“I decided to go with the style of TED talks for a few reasons. The first being it's very familiar and easy to use. Second, in most podcasts you don't see the people talking, you usually just listen to them while on TED talks you get to see the people talking and see and feel the emotions and expressions during their talks. There are a few things that I found to be very memorable. Such as when one of the speakers said to raise our kids to give them the tools to solve the problems we want to solve. Meaning the problems we see in our society we raise our kids to fight those problems. The speaker goes on to talk about how parents who don't want to talk about hard things to talk about often make the kid figure out those things on their own which can be very dangerous especially if the kid is using the wrong things to learn from. Another speaker came out and talked about how she used to love dirtbikes but they were illegal to own at her age in her town so she got really big into science and in class she blew her eyebrows off, glued someone to a chair, and even made stink bombs in class. And the teacher just chopped her up for being the “ bad kid” when they were overlooking the talents she had. AT the same time the only thing I didn't like is a lot of the speaker's rambling off and telling stories that have nothing to do with the overall point they're getting at. Overall I would give this podcast a 4 stars out of 5 because it brought up some very good stories that a lot of people can relate to and also talked about things everyone and society can work on to improve.”Read full review »
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