Whew, this month is a doozy! April roots us fully and firmly into the heart of Aries season on the wings of an Eclipse season and Mercury stationing retrograde.  Our theme for the month of April is Declining the Invitation. We're not saying no to everything, or bypassing what matters. We're being invited into a space of deep reflection and review this month (hello Merc Rx & Eclipse szn), and as such, we cannot afford to put anything extra on our plate -- including unhelpful stories,...
Published 03/31/24
Welcome to a new Monthly Medicine, loves!  March always represents a powerful turning point on the wheel of the year, as it is the gateway into which we exit Pisces season (and all that that previous cycle represented and held for us) and enter a new astrological year on the wings of Aries season. Between that threshold and our first Eclipse of 2024, this March is shaping up to be quite momentous.  Our theme for the month of March is Fullness. We're being invited to explore a few things...
Published 03/01/24
Rewilding the Tarot is my Level One Foundational Soul Tarot theory course, and it’s open for enrollment only until this coming Friday, February 24th! To learn more (or to sign up at a discount!): https://www.tarotforthewildsoul.com/rewilding-the-tarot-early-bird-discount
Published 02/20/24
Today on the podcast we dive into two beautiful questions sent in to us by listeners: how can we trust in, and surrender to deep healing with The Star card when we have trauma around rest, and how can we square receiving Ten of Cups during a period of deep loneliness?  Transcript available on Spotify! LINKS:  The Rewilding the Tarot early bird discount sale is happening from now until 2/20! To learn more or to dive...
Published 02/14/24
Happy Imbolc/Lughnasadh, loves!  Our theme for the month of February is Warming. Things are beginning to warm, quicken, and stir this month. Indeed, much of the 8/Strength energy that we're going to be cycling through in 2024 is starting to come online. The seeds we've been sowing are coming to fruit, and we're opening to some newfound excitement and fresh energy in February. Our work will be to hold ourselves with gentleness and compassion through the expansions and contractions of the...
Published 01/31/24
Today on the podcast, we dive into three different questions, all centered on the same inquiry: how can we make peace with difficult, challenging, or disappointing card pulls around the year ahead? Together, we dive into how to begin to do this, and how this practice can serve to widen our capacity to remain present with difficult things happening outside of our Tarot practice.  Transcript available on Spotify! LINKS:  Sign up for Soul Tarot 101 (with a live Q&A happening on January...
Published 01/15/24
Happy New Year, Wild Souls! We are finally here in 2024 -- a profoundly transformative and powerful year -- and January's energetic invitation is greeting us as warmly and as potently as we could possibly wish for.  Our theme for the month is Beloved. January is a big month with a lot of strong invitations. We are really being asked to clear the deck, to look at things with fresh eyes, and to set down some new intentions. How can we be a beloved to ourselves as we navigate these things? How...
Published 01/02/24
Today on the pod, we have the amazing Jeff Hinshaw with us to chat about all things 2024 and do a little channeled reading for your year ahead. Enjoy! Jeff and Lindsay's Reading, cast from Tarot of the Holy Spectrum and Cosmic Cousins Astro Oracle:  Fire Signs: Queen of Pentacles & Mars Earth Signs: Judgement & Interpersonal Awareness Air Signs: Ace of Wands & 7th House Water Signs: The Hierophant & Cosmic Sea Goat North Star cards for the collective: Ace of Cups &...
Published 12/21/23
Today on the pod, we dive into The Nines of the Tarot, looking at how they can be of tremendous benefit to us in big or pivotal personal moments. The Nines invite us to come home to ourselves and respond to an inner need. Through our willingness to do so -- to be present with that part of ourselves -- we shift and transform, opening roads in our lives to new destinations. In today's episode, we will dive into The Nines, The Hermit, and how to work with these energies in practical, heart-led...
Published 12/11/23
December is a bridge month, helping to usher us from 2023 -- a Chariot year, full of questions, liminality, and unknowns -- to 2024 -- a Strength year, full of illumination, clarity, and empowered, heart center action.  Our theme for the month is Shift. A big shift is happening for us right now, personally and collectively. Our job will be to surrender to it, work with it, and stay connected to our hearts in the midst of it.  Our Soul Tarot Reading for December Card for the month ahead:...
Published 12/06/23
Deepest blessings to you at the crest of a new month, Wild Souls, on this very potent time of the yearly spiral. Happy Samhuinn, Halloween, and Day of the Dead to all those who celebrate and acknowledge them.  The theme for November is Grief, and it is no wonder that it is. Whether witnessing the horrors happening in the world right now, or working through our own deep personal process, grief is at the center of this moment, and deserves our full attention. We are in a time of suspension and...
Published 11/01/23
Today, we are responding to a listener question about how to work with ancestors when we don't necessarily align with or condone their behavior when they were alive. Together, we unpack the different ways we can frame our work with ancestors, and a Tarot anchor that can help!  CW: mentions of parenthood, childhood trauma, abuse, eating/food, relationship to body, racism, inherited generational patterns, genocide, violence, slavery, colonization/settler harm, ancestral & land-based...
Published 10/23/23
Today, we are responding to a listener question about coming to their queerness later in life, and wondering (both specific to that situation and more globally) how we can begin to trust more fully in ourselves and in the world around us, and whether the Tarot can help with that.  CW: mentions of homophobia, internalized transphobia, racism, systemic oppression, childhood trauma and abuse, hypochondria, relationship to body, physical death, chronic pain, chronic illness, capitalistic...
Published 10/16/23
Today, we are wrapping up our exploration of the connections between the Majors and Minors, thanks to one of our amazing listener questions about this topic! Today, we are traveling from The Hierophant to Wheel of Fortune, examining the relationships that each of these cards has with their corresponding Minor Arcana groups.   Read the transcript: https://www.tarotforthewildsoul.com/episodes-transcripts/ep-246-connecting-the-majors-and-the-minors-part-two CW: capitalistic structures,...
Published 10/09/23
Happy Full Moon and big blessings on the new month ahead of us! The theme for October is Clearing out the Cobwebs. This is a big and intense month, full of opportunities to slough off the old, dusty patterns, habits, and impulses that have defined our decision making processes up until this point. October will help us to open the windows of our soul, welcome in the fresh, crisp air, and face what's ready to be acknowledged and witnessed. Doing so will allow us to be free -- to clear away...
Published 09/29/23
Today, we are responding to a listener question about how we can connect and understand the number correspondences between the Majors and Minors (aka, how do we make sense of The Emperor (4 in the Majors) with the Fours in the Minor Arcana). Over the next two weeks, we will dive into each of these 10 connection points in the Tarot, linking them to one another in an accessible, digestible way!  Read the transcript:...
Published 09/18/23
Today, we are responding to a lovely listener question, asking for Lindsay to dive into a Soul Tarot perspective on the three lines of the Major Arcana, which is a brilliant concept by beloved Tarot author, Rachel Pollack. Together, we will sense into the medicine in each of the three lines of the Majors, and why this framework can be so powerful and helpful for our practice with the Tarot.  Read the transcript:...
Published 09/11/23
Today, we are answering a beautiful listener’s question about Anchor Cards that can help them to be more present with raw feelings like shame, bitterness, or anger. In this episode, we look at the Fives (especially Five of Swords), and the Sixes as helpful medicine for these experiences.  Read the transcript: https://www.tarotforthewildsoul.com/episodes-transcripts/ep-242-anchor-cards-for-shame-bitterness-and-anger CW: mentions of overculturally place shame about neurodivergence,...
Published 09/04/23
Happy September to you, loves! Our theme for the month ahead is Wayfaring. Energetically, things are starting to budge and shift, finally making room for some movement. We are changing, softening, and preparing to move from stasis to empowered action. It is a month of transformation, rooted in deep connection to our channel and intuitive knowing. As we travel through September, we will be letting go of what we've outgrown, shedding what no longer serves, and opening to the brilliance of...
Published 08/31/23
We're back with another Mailbag Monday roundup segment on Tarot for the Wild Soul podcast, where I answer some of the lovely Q's that come through the Ask Lindsay mailbag!  Today, we answer three beautiful listener Q's -- the first two about how to make sense of two Tarot cards that seem very similar to one another, and the third question from a new reader about how to get clarity on Two of Swords.  Read the transcript:...
Published 08/21/23
We're back with another Mailbag Monday roundup segment on Tarot for the Wild Soul podcast, where I answer some of the lovely Q's that come through the Ask Lindsay mailbag!  Today, we answer three beautiful listener Q's, one about how to create some gentle boundaries around a very open intuitive channel, how to work with our inner cynic, and why Kings might be repeatedly showing up during a very internal season of life. CW: parenthood, death, and childhood trauma Read the transcript:...
Published 08/14/23
We're back with another Mailbag Monday roundup segment on Tarot for the Wild Soul podcast, where I answer some of the lovely Q's that come through the Ask Lindsay mailbag!  Today, we answer three beautiful listener Q's, one about how we might go about being a "good" Tarot client, one about how to feel into our deepest relationship with the Queens of the Tarot, and one about how to gracefully and transparently navigate a Death cycle in our Business. Read the transcript here:...
Published 08/07/23
Lughnasadh blessings and happy August to you, loves! Our theme for the month ahead is Soften. How can we open to greater, deeper, richer support, community connection, and spiritual bolstering? This month has a lot of complex energetic notes, and is a strong invitation for reflection, review, and transformation, all longing to be experienced through a lens of softness. Our Collective August Soul Tarot Reading:  Card for the month ahead: The Devil Rx The Anchor that can help us to work with...
Published 07/31/23