipulation and even punishment. It is not your job to punish a spouse, friend or employee for not doing what they are supposed to do.  It is not your job to force him or her to stop...
Published 07/10/18
[podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6686179/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/696969/" height="90" width="100%" placement="bottom" theme="custom"] What if what you are doing in business right now is actually the most powerful platform you could possibly have to make this world a better place? Think about that!  In what other world could you find a better...
Published 06/26/18
Money is not important enough to let it control our life! So why not learn how to control our money so we gain more control of our life?  But money is like water.  It's a valuable resource necessary for life that can easily slip through our fingers.  The key is to not let it slip through our fingers without our permission. In this round table discussion, we share some of the things we have done to build money management paradigms and processes into the fabric of our individual and family...
Published 06/12/18
What would it be worth to you and your family if you had a process that you knew could help you leave a harmonious world changing legacy for many generations? Your family legacy includes all that your family holds dear and wants to preserve in future generations. In this episode, you’ll hear the content from a presentation that I have been doing recently at conferences for wealthy families.  I share a strategy and case study illustrations from my own family as I’ve spend the last 16 years...
Published 05/23/18
Relationships are the carrier of all success in life and in business. So why not plan and implement specific systems that will develop the relationships that are important to you?  Why not be as intentional about the practices that develop healthy relationship as we are about the practices that develop healthy bodies or healthy businesses? Why do we focus on relational systems?  Because relationships are the primary mechanism to carry your family and business legacy to multiple generations. ...
Published 05/07/18
Our latest learnings about how to accomplish big dreams and goals by setting a plan of action, and following it. In this family round table discussion, you’ll learn what we’ve discovered about how reaching goals takes a systematic approach to planning & action. QUESTIONS DISCUSSED --Think of some big dream or goal you’ve had that felt so massive that you didn’t know if it was possible, but you ended up finding a way to accomplish it? What was the dream or goal? Why did it seem...
Published 04/23/18
Your personal mission statement is about the contribution you want your life to make in this world.  Values define who you want to be.  Mission declares what you want to accomplish with your life. If you have listened to the last episode on values and taken action on it...you’ve taken some time to think about and hopefully write down your personal values… In that episode I recommended that you take some time to think about how you want to be remembered by the most important people in your...
Published 04/07/18
Clarity on your personal life mission is one of the most powerful things we can do to insure a life of real meaning and significance. Once you have defined your personal values you need to determine how your LIFE MISSION will represent those values. Your personal mission statement defines the impact you want your life to have on this world — the overall purpose for your life. It describes who you want to be and what you want to do in your life. There are a lot of people who go to work...
Published 03/26/18
Identifying and living by your core values has more to do with creating sustainable success in life than what most people realize.   Here’s why: True and lasting success is based on who we are way more than on the goals we set or even the goals we accomplish. Sustainable success in all areas of business and life is based on who we are. Character is the creator of who we are. Therefore character is the creator of all true and sustainable success. The foundation of character is knowing what...
Published 03/12/18
Stories about a backpacking adventure and what it takes to stay course toward accomplishing our dreams despite the inevitable and unknown obstacles and challenges that get in the way. The key in backpacking?  Following a map!  The key in life?  Following a strategic plan. What’s that? Simply put, it’s a map to turn your dreams for your life into reality.  It’s a way to turn your dreams for your business into reality, your dreams for your family into reality, your dreams for your health into...
Published 02/25/18
An inside look at a powerful system for success that our family has been following now for about 15 years.  It has helped us expand our vision and achieve dreams that are bigger than we ever thought we could.   It’s a system for success that I’m pretty sure you won’t hear much about in many other places. But this has been a critical process for us individually and as a family. Like many good things in my life, I learned about this process from a mentor who had focused on success in this...
Published 02/12/18
Create Your Game Plan for Success In this episode we’re talking about developing the game plans to create success in different areas of life.  Most people would just rather play the game…or watch the game.  That’s a lot more fun than creating the game plans.  But winning the game starts with a good game plan and then playing to the plan. Creating the right plans and the right plays…or as we like to call it, systems…are key to accomplishing your dreams and goals. Can you imagine any sports...
Published 02/04/18
How to Turn Your Grandest Visions for Your Life into Realities Why is it that some people just seem to get everything they want in life?  Great relationships, plenty of money, great health and time to enjoy it all?   And why is that other people who seem to work equally as hard or seem to be equally deserving constantly struggle with a life that is always far short of their ideals? This podcast grows out of a deep conviction the grand design for life is that everyone should have an equal...
Published 02/04/18